An Important Financial Report You Should Read If You Don't Want to be Like the Typical Ignorant American That May Be Financially Destroyed

An Important Financial Report You Should Read If You Don't Want to be the Typical, Ignorant, American That Just Might Be Financially Destroyed
Acclaimed economist John Williams is getting lots of national press since the first of May 2008. However, how many Americans will really pay attention to his warning? Not many would be a good guess. Most Americans, unlike those that visit this site, are sheeple and will buy the lies of the American Government. The end result will be they will be financially destroyed. Mr. Williams explains how the government is lying about the real rate of inflation, unemployment and financial growth. Those that heed Mr. William's warning, an the growing chorus of agreeable experts, will be far better of than those that stuck their heads in the sand. Ignorance is bliss but this time ignorance may lead to dire poverty and Americans fighting to afford daily essentials. Knowledge is power so take advantage of the truth that is revealed in Mr. Williams' report and the radio program conducted by Brannon Howse with Mr. Williams.
Mr. Williams writes:
The U.S. economy is in an intensifying inflationary recession that eventually will evolve into a hyperinflationary great depression. Hyperinflation could be experienced as early as 2010, if not before, and likely no more than a decade down the road. The U.S. government and Federal Reserve already have committed the system to this course through the easy politics of a bottomless pocketbook, the servicing of big-moneyed special interests, and gross mismanagement.
The U.S. has no way of avoiding a financial Armageddon. Bankrupt sovereign states most commonly use the currency printing press as a solution to not having enough money to cover their obligations. The alternative would be for the U.S. to renege on its existing debt and obligations, a solution for modern sovereign states rarely seen outside of governments overthrown in revolution, and a solution with no happier ending than simply printing the needed money. With the creation of massive amounts of new fiat (not backed by gold) dollars will come the eventual complete collapse of the value of the U.S. dollar and related dollar-denominated paper assets.
Here is a link to the entire report by Mr. Williams. After reading this report, return to this page to post your feedback.
Here is a link to a 55 minute interview that Brannon Howse conducted with Mr. Williams in April of 2008. Listen to this interview and forward to all your friends.


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