National Security

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: November 16, 2020

    Guests: Alan Jones and Mary Fanning. Topic: Today Brannon plays audio clips by President Trump’s attorney, Sidney Powell, that are only 24 hours old. Alan and Mary respond to those clips. Listen as Sidney continually talks about software that was impacting not just the Dominion Voting Systems, but countless voting machines from numerous different companies. What is this software that Sidney is referring to? Then listen as Sidney explains that this software was being used by the CIA. Again, what is this software? Then Sidney speaks about this software and its ability to monitor the votes, change the votes, duplicate the votes, and delete votes, and the software’s ability to use an algorithm to steal elections. Topic: Apparently some within the national intelligence community don’t want the truth about HAMMER and Scorecard revealed. Yet today Brannon and Alan challenge them to refute documented federal court facts that reveal their false claims about HAMMER/Scorecard and Dennis Montgomery are not accurate.
  • DHS Cyber Director Chris Krebs And Deputy Director Matt Travis Tied To Clapper Who Commandeered HAMMER / SCORECARD

    Today, a gentleman called into the Rush Limbaugh Show and asked guest host Michael Knowles why DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director Christopher Krebs is lying about HAMMER and SCORECARD while highly-respected U.S. Air Force General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) and super attorney Sidney Powell have publicly and repeatedly expressed alarm about HAMMER and SCORECARD.
  • Brannon Howse: November 13, 2020

    Guest: Jeffrey Nyquist and Brazilian journalist Allan dos Santos. Topic: Allan dos Santos joins us to explain that some of the same machines used in Venezuela and in corrupt and Communist dominated countries are being used in the US. Topic: Brannon first begins the program discussing the pressure he has received to not interview people or talk about the HAMMER-Scorecard software from people tied to the intelligence community. Why would the CIA or other intelligence agencies want to protect this tool? Are some within the intelligence community afraid of the American people learning about their high crimes and treason and demanding an investigation and consequences? Brannon again warns that not everyone in conservative media is who you think they are and they are not first and foremost committed to America but protecting who funds them, controls them or for whom they really work. Topic: There is a long history of the CIA controlling members of the media and promoting their own agenda above what is best for the U.S.A. and the American people. Topic There is clearly a war being waged behind the scenes between patriots in the intelligence arena and military and those not first and foremost committed to America. Topic: Allan dos Santos joins us to discuss how he had to flee Brazil because he was speaking truth, exposing the Communists and supporting candidate, and the President, Jair Bolsonaro on his extremely large media platform. President Bolsonaro has taken on the Communists and has been called, by some, the Brazilian version of President Trump. Allan dos Santos explains how Brazil is working to make “fake news” a crime. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: November 12, 2020

    Guest: Mary Fanning and Jeff Nyquist. Topic: Did the HAMMER track Phil Haney and his work and who he was publicly exposing and researching online and talking about on the phone? Did Phil Haney say too much at Brannon’s conference that was filmed and part of the docuMovie Sabotage? Listen to the audio clip of Phil Haney publicly announcing the treason and subversion he had documented on officials in the FBI, DHS & State Department. Topic: How can the corrupt FBI be trusted in investigate the death of Phil Haney when the FBI has openly murdered Americans, provided the computers on which the HAMMER program was hosted that then was used to illegally spy on and black mail Americans. How can the FBI investigate the death of Phil Haney when the FBI has given the highest FBI award to known Jihadis, worked to recruit new FBI employees out of known Islamic, Jihadi Mosques, and was part of an attempt to overthrow U.S. President Donald Trump? Topic: Jeff Nyquist joins us to describe gray terror that the Communists are known to coordinate using Islamic terrorists. Topic: How could those that speak truth be silenced? Topic: How has money, trade, blackmail and backroom deals been used to copout and control America’s counter intelligence agents? Topic: How is America devolving into the lawlessness that has come to define South Africa and Venezuela? Topic: How the lawlessness within government is setting the stage for America’s second civil war. Topic: We take your calls.
  • General McInerney: If President Trump Does Not Secure A Second Term “We Now Might Just as Well as be 
a Socialist, Communist Country Because That's 
Where We're Going"

    Now Gen. McInerney joins me.  General, thank you for making time for us today.  I know you're busy with a ton of interviews.  Thank you for being with us.

    Gen. Thomas McInerney:  Thanks very much for having me, Brannon.

    Brannon Howse:  Last night was an amazing program.  Are you getting any feedback?  'Cause we set record numbers.  We know we had so many people watching.  Did we accomplish anything last night, General?

