National Security

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • 2020 Communist China Timeline Attack on America - President Trump, Exercise
Your Prerogative Power to Defeat Communism

    Available evidence shows that the CCP and Iran are hiding behind Dominion. If the court finds that U.S. election data were indeed sent abroad, then it is TREASON...

    If this voter fraud succeeded, not only would the United States fall, but the entire world would also plunge into darkness.  Today's Hong Kong is a good example... Hence, the world cannot go on without the United States. The counteract to the voter fraud is utterly pivotal...
  • Exclusive: Revealed on WVW-TV: ‘Former’ Communist Comey Got SCORECARD Election Hacking Source Code And Knew SolarWinds Was Not Secure

    FBI Director James Comey demanded that the FBI be given the source code to SCORECARD, the election-hacking application that operates on THE HAMMER surveillance supercomputer platform, as a condition of  CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery’s 2015 FBI and DOJ immunity agreements, according to Montgomery. SCORECARD is an election-hacking cyberweapon designed to monitor and engineer elections.
  • Lt. General McInerney: John Roberts is Corrupt, Biden Should Take a Polygraph, Obama's Deep State Army & George Soros

    Thank you very much for having me, Brannon. It is a very important subject that we are discussing, and I commend you for the effort that you have put out to educate the American people. Now, one of the reasons I wanted to be on today was to update where we are because it is something I just found out yesterday and [inaudible] watch the hearings by Senator Johnson today discussing this so I would like to do discussions on both.
  • Brannon Howse: December 17, 2020

    Guests: Bill Federer and Chris Pinto. Topic: While no reasonable person wants to see a Marxist-Islamic revolution in America, how should conservatives, Constitutionalists and/or Christians respond to a violent revolution? Should America’s Pastors surrender willingly to such a revolution, tyranny and arrest or should they be willing to fight to the death and lay down their life for their family, community and nation? Today Brannon interviews Chris Pinto on the Constitutional and Biblical response to tyranny that many American must teach their own pastors. Topic: First Bill Federer joins us to discuss how Americans should respond to the surrender of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to election fraud.
  • Brannon Howse: December 16, 2020

    Guests: LT. General McInerney and Mary Fanning. Lt. General McInerney joins us today to explain to the American people more of what has been uncovered in the ongoing election coup of 2020, what President Trump must do, and what is the involvement of President Obama in the election coup of 2020. Topic: President Trump signed an Executive Order on 11-20-20 that compliments his 09-12-18 Executive Order on voter fraud and interference. Topic: What Americans should be watching for in a speech by the Director of National Intelligence this coming Friday. Topic: How does The Posse Comitatus Act, Martial law and Insurrection Act relate to each other? Topic: How China worked with domestic enemies to use Covid-19 to destroy American businesses, the middle class and steal the election of 2020 using cyber-warfare as well as mail-in ballots. Topic: Did China print fake ballots and ship them into the United States? Topic: Insurrection Act, Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Topic: The United States Supreme Court failed us, and is Chief Justice John Roberts corrupt? Topic: Obama’s Army has reportedly included his bad actors that have penetrated the Senior Executive Service and in every government agency. Topic: Lt. General McInerney reports that Obama’s Organization For Action had 32,525 employees in the field for the 2020 election as well as 5 million volunteers and reportedly initial funding by George Soros for $40 million. Topic: Mary Fanning joins us to give us an update on today’s U.S. Senate hearings chaired by Senator Ron Johnson on election 2020. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: December 15, 2020

    Guest: Maj. General Paul E. Vallely. Topic: Are Chinese troops in Canada? Recently it was reported that Chinese troops were looking to train in China in order to train in a cold weather environment. General Vallely explains that this is a line fed to the public since China has plenty of cold weather regions in which to train. Topic: Are Chinese troops or agents in Mexico? Are the Chinese working with drug gangs in Mexico? Topic: How many Chinese agents are in the United States? Topic: What is the ultimate goal of China? Topic: Is China looking to bring down America with the new way of warfare or old way of warfare? Topic: Has former President Barack Obama been running the deep state through The Senior Executive Service? What is The Senior Executive Service and how powerful are these government employees. Has Obama’s army of deep state agents infiltrated every level of government agencies? Topic: Who do the members of the Canadian military and Canadian parliament swear an allegiance to that is very troubling. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: December 14, 2020

    Guests: Mary Fanning and Trevor Loudon. Topic: Mary joins us to discuss the breaking news on the voting machines in Michigan that document massive voter fraud. Topic: Mary breaks the news on Worldview Radio that there is evidence that a second HAMMER software is in play and harvesting data and perhaps doing even more. Topic: Brannon reads from a plan by numerous Marxist Democrats calling for a Biden Administration to crack down on conservative Christians and churches. The plan also call on a Biden Administration to use the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security to “dedicate resources to deradicalization programs aimed at hate groups…” Topic: Trevor and Brannon discuss the radicals that wrote this plan, how it is calling for the destruction of churches and conservative non-profit organizations and the persecution and even re-education of conservative people of faith.
  • Brannon Howse: December 11, 2020

