National Security

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Understanding The Threat: January 10, 2021

    "Americans are entering the most important moment of the history of the nation. The very fight for liberty, self-government, and the restoration of the Republic. In this first UTT radio show of 2021, we explore what is at stake and what must be done to maintain the Republic. Join us as we put FREEDOM back on the offensive where it belongs."
  • Brannon Howse: January 8, 2021

    Guests: Leo Hohmann and Alex Newman. Topic: Was the January 6, 2021 event at the U.S. Capitol, America's Reichstag moment, and what does that mean? Topic: Conservative Americans should prepare for more false flag events that will be used to characterize, marginalize, and eventually terrorize and criminalize conservatives. Topic: Was the January 6th event about penetrating the Trump supporters and carrying out violence in order to paint conservatives, constitutionalists and patriots as domestic terrorists? Topic: Insurance company fires man that was at the January 6th Trump rally. More reports are coming in that some corporations are scanning social media to identify people who were at the January 6th rally in order to fire them from their job. Topic: Where is America headed? Will President Trump really turn America over to those who carried out a Marxist coup on the nation as well as to a man like Joe Biden, who many believe, is compromised by Communist China? Topic: U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn apparently, like so many Republicans, is a total fake who used the Trump movement for her own political gain and has now turned when she announced she will support the electoral slate for Joe Biden. Topic: Alex explains why he wrote an article years ago warning that Mike Pence should not be trusted. Topic: Americans are warned not to buy the propaganda and lies that are being pushed out by the mainstream media that is clearly meant to divide America further and to intimidate conservatives into silence and going along with the Marxist revolution that is well underway. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: January 7, 2021

    Guests: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Usama Dakdok and Shahram Hadian. Topic: Political Civil Unrest is a Constitutional Concept and is Sometimes Needed to Oppose Tyranny. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is a former CIA analyst, chief of staff of the U.S. Congressional EMP Task Force, the author of numerous books, and has been featured on numerous TV shows. Dr. Pry explains why the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution gives the right and even obligation to alter or abolish any government that has a long history of transgressing individual rights, liberty, and freedom. Dr. Pry and Brannon explain how the looting, rioting and killing by Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorists were praised by many government officials and members of the liberal media. And yet, when conservatives or Constitutionalists protest without harming anyone or harming any police officers, they are declared as violent and domestic terrorists. So are we now watching a propaganda agenda to discourage Americans from standing up for freedom and the U.S. Constitution and to surrender to a Marxist-Islamic revolution? Topic: Shahram Hadian joins us to describe how men dressed in MAGA and Trump gear admitted to him, and his group, walking near the U.S. Capitol, that they were Antifa. Topic: Usama Dakdok joins us to describe how just blocks from the U.S. Capitol, his car was shot at as well as numerous shots fired in his direction after being confronted by a group of thugs. Usama explains how a stranger stepped up to defend Usama only to be shot. Usama asked where was the media to cover this story? Was the media too busy labeling Trump protestors as domestic terrorists to cover the story of a gang of thugs attempting to kill Trump supporters? 
  • Peter Pry: January 5, 2021

    Dr. Pry reports that 100 Republicans joined Democrats in the House to override President Trump’s veto of the 2021 Defense Bill and Senate Republicans are likely to join with Democrats to override President Trump’s veto in the Senate. This proves that the Republican Party cannot be trusted as a bulwark for the Constitution and against socialism, cheating on elections, and Left cancel-culture that seeks to erase American history. President Trump vetoed the bill because: it infringes on the President’s authority as Commander-in-Chief to recall U.S. troops or adjust troop levels in foreign countries (as is his right under the Constitution); does not repeal or amend Section 230 (which empowers big-tech Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. to suppress free speech and free press rights of conservatives and, by misinforming the public, to steal elections); and requires military bases honoring Confederate generals to be re-named (cancel-culture erasing American history). The stage is set for a peaceful 2nd American Revolution from the bottom-up, wherein grassroots conservatives trust not the Republican Party, but themselves, to become “the resistance” to looming socialist tyranny.

