Peace and Security- Isaiah 39

Peace and Security- Isaiah 39 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
It seems like people are more and more confused about the times we live in.  Are the markets up or down?  Are we in a recession or coming out?  Are there jobs out there or not?  Are we winning or are we losing?  No one really seems to know.  Although, what I do seem to hear is that things aren't as bad as they seem.
This reminds me of a story in Isaiah chapters thirty-eight and thirty-nine where we read of King Hezekiah being at the point of death.  Hezekiah thus petitions God for an extension of life and is granted another fifteen years to live not to mention the promise of deliverance from the forthcoming Assyrian invasion.  Not long after his healing a Babylonian envoy comes to visit Hezekiah who then shows this envoy all the wealth of the kingdom.  The scripture says that "there was nothing he didn't show them."  The prophet Isaiah confronts King Hezekiah about this matter and predicts a judgment that will come upon the land and the people in response to the King's actions.  Hezekiah responds that the judgment is fair and selfishly accepts that such a prophetic tragedy would not be seen by himself but that he would only experience "peace and security in [his] days."  Keep these words in mind as we move forward seven hundred years in history.
In Paul's first Thessalonian letter, chapter five verse three we see these same words applied.  This portion of the letter speaks about the end times, the coming day of the Lord and the judgment to follow.  It will be a time when everyone is saying that "there is peace and security" yet a great judgment is imminent.  Sound familiar?  Paul's message is similar to Isaiah's in the sense that in the end times the world and its leaders will be as far away from God as ever before.  There is a reason why Paul uses this same phrase to draw awareness to the end times. 
The word "peace" implies a state of being in welfare and health in which one is free of worry.  The word "security" refers to safety from disaster.  The interesting idea behind this phrase is that it is often proclaimed when the reality of a situation is worse than it is reported and is in fact getting worse.  In the book of Isaiah we see that judgment eventually came and a Babylonian captivity ensued long after the death of Hezekiah.  While judgment and destruction might not have happened immediately on Judah the times did gradually get worse until Jerusalem ultimately lie in ruin over a hundred years later.
In Paul's letter he warned of the false security men will have around the time of Jesus' return.  There will be those that say, "Where is the promise of His coming" as Second Peter three, verse four says.  Even Jesus mentioned that people will be going on about their business as if no impending judgment was coming (Luke 17:26-36). 
As time goes by we draw closer and closer to the return of Jesus Christ.  For some, that day will joyful, for others it will not be so enjoyable.  Hezekiah knew he would escape the judgment upon Judah and selfishly relished in it.  In no way did he prepare those who would follow him for the judgment to come.  Only Isaiah's words would serve as a reminder that a small remnant would ultimately respond to.  Like Isaiah, Paul warned the Thessalonians and those that would follow them of a coming judgment. 
Today, we see people place their faith in a lot of things that offer little security and temporary peace.  Yet, to them it is all they know and all they have ever been taught.  We even hear people telling others there is "peace and security" in this thing or that not realizing there is a greater judgment to come.  Should we not as believers in Jesus Christ lead people to understand who really gives us peace and security?  Remember this, the reason judgment has not come is because God is patient, "not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).  Our purpose is to lead others to Christ and into a growing relationship with Him through discipleship.  Commit to help others know the true author of peace and security, Jesus Christ.
Jon Langford


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