    Guest: NSA Whistleblower, Kirk Wiebe. Topic: Could 9-11 Have Been Prevented, Did The White House Know in Advance and Were High Ranking Congressman Warned in March of 2020 About Election Cyberwar and Did Nothing to Stop It? irk is an American hero and patriot. He is part of the documentary, A Good American. Today Kirk reveals in depth details, that according to national security researchers and authors who were listening, have never been revealed on a national radio program. Such experts described this show as shocking, stunning, explosive, and timely to what is happening in America now, in December of 2020. Brannon covered the following five issues with this exclusive interview with Kirk Wiebe. 
  • Brannon Howse: December 10, 2020

    Guest: Jeffrey R. Nyquist. Topic: Understanding Russia’s Gray Terror, Their Islamic Block, and the Military Alliance of Russia and China for Global Dominance. Topic: China’s infiltration at the highest levels of American government. Topic: How China and Russia have set up companies in America through which to cover their infiltration of America. Topic: China has infiltrated America’s educational system. Topic: After decades of warning from authors and researchers such as Jeffery Nyquist and Brannon Howse, Americans are finally waking up to the dangers of global Communism. However, many see China as the great threat when in reality, it is Russia which has far more weapons than China. However, China and Russia are in a military alliance and thus are a combined threat. Topic: The role that Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia played in 9-11. Topic: How the CIA was infiltrated by the Communists since virtually their creation. Topic: The story of Tom Fife, an American with a security clearance that travels to Moscow in 1992 and was told over dinner by a smug Communist that America would have a black President named Barack in the very near future. Jeff reports this story that you have heard, but forgot. Jeff explains the importance to where America finds itself today.
  • Will Violence Follow The Election Lie?

    Violence is always tied to a lie. It follows the liar whichever way he or she turns. If we accept the lie that Biden won the election, we will have the violence that follows usurpation. We will have a leader who sold himself to China. We will have a ruling party with communist principles. We will have a frightened opposition party, waiting for the inevitable blood purge. We will have lies and more lies, followed by threats and silent obedience. Beijing will dictate to us and the mainstream media will call it a good thing.
  • The Communists are at it, Again

    When we read Senator McCarthy’s words, we wince a little. We have been conditioned to disbelieve in a Communist conspiracy. And here we are, in the grip of that same conspiracy, ashamed to say what it is, ashamed to say that our domestic and our foreign enemies are implicated in that conspiracy.

    A famous broadcaster, who briefly took over for Art Bell more than two decades ago, told me the following story. He had begun talking about Communism on the show when a media executive called to warn him. “Stop talking about Communism.” The broadcaster had high ratings and did not take the warning seriously. Eventually he got another call from the executive. “You had a great career in broadcasting, but now it’s over.”
  • Brannon Howse: December 9, 2020

    Guests: Mary Fanning and Alan Jones. Topic: The Communists network that surrounds Barack Obama and who in his network of friends and “family” can be traced to the Soviet Silvermaster Spy Ring? Topic: How Communists have used the birth certificate of dead babies to create identities of Communist agents in America. Topic: What was the connection between the Indonesian cult known as SUBUD and Barack Obama and his mother? Topic: Who was former Communist Elizabeth Bentley?
  • Crosstalk: December 9, 2020

    We’re 5 weeks past election day and the outcome is still uncertain with numerous challenges taking place at various court levels in a number of states.  In spite of this, many mainstream media sources continue to describe Joe Biden as president-elect. This should surprise no one as the guest on this Crosstalk contends that the media stole this election before a single vote was cast.  How did they do it?
  • Global corporations rolling out ‘digital passports’ tying vaccine history to personal IDs: What’s coming next under ‘Great Reset’?

    Global power elites are using the fear of COVID-19 as an excuse to create a digital ID that will divide people into classes based on their medical history, in essence creating a new caste system of the vaccinated and non-vaccinated. The new system will debut as nation and industry-specific, with airlines being the first to roll out the new phone-based apps. But over the next two to three years this system will likely become global and applied across all industries, to the point where non-vaccinated persons will be left to fend for themselves in a world ruled by technocrats who hate America and what it stands for – individual freedom and liberty for all.
  • A nuclear 'Pearl Harbor' in our future?

    Like the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor in 1941, most U.S. nuclear forces today are “sitting ducks.” Bombers are not nuclear-armed or maintained on strip alert, and most missile submarines (SSBNs) typically are in port. A surprise attack on just three bomber bases and two submarine ports could destroy about two-thirds of the U.S. nuclear deterrent — now within the capability of North Korea. Banner