5 Step plan to Freedom….Bravo Rep. Matt Shae

5 Step plan to Freedom….Bravo Rep. Matt Shae<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The sleeping Giant has awakened.  People are marching on Washington, T parties are growing and faxes are flying to congress.   We ain't at all happy.   The push for a Government health care bill is non-constitutional, immoral and we can't afford it, while the push toward global warming this or that is based on 'lost' data and false science from mad magazine.   Yes, indeed the people have woken up and we are grumpy, with bad breath and desperate to find our coffee.
What can we do to fix and repair things in our country?
A shining leader from my state (Washington) Rep. Matt Shae has done way more than get himself voted into office.  He actually has seen the betrayels to our states and country and decided to lead and do something about it.   Blow me down….call 911…..you mean a Politician who doesn't just talk but one who actually puts things together to get REAL stuff done???  I need another IV Doctor.
The other day Rep. Matt Shae introduced his 5 step plan to Freedom on my national radio show  www.therothshow.com   and already has a bunch of policitians in other states working with him.   He has the first installment of his plan posted at the Tenth amendment center.  Check it out.
Summary of his plan
1.     Reclaim State Sovereignty through Key Nullification Legislation
2.     Erect an Impenetrable Barrier around the 2nd Amendment and County Sheriffs
3.     Restore Sound and Honest Money
4.     Where state legislatures fail to pass the bills, introduce Initiatives.
5.     Have Country Sheriffs publicly commit to uphold their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution.
Rep. Shae who is also a lawyer reminds us that the states all have the right to reclaim their Sovereignty through key Nullification legislation.  Nullification is based on the principle that our federal government cannot be the final arbiter of the extent and boundaries of its own power.  This means all branches of government and it more importantly means that the Federal government must submit to the states.  The STATES are the biggest branch of Government.
Numerous founders talked about this right, including Thomas Jefferson,  Alexander Hamilton echoed this right in Federalist #85, we even can see that the Kentucky Resolution of 1798 supported this right. 
Some of the first things we can and must nullify state by state is the Socialized, Government Health care plan and National Cap and Trade plan.   There are other bills and unconstitutional efforts that will also need to be nullified.   But first……………
We must officially reclaim our State Sovereignty, the actual Nullification Legislation in each state.  So far there are 38 states that have put that forth.   In Washington,  my home state,  Rep. Shae has introduced HJM4009 for State Sovereignty.    If a bill for sovereignty is not voted in then be a patriot, rise up and lead an Initiative by getting enough signatures in your state to get it back on the ballet for a vote but boldly spreading the word and promoting this.
Secondly, we must put up an impenetrable barrier of authority around the County Sheriff
And the 2nd Amendment
The Sheriff is the senior law enforcement officer with rank and legal authority in the county he represents.   The Sheriff would publicly submit in his oath to the law and constitution, including our 2nd amendment rights.  This would stop the tyrannical over reach from the federal Government if they had decided for instance to take our guns or put some other unconstitutional gun restriction in our face.  If the Feds showed up to arrest and harassed citizens in a certain county,  they would face possible charges and arrest by the Sheriff. 
Rep. Shae has much more to unfold in the days ahead.  States are moving boldly ahead.  There is much more to be done but firstly, reminding us, state by state of our God given and constitutional authority and power is a start.  WE ARE NOT BEHOLDEN AND SUBMITTING TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.  THEY ARE SUBMITTING TO THE STATES.  
You wanted a tool….something to do…..a place to go to get your freedom back, well now you have it.  Follow the suggestions and links in the Representative's article and guidance with the Tenth Amendment center.  You will be on your way and so will our country.  Merry Christmas!


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