Political Correctness and Intimidation: The Erosion of our Freedoms!
(Engage in the Fight, for the Sake of Your Children.)

Political Correctness and Intimidation:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The Erosion of our Freedoms!
(Engage in the Fight, for the Sake of Your Children.)
"Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses." (Neh 4:14)
There is an assault on free speech, but you may not have noticed.  Perhaps you, like many, have been so immersed in the "politically correct" dialog that saturates the landscape, the "diversity training" offered (or sometimes required) at work and school, and the permeating message of "tolerance" that you've missed what's really happening.  If that's where you find yourself, it is essential that you realize what is at stake.  Consider the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America your children and grandchildren will inherit.
"For the first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think. They have to be afraid of using the wrong word, a word denounced as offensive or insensitive, or racist, sexist, or homophobic."  (Excerpt from The Origins of Political Correctness by Bill Lind)
Robert Spencer, in his column The Jihad Against Free Speech addresses this issue: 
"Freedom of speech is in imminent danger. Concerted attacks on it by the jihadist movement are increasing in number…"
"Spurious charges of 'Islamophobia,' and false claims that hate crimes are being committed because of it, are being used to advance an anti-free speech agenda. Americans need to be aware of what's happening, and resist it at every turn."
These same concepts: political correctness, hate crimes and anti-free speech are prevalent in many of society's causes [e.g., multiculturalism, environmentalism (think global warming), gay rights, pro-choice abortion activists, animal rights groups, etc., etc.]
Islamic Jihad
As discussed in previous alerts (see our archives), jihadists will stop at nothing to see a world where Islam reigns and sharia law is the law of the land.  Our government is reluctant to identify the enemy, and has established a "speech code" so as not to offend Muslims. 
The Supreme Court recently ruled that those captured in the War on Terror will have the same rights to habeas corpus as U.S. citizens. (See "It Will Almost Certainly Cause More Americans to Be Killed" for more on this.) 
Schools and businesses are increasingly bending over backward to satisfy Islamic requests and demands.  [Just a few examples: Muslim activists: testing the legal and cultural waters; Are American History Texts Promoting Islam?; School Bureaucrats Forcing Muslim Indoctrination On American Kids ]
In his recent column, 'Is This Our Future?', Michael Reagan discusses this cultural jihad which is occurring in the western world: 
"The real tragedy lies in the fact that governments all over the western world are not only turning a blind eye to Muslim efforts to establish communities ruled by Sharia …, but are enacting laws that would punish those who place their nation's traditional interests above those of a foreign faith."
"The more you see the Muslim influence coming into the United States the more you are going to see Muslims demanding and getting laws defining the promotion of Christianity to Islamists as a hate crime that will get you tossed in the slammer."
"It's called Jihad, and it's world-wide."
For many Americans, jihad, as they've come to understand it, involves terrorist attacks such as 9/11, the bombings in London and Madrid, and so on; yet less familiar is the "soft jihad" which is being waged through the culture.     
"Be it the hard jihad which uses terror and violence or the soft jihad which uses pressure and the legal system, both rely on the same element for victory: intimidation. In the case of soft jihad, the intimidation comes through lawsuits charging 'Islamophobia', racism, hate speech or hate crime."
"Our political correctness… is making the soft jihad much easier"
(entire column: The "Soft" Jihad has Come to America)
Homosexual Movement
The recent California ruling of the Supreme Court to legalize gay marriage is another front on this same battle.  Homosexual activists and supporters want to redefine marriage and silence any notion that homosexual behavior is morally wrong.  People who voice opposing views will be silenced or become criminals.
Gary Bauer comments regarding this development:
"Astonishingly, there's been little talk about the long-term effects of the California Supreme Court's legalization of same-sex marriage…the decision foreshadows a nation in which all citizens will not only be asked to tolerate same-sex marriage, but be required to promote it."
"Consider our schools.  If same-sex marriage is approved across America, schools would be required to teach that homosexual and heterosexual behavior are morally equivalent"
"What about churches that preach against the homosexual lifestyle?  Could ministers be prosecuted and thrown in jail…for preaching from the pulpit that homosexual acts are sinful?"
(entire column: The Aftershocks of Gay Marriage]
These things are already occurring.  Christians are threatened, arrested and charged with hate crimes; California public schools are now homosexual indoctrination centers; and the battle will continue. 
"America today is in the throws of the greatest and direst transformation in its history…In 'hate crimes' we now have people serving jail sentences for political thoughts…we call it Political Correctness … it seeks to destroy everything that we have ever defined as our freedom and our culture."
(Also from The Origins of Political Correctness by Bill Lind)
[note: emphases mine, throughout]
Join our Prayer:

  1. LORD, grant Your people COURAGE; may they be BOLD in action, both in prayer and in deed; and free them from the fear of man (Zech 8:16; 2 Sam 10:12; Prov 29:25);


  1. ENLIGHTEN and EQUIP Your pastors and leaders.  May they be as the sons of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what should be done (1 Chron 12:32).

"Arise, cry out …pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.  Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children…"  (Lam 2:19)
Harry Valentine, CHPA Founder/Publisher


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