DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers

DOD Ends Sale of Expended Military Brass to Remanufacturers

AND SO IT BEGINS...We all wondered when it was going to start.When the new administration would make their move against us as gun owners. Oh, everyone got upset about HR45--I'll bet I got over 100 e-mails warning me about this draconian gun registration bill that had been introduced in Congress.I was really glad to see Tom Gresham, host of "Gun Talk Radio," an editor, writer, television host on "Self-Defense TV," and one of the foremost gun spokespersons, come out and tell everyone to stop worrying about legislation so absolutely over-the-top--it would never get out of committee.Tom said save your energy for when we really need it--don't expend it trying to warn everyone in your e-mail list about legislation that would go nowhere.Now, Tom just interviewed me, and Larry Haynie, owner of Georgia Arms (, on Gun Talk ( Tom agrees, now is the time to "...unleash the hounds..." by which he means start e-mailing and writing your senators and congressmen.
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