  • Peter Pry: January 7, 2021

    Topic: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry responds to the January 6, 2020 breach of the U.S Capitol. Dr. Peter Vincent Pry joins us to explain the danger from the media and Republican Party leadership telling Americans that political violence is always wrong. Dr. Pry describes from the Declaration of Independence that it is the God given right found in natural law and divine law, that men have the right to oppose tyranny and alter, abolish and replace a tyrannical government even if that means a red line is crossed and political violence is used to restore a government based on defense of individual rights found in a Constitutional Republic. 
  • A Momentous Day

    The hour is very late. The country has been asleep for decades. But now, it seems, the country is beginning to wake up. The real question is whether our leaders are ready for the task at hand. We have some smart people in government; but do they understand the enemy we are facing? Are they prepared to battle that enemy in the midst of so much confusion and misinformation?
  • Brannon Howse: January 6, 2021

    Guests: Lt. General Thomas McInerney, Mary Fanning, Alan Jones and then LIVE from D.C. reports from Dr. Levenko as well as Shahram Hadian. Topic: On Tuesday evening Brannon tweeted that he was very concerned that Antifa rioters would wear MAGA and Trump gear and do stupid things. Brannon read this tweet as the very events he worried about came to pass 18 hours later. Topic: As we were going live on the air today, the storming of the U.S. Capitol began. Listen as the events literally play out on the air. Topic: Dr. Levenko and Shahram Hadian join us live from D.C. to tell us what they personally saw and why they went to Washington D.C.
  • Sam Rohrer: January 6, 2021

    Critical Race Theory: How is it Reshaping America? We are joined by Dr. Shelby Steele (Author, Columnist, Documentary Film Maker). Topics discussed include: A Brief History of Critical Theory. What Killed Michael Brown?
  • Who will you trust when law and order break down and the bullets start flying?

    The second American civil war appears to be inching closer to reality. As I write this, hundreds of thousands of Americans are making plans to head to Washington, D.C., to make their voices heard on Jan. 6 as Congress convenes to vote on the Electoral College slate of electors that will choose our next president. Some are motivated by patriotism to rally for the continuation of our constitutional republic under President Trump, others for global socialism and an authoritarian “Great Reset” supported by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
  • Brannon Howse: January 04, 2021

    Guests: Dr. General McInerney, Mary Fanning, Alan Jones and NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe. Topic: Proof Positive: Coordinated Cyberwarfare Attack Against US By China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan To Steal Election From Trump. General McInerney, Mary Fanning and Alan Jones explain a covert operation, working with their source, that captured the 2020 cyberwar and vote theft from both foreign and domestic actors. The data was collected in real time starting November 1, 2020. They explain how the source has the video of the steal in real time, including date, time, Mac Addresses and longitude and latitude. In addition they report that North Korea, Pakistan, China, Russia and Iran were involved in the election cyberwar. They report the evidence has been delivered to the President and that he needs to declassify the data so the American people can see which deep state actors have been involved in treason. Topic: They also report that there is another HAMMER running in the United Kingdom and in China.
  • Proof Positive: Coordinated Cyberwarfare Attack Against US By China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan To Steal Election From Trump

    President Trump has the authority, and so too the responsibility, to lift a pair of years-old federal gag orders known as the State Secrets Privilege and Government Protective Order that are preventing CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery from revealing the truth about an illegal domestic surveillance program known as THE HAMMER and one of THE HAMMER’s applications, an election theft cyberwarfare weapon known as SCORECARD. 
  • Be Prepared for 2021: Good, Bad & VERY Ugly

    With the unprecedented developments of 2020 — COVID-inspired tyranny and economic destruction in particular — next year has almost everybody filled with a mixture of anxiety, dread, and even hope that it may be possible to turn the corner. Things are likely to get worse before they get better, potentially a lot worse. In addition to being one of the most dangerous and unstable times in American history, this moment is also one of the most uncertain when it comes to the future. The next few weeks are key. There are so many different scenarios for what could happen — some “better,” but almost none of them “good” — that it almost boggles the mind. However, there are some very encouraging trends amid the darkness.
  • Brannon Howse: December 31, 2020

    Guest: Dave Gaubatz, Lt. General Thomas McInerney, Mary Fanning and Alan Jones. Topic: General McInerney joins us to explain why he believes Vice President Mike Pence will do the Constitutional thing and throw out the fraudulent electoral votes in the swing states. Topic: General McInerney and Mary Fanning and Alan Jones explain that President Trump now has all the documented, computer forensics to prove the election fraud of 2020. General McInerney is limited in his revelations and describes the ongoing situation as as a covert operation that is still underway. However, he assures the American people that those that committed this massive cyberwar are caught including several nations. Banner