Patriotic peons plan to take back their country

Just how many states are involved with 'tin helmet'  psychotic activity?  We hear on the fringe of course,  the never ending concern about freedom,  losing our rights,  overspending by our now socialist Government and international tax plans for us and our kiddies.  We have heard the responses of the Tin Helmet brigade (people like moi) to attend the endless T parties, 9/12 events and marches on Washington.  We have also been sending tidal waves of faxes, emails and phone calls to political leaders. 
The pressure is on and is building in our country for accountability, but is it enough?  Can us peons actually make any real difference with a regime that is the 4th person of the Trinity in their own eyes?  We have watched in horror a growing totalitarian, big Government machine surrounding us with environmental, health,  stimulus and other emerging controls!  So,  I ask again, with most the media sold out and most of us scared for our country,  what on earth can a peon do?
The same types of peons who fought for and won our freedom in 1776 can get it back now.
There is a mechanism and constitutionally sound structure already in place to win back our country, fiscal accountability, freedom and our constitutional rights.  The start of this bold and growing force is written write in our constitution…..the Tenth Amendment.  What does this say and what does this really mean to us?
'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.'
Get 'I'm a peon'….. and 'the media is not with us,' out of your vocabulary right now!'  We all can band together and become a WAY BIGGER PEON that gets stuff done!  There are 2 states right now putting forth 10th Amendment Resolutions, often called "state sovereignty resolutions."  Though they don't carry the force of the law, they are powerful and very important in reigning in our Federal Government.  They act as a formal statement of the legislature of the state.  The 10th Amendment Center  shares the growth and movement going on state to state.  It even tells us all how to start one in our state if there isn't one going. 
Did I say before that there were 2 states introducing 10th Amendment Resolutions?  I lied.  There are really 10……………I lied again.  There are really has high as 27 states introducing these if you can believe it.  OK,  enough goofing off.  There are actually 38 states introducing 10th amendment resolutions.  What would these resolutions if passed actually mean to our freedom and choices?  The Tenth Amendment center gives us a list of all 38 states with resolutions, the resolution ID and dates introduced.  It also explains just what this effort would do.  The following statement is a brief context of the 10th amendment intent.
"If you owned an apartment building and had a tenant not paying rent, you wouldn't show up with an empty truck to kick them out without first serving notice.  That's how we view these Resolutions – as serving "notice and demand" to the Federal Government to "cease and desist any and all activities outside the scope of their constitutionally-delegated powers."  Follow-up, of course, is a must."
We must understand the guts of this 10th amendment push and get resolutions passed in all 50 states with strong follow up plans.
Recently I talked with Rep. Matt Shae from Washington, who has been behind the push for Sovereignty Resolution HJM4009.   He talked on my radio show about the 5 fold plan he called '5 Steps toward Freedom.'  He mentioned that he was working with and coordinating his efforts with several other politicians and states.  The guts of this plan were breathtaking, practical and constitutional.
First:  Nullification:  This was described by Rep. Shae as the right of each state to 'nullify' federal law, thus proclaiming that the law in question is void and inoperative, or 'non-effective,' within the boundaries of that state.   Therefore a federal over reaching health bill, forcing folks into care, fining or even criminalizing some for not complying could be null and void in a particular state.  This would go for a federal fire arms bill, cap and trade bill or any other display of unconstitutional and intrusive power burst on the people.
Second:  Firearms Freedom Act (FFA):  This act was originally passed in Montana and declared that firearms made and retained in-state are beyond the authority of Congress and its power to regulate gun usage or commerce in a state.   The  FFA is a challenge to the perceived powers of Congress under the 'commerce clause.' 
Third:  Health Care:  Rep. Shae talked about using the 10th amendment resolutions to reign in the horrendous violation and distortion of the proposed Government health care about ready to be forced down our throats.  We talked about the original intent of the Founders and Ratifiers who made it vividly clear that any national health care plan or national public option, is not something that was ever delegated by the People to the Federal Government in the Constitution.  There is a total sea of lies thrown out as liberal propaganda, the courts, politicians and media totally distort the use of the Commerce clause.  They are wrong.  Many states are preparing resolutions to actually nullify and neuter any national health care plan that comes their way.
Fourth:  Real ID Act:  Regarding the act that former President Bush pushed,  25 states have already passed resolutions denouncing and refusing its implementation on the grounds of violating our privacy rights.  Most Americans have no interest to "show their papers" wherever they go or have every transaction and purchase tracked.  That is not the Government's right to know.
Fifth:  Currency:   Finally, Rep. Shae talked about the push to also audit and eradicate the Federal Reserve.  He pointed out that Article I, Section 10, states:  "No State shall make anything but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."  Constitutional Tender laws will seek to nullify federal legal tender laws in the state by authorizing payment in gold and silver.  If a paper note is used for backing it would be 100% backed by gold or silver.  In other words start our country, state by state back from her death spiral into bankruptcy and ruin.
Many of you have written to me and called into my radio show wondering what on earth we can do to get our country back.  We all know to focus behind real conservatives and servants running for office in our various states in 2010 but we can and must do more.  Let us get boldly behind ALL the states 10th  Amendment movements and start constitutionally nullifying what the Federal Government is trying to pull with limits on our 2nd amendment, 1st amendment, cap and trade bills,  Government health care or any other over reach!!! 


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