Help stop an 'honor killing'

Help stop an 'honor killing'
Emphatic in winning the war against Islamist jihadism is the ability to articulate morality in protecting the innocent. The West's moral and religious validity is measured, universally and in the eyes of the people, via whether, "orphans and old widows in their distress" are cared for. The Bible calls that "pure and faultless religion." The vulnerable case of Roohi Tabassum is a classic case in point.
Abandoned by her husband, struggling in a foreign land, a mother with few marketplace skills, Tabassum is the picture of a woman the church, and a Judeo-Christian nation, ought to extend charity to. Instead, Canada is trying to kill her. For, on April 28, the Canadian government has set her deportation to Pakistan. This is an act of inert secularity of soul, a denial of Christian civilization. And why is that?
Tabassum's family, Pakistani Islamists who themselves had fled from other sects of radicals, have sworn multiple times that they will murder Roohi if she ever sets foot in Pakistan. They call this an "honor killing," though of course it is hard to imagine angry men attacking a defenseless woman as honorable. The Canadian government, devoted to the principle that all religions are identical, apparently believes that a written death threat from a group of violent Islamists carries the same meaning as a written death threat from a Swedish Lutheran grandmother's knitting and prayer circle; it must be figurative marketing for a bake sale – right? (Eileen's cupcakes will slay you! Death by Chocolate!)
Brigitte Gabriel combats politically correct notions about the "religion of peace" in "They Must be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How we Can Do It"
But the philistine Canadian government is committed to overlook the international news, which is replete with "honor killings," and further willing to overlook the many times Roohi's male relatives have put their threats in writing.
Tell me, why is it that we must risk sending this woman to her murder, when the ideology that issues death warrants is the one we are at war with? What's the matter here? We ought not risk rescuing an innocent victim? Canada is frightened that Roohi might go back to Pakistan and not get killed? I suppose that if she is only severely beaten the Canadian government might sneer with self-righteousness and say, "See, I told you so!"
(Column continues below)

The queen's Canada seems princely unaware that the entire world is at stake in the vulnerable person of Roohi Tabassum.
Canada, along with other Western nations, is unable to acknowledge that it is in an ideological war for the moral high ground in this world. The practice of extra-judicial "honor killing" a woman, for the sake of totally non-objective, irrationally hurled accusations (in this case, cutting a man's hair in a barber shop might constitute immorality) is a crime against God and innocence. Roohi is a woman on her own in a foreign country, and normative Christian morality is to show such a person protection, kindness, a certain kind of special deference that reflects the difficulty of her situation. Her husband does not take care of her, and now is threatening to kill her. She works hard cutting people's hair in a salon – Canada ought to extend her asylum for her persecutions and recognize that the contrast of protecting the innocent – as opposed to murdering them – is an immediate victory in the war on terror.
But rather than declare the dignity and worth of every human soul, rather than manfully defend a vulnerable woman on her own, the Canadian version of Western morality is to throw sobbing lamby to the alligators in hopes that the alligators will not turn and eat them. But Sir Winston Churchill instructed us the reality: when you feed them, they come looking for food, and when you run out of lambkins, they are impartial diners.
Join me in freeing this woman from the alligators and the zookeepers. Pelt the Canadian government with demands that they do not deport Roohi Tabassum. Snatch this brand from the burning, from an uneducated and heedless group of people who have murder in mind, in violation of their own laws and Canada's. And by all means, let's pressurize and shame the Canadian government into compliance on the basis that what we believe is absolutely superior: We protect stranded mothers on their own; we do not violate nor condemn them to their death.
This video is a report from the Toronto Sun:

Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die,
– Psalm 79:11


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