National Security

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: December 30, 2020

    A Former Senior Ranking FBI Official Warns Americans that the Democratic Party Has Been Taken Over By Communists. Guest: Terry D. Turchie is a former Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI. His leadership was the driving force behind the capture of the two most elusive and solitary domestic terrorists in U.S. history. Topic: We would not be where we are today with the Communist revolution now underway in America if the FBI had done their job and not become a completely different organization as it has over the past several years. Topic: Who runs the FBI today?
  • How The Left is Allowing China, Russia and North Korea to Win A Nuclear War Through Blackmail

    The press, both liberal and conservative press, and many equally uninformed Washington officials, think of the nuclear balance as the “nuclear stockpile” as estimated by the anti-nuclear Federation of American Scientists (FAS).  According to FAS nuclear stockpile estimates, the U.S. has 5,800 weapons, Russia has 6,370 weapons, China has 320 weapons, and North Korea has 35.
  • Trouble at the FBI?

    A Soviet-born intelligence source, with connections in the former Soviet Union, tried to warn the FBI and White House last 26 February about an “imminent cyber attack by Russia on the … Voting System.” He wrote, “I had previously informed the FBI on many occasions on matters of national security. Due to the nature of my disclosures to the FBI … the FBI opened … investigations on me. Last time they secured a 12-month order to monitor my email….”
  • Why Do They Refuse to Look at Voting Machine Vulnerabilities?

    It is now viewed as "conspiracy theory" to consider whether or not voting machines can be hacked to change an election. This in itself is telling because it was almost universally accepted fact that machines could be hacked prior to the 2020 election. Denying these vulnerabilities smacks of the same kind of overt political narrative and censorship as we have seen during the Trump presidency. It really is gaslighting. We were told that Russia colluded to put Trump in the White House but the extensive Mueller investigation was unable to prove that. Primarily, they bought Facebook ads with little real effect. This may be meddling but was not collusion. Now, we have the declassified truth. The Clinton campaign spread the rumor of Russian collusion to distract from her email scandal and the Intelligence Community knew it.
  • Peter Pry: December 29, 2020

    Russia apparently has executed the most sophisticated and potentially most dangerous cyber-attack in history on the U.S. Government and private sector, penetrating the defenses of even the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)—that is supposed to be the chief guardian against such threats to U.S. critical infrastructures. For at least 9 months, cyber-spies roamed undetected through: the National Nuclear Security Administration (responsible for U.S. nuclear weapons); the Department of Energy and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (responsible for protecting national electric grids); defense contractors designing the nation’s most advanced weapons; and 18,000 other government and corporate victims. Still unknown is the scale and depth of the damage.
  • Hamas-Linked CAIR Demands Biden Dismantle Counterterror Operations

    The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) worked hard to get His Fraudulency President-select Joe Biden into the White House, and now it’s time for payback. On Tuesday, the sinister organization that the establishment media routinely presents as a benign human rights group released what it called “a detailed agenda detailing policy changes that the Biden-Harris administration should pursue within its first 100 days in office to restore the rights of Americans Muslims and advance justice for all.” “Restore the rights of American Muslims”? What rights have they been denied? If you said “none,” you’re correct, but CAIR’s wishlist emanates from the bizarro world of the group’s relentless efforts to secure coveted victimhood status for Muslims in the U.S.
  • When Demons Conspire to Take Over a Nation …There’s Only One Option

    Klaus Schwab, director of the World Economic Forum and one of the main pushers of the Great Reset, has publicly stated that COVID-19 presents the “narrow window of opportunity” that elites have been waiting for to launch the plan. No one will be able to hide from it. “No person will be left behind” promises the United Nations, which is cooperating with the WEF, the Vatican, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and most of the world’s governments to bring it about.
  • Brannon Howse: December 22, 2020

    Guests: Dr. Joe Schoeber and Dr. Peter Vincent Pry. Topic: Dr. Schoeber joins us to warn the nation that many doctors in many states are not being allowed to prescribe to their patients very safe and inexpensive medicine that has proven to not only cure them from Covid-19 but to save their life. Topic: Why would state governments want to see citizens die needlessly? How is fear, anxiety and death being used to convince Americans to surrender to the state as their god? Topic: Why are pharmacists getting in-between patients and their doctors? Topic: Dr. Pry joins us to discuss many urgent national security threats including the threat to our nuclear triad. Topic: Brannon asks Dr. Pry to explain the mock up nuclear suitcase that he made that is now on display at the spy museum in D.C. Topic: Is is true that the U.S. Navy has to advance their subs forward to fire nuclear weapons whereas Russia can shoot their nuclear weapons at the United States while anchored in port? Topic: Why is America facing so many threats? Is Washington D.C. largely dominated by ignorant and foolish people? Topic: How should the audience respond to the troubling news being presented? 
  • Cybergeddon

    Russia apparently has executed the most sophisticated and potentially most dangerous cyber-attack in history on the U.S. Government and private sector, penetrating the defenses of even the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)—that is supposed to be the chief guardian against such threats to U.S. critical infrastructures.
  • Understanding The Threat: December 22, 2020

    "Right now the enemies of liberty seek to take Executive Power in the United States. In this war there are only Patriots & Traitors. UTT is the only organization empowering citizens to identify and dismantle communist and jihadi networks at the LOCAL level by building Ground Teams of Patriots which become the nodes for action across the nation.
  • Erwin Lutzer: December 22, 2020

    Most people like the lights, the decorations and the gifts of Christmas. But why do believers celebrate Christmas? We may enjoy lights and gifts, but we celebrate because Jesus renounced the glories of heaven to fulfill the Father’s will. He became a man and died for a sinful human race.
  • Brannon Howse: December 21, 2020

    Guest: Terry Turchie & Dr. Judy Mikovits. Topic: Terry Turchie is former Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI. Terry has written a book entitled: In Their Own Words: the Democratic Party Push Towards a Communist America. Terry explains the history of the Weather Underground terrorist organization and how it has manifest itself into numerous other organizations today such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Terry explains the decades long goal of the Communists to create racial strife, division, conflict, chaos and revolution. Topic: Dr. Judy Mikovits joins us today to discuss the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Brannon Howse: December 18, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Zel Zelenko, Mary Fanning and Alex Newman. Topic: Dr. Zelenko joins us to discuss his concerns with the Covid-19 vaccine and why he calls it tyranny to be forced on American citizens. Topic: Dr. Zelenko describes why he believes young people should not take the Covid-19. He explains the economic, societal, family, and health crisis that the lockdowns have created. He explains how the entire lockdown is based on an anti-God agenda that will lead to full tyranny if the American people do not wake up. Topic: Dr. Zelenko describes the protocols he has been recommending for his patients. Topic: Why is Brannon concerned about Covid-19 facilities and isolation centers? Topic: Alex Newman and Mary Fanning join us to talk about a conference call that Brannon, Alex and Mary and others were involved in that was shocking as they heard Wisconsin U.S. Senator Ron Johnson not only deny computer generated voter fraud but also greatly disrespected war hero and decorated veteran General McInerney. Is Senator Johnson being controlled, manipulated, or ignorant on this topic or is he playing both sides?
  • Canada, Communism, Dominion Voting System, George Soros, China and Trudeau

    Canada today is a shadow of its former self. The country that, after WWII, had the third largest navy in the world, that developed the most advanced jet interceptor on the planet - the Avro Arrow, and whose scientists and engineers helped put men on the moon is now a Third World backwater country with no identifiable culture or democracy. How did this happen? In large part due to a failed revolution and the Laurentian Elite. Banner