    Gen. Thomas McInerney:  Well, I think we have.  I think the ball is moving a little bit, but we still haven't crossed the goal line of what we're trying to do, Brannon.  So we've gotta keep it up and make sure the American people know and get to the president and get him personally involved to know that this is the keystone, if you will, of solving this problem of the cyber-warfare against his election.
  • Two Presidents, Two Narratives

    Voting is about government accountability. Election fraud, at its core, negates this accountability. Much of our media, and Biden’s partisans, do not want to be accountable. From their lips, talk of investigating election “irregularities” produces scoffing on the one hand, and threats on the other. By various hints we are given to understand that any proper counting of votes may lead to widespread violence. The left, after all, has prepared this threat in advance (for exactly this eventuality).
  • The HAMMER, the Software, and the Whistleblower Tapes with General McInerney and Mary Fanning

    Brannon Howse:  Welcome, glad you're with us.  Gen. McInerney joins us again today with Mary Fanning, and today we're being added by Mary's coauthor, Alan Jones.  Please make sure we get the name right here.  It's Alan Jones that joins us.

    All right, one of the most disturbing things to me last night, Mary and Alan, is that these guys are using this software. It was created in 2003 with Dennis Montgomery working for the military to keep America safe after 9/11 in – I think I wrote the date down somewhere in here – February 3, 2009.

    It is commandeered by Obama and his team, Brennan and Clapper, you guys report.  They begin to weaponize this as a tool against the American people, against the Supreme Court, against elected officials in the House and Senate, businesspeople.  But what is most shocking to me, they begin to use this powerful tool against the American people, apparently I guess breaking constitutional law, federal law, all kinds of laws.  They're surveilling churches as well, churches, Christian churches and synagogues.
  • Brannon Howse: November 11, 2020

    Guest: Mary Fanning and Alan Jones, National Intelligence authors. Topic: Remember the voter fraud is about a coup so that the treason, subversion and concluding with America’s enemies is not prosecuted and can continue. Topic: Refuting more bogus attacks on Dennis Montgomery that built the HAMMER software. Topic: Yes, General Counsel of the FBI affirmed Dennis Montgomery under oath before Congress. Topic: The chilling video that Iran has released that foretells of their massive nuclear strike on American military ships. What are the hidden clues in this video and what do they have to do with Biden and Obama’s betrayal of America’s national security and our national ports? Topic: What happened to the WMDs in Iraq, and why should we worry about who has them today? Topic: Why does much of Washington D.C. not consider biological chemical weapons to be WMDs but only nuclear weapons? Topic: What is the real chance of America being attacked from within our borders or just off our coast and how limited is our radar for such close incoming strikes? Topic: What percentage of cargo containers are screened that come into America and are they really screened by a Communist Chinese company? Topic: Understanding the threat to America’s nuclear triad. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Dominion Voting Systems: Firm at center of election fraud claims has ties to globalist World Economic Forum and Soros enterprise

    Most Americans have no idea that, in the vast majority of states where electronic voting machines are used, final ballot tabulations are not handled by their state and local governments, and haven’t been for years. In the early 2000s, county and state governments began to farm out the tedious process of tabulating election ballots to private technology companies. It would be faster and more efficient, the tech giants promised.
  • Did American Patriots get HAMMERED by the globalist deep-staters?

    “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote and how, but what is extremely important is this: who will count the votes.” –Joseph Stalin. Does anyone else feel like they are living through a dystopian novel, too bizarre to be real? This is how it feels to be on the wrong side of a Color Revolution, where governments are overthrown under the color of democracy. The U.S. government has engineered such revolutions in foreign countries but at some point the U.S. intelligence agency decided to weaponize all that experience and use it against our own country.
  • Stop Iraqi WMD Terrorists’ New Port of Wilmington Container Terminal, Russian Club-K Container Missile System

    The window is closing fast, but if you are reading this before December 1, 2020 there is still time to CLICK HERE and tell State of Delaware public hearing officials why GULFTAINER, the foreign-owned seaports management company connected to Iraqi WMDs, Iran, Russia, China, and Russia’s CLUB-K CONTAINER MISSILE SYSTEM, should be blocked from building a cargo container terminal in Edgemoor, Delaware as part of a Port of Wilmington expansion.
  • Brannon Howse: November 10, 2020

