Osteen Arms Thousands with Hope, Not Doctrine

Osteen Arms Thousands with Hope, Not Doctrine
Some pastors and theologians have criticized Osteen's failure to talk about sin, suffering and the message of the cross.
If congregants want to dig deeper into Scripture and learn core theological doctrines, Osteen says Lakewood Church offers classes during the week.
"I think, again, my gift is to help people to live out the Christian life because you can have a lot of knowledge but if you don't know how to forgive when people hurt you, have a good attitude, expect good things ... I feel like that's my main gifting," he told The Christian Post. "But I do believe we need to know what Jesus did when he died, what it all meant, and we have people that teach that."
"Sometimes in my own life when I'm having difficulties I like to just come back to the fact and just say to myself 'God, You created the whole universe ... God, I believe you can give me $4 for a gallon of gas, You can help me pay rent, heal my back.' See what I mean? I'm talking about keeping it all in perspective," he said to a roaring applause.
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