Perilous Times

Perilous Times<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I am writing today with a heavy heart and a profound sense of woe. The issue I am compelled to discuss will be seen as hate mongering and vindictive by some and alarmist by others. I am writing concerning the prevailing winds of the Homosexual Agenda being forced in our faces, our homes, our schools, and broadly enacted into legislation across our nation.

Where to begin? First of all, I need to state emphatically that I do not hate homosexuals. For those reading this in our community that I know and love and have considered dear friends for many years, I am afraid my speaking out may forever sever the relationship we have enjoyed. Quoting the great American hero Sam Houston "I never quit a friend until I see a disinclination on his part to be friendly with me. I dearly love my friends because they have been everything to me. I part with them as a miser does his treasure with anguish and regret." I have weighed the consequences, at least those I can foresee, and I have counted the cost of speaking out to the best of my ability. I have held my peace and have avoided this issue as long as has been possible, and still the Homosexual Agenda (which may be broad-brushing but I don't know how else to articulate it…) has been pressing on. I have never chosen to denounce anyone for their choice to embrace the homosexual life style. My dear cousin died of AIDS in the first wave of fallout from the dread disease. No one could accuse me of ill will toward him much less finding any sense of satisfaction in his untimely demise. I believe there are many contributing factors that influence a person's "orientation" and yet I conclude that all of us choose what we will embrace and live out in this world, and with our choices come consequences, for good or for evil.

The urgency I feel at this time is because of the very real threat that through Hate Crimes legislation, and the never ending push to expand its definitions to effectively silence all those who resist the special protection that such legislation affords, we as a nation are about to lose our freedom of conscience, our freedom of speech, and our freedom of religion. The laws are already in place that provide a greater degree of fines and punishment if a violent act is committed against a homosexual, even if the act was not in reference to that person's professed sexuality. Do I think crimes against homosexuals should go unpunished? Of course not! But neither should anyone be especially penalized for this newly protected class of victims. In <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Canada last year a pastor was imprisoned for preaching against homosexuality from his pulpit. There are Christian Broadcasters in America that have to censor their regular programming that will be broadcast in Canada so as not be at odds with their laws protecting the homosexual community from being offended. Canada has already surrendered its freedom of speech and its freedom of religion in subjection to this ironfisted agenda that seems to demand nothing less than a consensus validating their preferred choice of sexual expression.

On May 29, 2008, the Governor of Colorado signed into law S.B. 200 which allows a homosexual, transgendered, or otherwise sexually confused individual to have equal access to any and all public restrooms. This includes public school restrooms where now, by force of law, women can access the men's restroom where with the predominance of urinals in these facilities would allow women to openly view men in their most private exercise. Men and boys are now free to relieve themselves in what once was a private woman's domain if they are more comfortable, due to their preferred sexual inclination, to invade the "Ladies" room. This is completely insane and I am at a loss to ascertain to what purpose would anyone demand such access and have it written into law! The one man claiming victory in this is a man by the name of Tim Gill, a super-wealthy homosexual who has made it his mission to use his vast fortune to shove this sexually confused generation's agenda down our collective throats. Included in this law are mandatory fines and imprisonments for any entity that refuses said "equal access".
What's next? Who could have ever imagined this? Sexual Predators are delighted, no doubt.
This article taken from states:
"Mom and Dad" as well as "husband and wife" effectively have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose.
"We are shocked and appalled that the governor has blatantly attacked traditional family values in California," said Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Institute.
"With this decision, Gov. Schwarzenegger has told parents that their values are irrelevant. Many parents will have no choice but to pull their children out of the public schools that have now become sexualized indoctrination centers."
In light of the aforementioned news items I have concluded that I have not chosen this battle, but because there is no end in sight to what those who have signed on to this Agenda have in store, this battle has chosen me, and it is forcing all of us to condone or condemn it in no uncertain terms. And though my homosexual friends may not share in this agenda or want anything more than to live quietly and peaceably like anyone else, their counterparts in this nation are bent on nothing less than total annihilation of anything or anyone that would dare to question their sexual proclivity.
I think it important to critically analyze the argument put forth by those defending homosexuality as innate and therefore deserving of a protected status like some endangered species. For years now the search has been on for a genetic link to homosexuality. And to date, no such link has been found. So if we are to further explore the argument that people with homosexual affinities are born that way, therefore having no control over their personal, irresistible, preference to express themselves sexually with a person of the same sex, then what is to limit that argument and protected status to just homosexuals, bisexual, and transgender (whatever that means?) people? What about the person who argues that they are irresistibly drawn to sexually express themselves with children? How about the person who argues that they are irresistibly drawn to sexually express themselves with animals? How about the person who argues that they are irresistibly drawn to sexually express themselves with the dead? How about the person who argues that they are irresistibly drawn to sexually express themselves with others who violently resist them? How about the person who argues that they are irresistibly drawn to sexually express themselves with multiple wives or husbands? You laugh or are outraged by such extrapolation, but seriously, if you put forth the argument that you are born this way and therefore have no control or accountability why couldn't these other classifications find justification and protection by the very same argument? Through gay-friendly legislatures we now have state sponsored "Sensitivity Training" in many of our schools and many Corporations have enlisted these programs so as not to incite the ire of this legally protected class.
I have no desire to alienate or oppress those who chose to express themselves and their sexuality privately as the vast majority of heterosexuals do. I do not want to encourage bedroom police anymore than I want to be a victim of the thought police. I do believe that homosexuality is a choice but I have no personal desire to argue about it or fight over it. I don't publicize my sexual preferences between my husband and myself, nor do I have any desire to be made aware of anyone else's, seriously! Why do some in the homosexual community, (either a vast majority or a very vocal minority) feel the need to force the world to be aware of their sexual inclinations and compel us to respond? Why do they feel the need for our validation and if we refuse to offer it, feel the heat of their condemnation? I speak for many when I say we don't want to know!
There is a vast body of evidence that those of us who accept marriage as between one man and one woman and sexuality as male or female are soon to be in the crosshairs of those whose determined mission is to "extinct" us and our kind, or at the very least, terrify us into silence through the risk of fines or imprisonment for opposing them in any way, shape, or form. No longer will you have the right to your own thoughts and personal beliefs. No longer will the institution of your church and by extension your conscience enjoy the liberty to disagree with someone's stated sexuality or object to the "normalizing" of numerous perversions. No longer will our schools be institutions of learning, but rather centers of forced indoctrination where our children will learn not to question, not to challenge, and not to disagree with anyone whose total identity is defined by the way they choose to sexually express themselves. No matter that the very bedrock institution of marriage, unchallenged and unchanged from the beginning of time, will by extension, become perfectly meaningless. Because when marriage becomes all things to all people who have the liberty to define it as they will it to be, it loses all purpose and all relevance and woe unto the people who allow it to become so. Generation after generation set loose from their moorings in a chaotic sea of fatally flawed definitions of relationships that morph into whatever suits our proclivity at that time.
The window of opportunity is closing quickly. If you object, not to the person but the practice, if you object, not to equal protection, but special protection, you must become involved, you must speak out, and you must do it now. We did not provoke this battle, but we must now engage it.    
Catherine Crabill * Irvington


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