The End of Negotiations

The End of Negotiations

By Jim Fletcher Prophecy Matters After it was announced by Hillary Clinton that Israel and the Palestinians would resume direct negotiations, the Arab threats commenced anew.Saeb Erekat, from Jericho, head of the PLO's negotiating team, threatened that if Israel did not extend its settlement freeze in Judea/Samaria, the negotiations would end.We are seeing the broad outlines of this reality now, as the world grows increasingly impatient with Israel, who is accused of being the bully. When Erekat made his thuggish threat - his stock-in-trade - he made it from Ramallah. Not only did Western media outlets like Reuters pick this up, but so did Arab media (such as Al-Sharq al-Awsat). As if he needed to further inflame the Arabs.Hana Amira, a member of the PLO's executive committee, told Mahmoud Abbas that he was not hopeful about negotiations. What else is new? These things always have a predetermined outcome, anyway, and Amira claimed that the real test of Israel's good intentions will come September 26, which is the end of the settlement freeze that Benjamin Netanyahu announced last year.Look for all sorts of new and odd pressures to be placed on Israel; we haven't seen anything yet.For example, Israel has for the longest obviously rejected the Arab "right of return," which means that Palestinians forced out of the Holy Land due to Arab-initiated wars could now come back. Of course, this would turn Israel into an Arab state.Provocatively, Yasser Qashlaq, allied with the Maryam Institution (part of the notorious flotilla initiatives of late), said that he wanted to found a "committee for the right of return," but he means the right of Jews to return to Arab lands they previously lived in. He then went on to say, to the Lebanese News Agency, that "our homeland is all of Palestine."This kind of nonsense still has a strategic effect on the wider world, which will now question why Qashlaq's plan isn't sensible. Do you see?Israel is being set up for the end-times scenarios especially outlined in Zechariah. The world is hurtling toward its much-anticipated "Final Solution" to the Jewish question. How fascinating that the Lord planned for all this to unfold in the Holy Land.Tellingly, on August 20, the European Union Council website carried an announcement by Secretary Clinton that the Quartet intended for all final status issues between Israel and the Palestinians to be resolved within one year, culminating in the establishment of Palestine.You see, even the Americans have considered the ancient biblical homeland of the Jews to be "occupied" land since 1967, and the international community intends to right this historical "wrong."The real end of negotiations is coming soon, and in a cosmic way.


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