    Guest: Mary Fanning and Alan Jones. Topic: The voter fraud is about a coup and the coup is necessary to cover their crimes and treason and to continue to surrender America to our national enemies hiding behind corporations that are now inside the wire. Topic: Listen as Brannon, Mary and Alan explain the big picture of the serious national security threat facing America. They set the table by playing an audio of Michael Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell expelling the overwhelming and documented voter fraud. Topic: If the Biden team wins then they will be able to cover their crimes such as the Port Canaveral deal that Obama-Biden pushed through with Gulftainer that is co-owned by the Jafar family. Dr. Jafar was Saddam Hussein’s Deputy Defense Minister and Senior nuclear advisor. Topic: According to World Bank IFC documents, Gulftainer is co-owned by the Emir of Sharjah, UAE and Hamid Dhia Jafar. Topic: Badr Jafar, Hamid’s son and Chair of Gultainer’s Executive Board, visited the Obama White House six weeks before the Port Canaveral Gulftainer deal was confirmed. Topic: Mary and Alan explain Dr. Jafar’s connections to DGMI, the Iraqi spy agency that ran Unit 999, are particularly concerning because they establish a connection between the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and Gulftainer, the Iraqi ports company that built their Port Canaveral container terminal adjacent to U.S. Navy Trident submarines, Canaveral Space Force Station, and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Topic: By stealing the vote illegally and overthrowing our Constitutional Republic, not only will Obama and Biden get away with their subversion and what many describe as treason, but Biden will and his Administration will be empowered to continue to surrender America to our enemies by placing them on our soil through business deals and corporations that hide this trojan horse. America’s enemies will also have the ability to continue to set up for Pearl Harbor 2.0 just as a Russian military defense manual bragged when translated into English.
  • Brannon Howse: November 4, 2020

    Please help us get this information to the American people. Guests: Lt. General Thomas McInerney, (3-Stars) U.S. Air Force (Retired), Author and Researcher Mary Fanning. Former National Security Council Staffer for President Donald Trump Rich Higgins join us to give us his thoughts on what it would mean for America if Joe Biden becomes President due to his a national security threat due to being compromised by the Communist Chinese and government of Russia. You will hear General McInerney tell our audience that Brannon is revealing facts that no other national talk show host on terrestrial radio is covering because they likely are not aware of this breaking news.

    “THE HAMMER IS THE KEY TO THE COUP” — Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, On His Death Bed, Speaking To His Longtime Friend, Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney 

    Obama Administration officials stole a super-surveillance government tool for foreign surveillance and they turned it against America and are using it to steal the Presidential election of 2020. Listen to this broadcast for all the facts from General McInerney and Mary Fanning.
  • National Geographic Bin Laden Special Confirms CIA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery Was Correct: Al-Qaeda Hid Messages In Videos

    Dennis Montgomery, the former CIA contractor framed ten years ago by journalists of dubious repute for supposedly selling “hoax” technology to the CIA that could detect encrypted al-Qaeda messages embedded in videos broadcast over the Al-Jazeera TV network, was proven correct last night during National Geographic’s new television special “Bin Laden’s Hard Drive.” The National Geographic special, presented by CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen, premiered on the eve of the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
  • Brannon Howse: November 9, 2020

    Guest: General McInerney, Mary Fanning, and Alan Jones. Topic: Perhaps the most shocking information to come out the HAMMER was that Obama and his Administration were surveilling Christian churches and synagogues. Topic: What about the criticism in the press about Dennis Montgomery who authored the HAMMER software in 2003 to protect America before it was weaponized by the Obama team against Americans? Topic: How has disinformation and information operation been used to convince the public that Joe Biden is president-elect despite the lack of certified votes. Topic: What role did Robert Mueller and his FBI play in helping the Obama Administration set up HAMMER for political uses? Topic: When Dennis Montgomery was arrested in 2006 why was he arrested and why was he released? Topic: How should our audience respond to this information in order to help preserve our republic.
  • John Loeffler: November 10, 2020

    What exactly is behind the critical race theory ideology?  John Murawski, an award-winning journalist who writes for RealClear Investigations, joins us to play devil’s advocate and point out the thinking behind both sides of the issue.  The values our country has always upheld – hard work, individualism, etc. – are looked at as systems of oppression by those who espouse critical race theory.  Ultimately, the problem is there’s no shared vocabulary and no shared system of values between the two sides and that’s what makes things so unstable.  
  • Peter Pry: November 10, 2020

    Few are aware that September 23 could be the most important date in American history, the anniversary of U.S. suspension of nuclear tests for 28 years, the last U.S. nuclear test conducted on September 23, 1992. Future historians may regard this date as the beginning of the end of American civilization, as Russia, China, and North Korea (and maybe Iran) have been testing nuclear weapons. If President Trump’s plans to modernize the U.S. nuclear deterrent are thwarted by Democrats, the U.S. could lose the New Cold War and even, through our vulnerability, invite a nuclear World War III. Banner