Marriage and democracy trampled

New York governor works to mandate recognition of same-sex "marriage"

 Despite the fact that same-sex "marriage" is not legal in the state of New York, Governor David Paterson is working to force this counterfeit relationship on its citizens. On May 14, Governor Paterson, through his legal counsel, sent out a memo to all state agencies. In it, he cites a recent state court ruling in Martinez v. County of Monroe. The memo notes the case "has significant implications for the position of state agencies in regard to same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions where they are legally recognized." A New York Times article detailing the memo said the implications are wide. "The revisions are most likely to involve as many as 1,300 statutes and regulations in New York governing everything from joint filing of income tax returns to transferring fishing licenses between spouses." What the governor's memo fails to mention is that the Martinez case is only one of several similar cases about same-sex "marriage," and does not establish the law in New York. This letter demonstrates the willingness of some public officials to step outside their lawful role and advance a radical agenda. Even though the issue has not made it through the entire New York court system and despite the fact the governor has no authority to make such a decree, the governor ordered every agency in the state... "To conduct a review of your agency's policy statements and regulations, and those statutes whose construction is vested in your agency, to ensure that terms such as 'spouse,' 'husband' and 'wife' are construed in a manner that encompasses legal same-sex marriages."The directive clearly tramples on the traditional definition of marriage and demands that New York recognize an institution that does not legally exist in New York. But it does not stop there. The memo goes on to cite the acceptance of same-sex "marriage" in Canada, South Africa, Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Willingness to look to the laws of other nations and impose those decisions on American citizens demonstrates a complete disregard for our nation's democratic process. This action also brings into focus the potential impact of the recent ruling on marriage in California. If New York and other states recognize same-sex "marriages" performed in California, it may allow same-sex "marriage" to spread to states whose citizens oppose it. But there is action you can take to help protect marriage in New York, California, and your state. ADF attorneys have filed a lawsuit today, asking the court to halt the enforcement of the governor's decree while the issue makes its way through the courts. Your prayers and generous gift enable us to stay in this battle and defend marriage in the courts. By strategically working with our allies in both law and policy, we have defended marriage throughout the country, winning victory after victory preserving marriages. With 35 victories and only 2 losses on this issue, we have a proven track record of success. But your support today is essential if we are to continue to win.

How You Can Make a Difference for Marriage and the Family

  1. Prayerfully consider financially supporting the effort to defend marriage, the family, and religious freedom. You can make your gift online today by clicking here.
  2. Forward this message to other Christians who are concerned about traditional family values and want to protect those values for future generations.
  3. Pray for us as we defend recent attacks on marriage and the family in California, New York, and throughout the country.

The ongoing battle to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman is not over. By God's grace, and with your prayers and support, we can – and we will – win.


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