Churning Toward 666

Churning Toward 666

By Terry JamesIt should make perfect sense to those believers who trust God to be in absolute control at all times: He has never sent judgment and wrath without pleading, corrective attention-getting measures and unmistakable warning signals of impending doom to those rebels who shake their fists in His face, then turn their backs to the only One who knows the end from the beginning. America and the world are almost surely at the latter end of the divine yardstick of judgment, which measures the extent of the Lord's lovingly generous--though not infinite--patience.Most who study Bible prophecy have, through the years, rolled the thought over and over in thinking upon things to come: "Why is America not mentioned in Bible prophecy?" Many have concluded that the United States must suffer a catastrophic fate, either from the outside or from the inside. The nation's destiny is either one of implosion or explosion–detonations which, in either case, will spell the end for the most technologically advanced country in the history of the human race.Surely, God will not allow the American ship of state to slip beneath the crushing waves of the times without unmistakably clear signals that she is nearing shoals that cannot be navigated.A foretelling by Jesus himself brings to mind current crises gripping the U.S. and, by extension, the entire world. It is quite familiar to the student of prophecy: "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring…" (Lk. 21: 25).Click here for complete article:


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