National Security

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: October 22, 2020

    Guest: Former White House National Security Council Staffer Rich Higgins. Topic: Rich talks about his world famous Higgins Memo that he wrote as a NSC staffer for President Trump. Topic: Rich talks about some of his personal interactions with President Trump that is 100% opposite of the media’s lies and fake news. Topic: Rich joins us to discuss Antifa, BLM, and CAIR and election 2020. Topic: How big a threat is China to the U.S.? Topic: What does Rich see happening in the streets of America in response to the 2020 Presidential election? Topic: We take lots of your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: October 21, 2020

    The Rise of the American Police State. Topic: The left is dehumanizing conservatives, Christians and Jews which leads to laws that allow the persecution of their political enemies. The narrative is that conservatives are the source of all suffering and oppression. Once the left fully controls the law enforcement agencies not only will the persecution of conservative, Christians and Jews be ignored by encouraged. Brannon gives two examples of how this has already occurred. Topic: Much of the right and left have merged politically and spiritually. Topic: Republicans are aiding the deep state as evident from what has happened to President Trump. Topic: We take your calls.
  • The Coronavirus Has Been a Huge Psychological Warfare Program Carried Out on the American People

    The more I study the fake science, contradictions, government over-reach, and fear mongering that has been deployed by change agents, known cultural Marxists, globalists, and socialists within America, the more I believe their response to the Coronavirus has been a huge psychological warfare program carried out on the American people. After all, the daily site of people walking around wearing face masks, the inability to see their smile, and the prison-warden-like orders to stay six feet apart is all enough to steal your peace, and cause frustration for some, and understandable fear and anxiety in others. However, fear and anxiety is a powerful tool in a brainwashing operation. 
  • Brannon Howse: October 20, 2020

    Guest: Former CIA Operations Officer Clare Lopez and Former Muslim Shahram Hadian. Topic: President George W. Bush knew that Bin Laden was hiding in Iran. Topic: Vice-President Biden outed SEAL team six despite what the liberal media and website lie and say about Biden. Listen and Brannon plays the audio of SEAL Team Six Parents Billy and Karen Vaughn broadcast from the WVW-TV studio about Biden outing the SEAL Team. Topic: Shahram Hadian joins us to discuss the Islamist that decapitated a school teacher in Paris. Brannon and Shahram explain why they believe the media, progressives and Muslim Brotherhood liars encouraged what they believe and law enforcement informed them was a likely desired hit and assault on them if Brannon’s hired security had not been vigilant in Sioux Falls in April of 2017. Brannon and Hadian explain why they believe more Christians, conservatives, and Jews will be killed as the media, Marxists, and Islamist are empowered by the lack of law enforcement due to political correctness, useful idiots and domestic enemies that have penetrated federal agencies.
  • Reject the Cult of Groupthink, or Become Its Slave

    Nearly one year into this nightmare, the minds of millions of Americans remain tightly controlled by a group of cult-like “experts” and their corrupt media henchmen pushing an irrational fear of a virus.

    My fellow Americans, it’s time to wake up. As someone who worked three decades at mainstream newspapers before being “canceled” by that industry, and someone who has studied the high art of propaganda, I plead with you: It’s time to put an end to this nightmare.
  • Brannon Howse: October 16, 2020

    Guest: Alex Newman, Tom Littleton, Andy Woods, Chris Pinto and Trevor Loudon. Topic: These keynote speakers for the 2020 Ozarks Worldview Weekend join us live from the resort center on Lake of the Ozarks to preview this year’s topic of globalism.
  • The Democrat Plan to Wipe the America we Know and Love From the Face of the Earth

    The bottom line is that this is a complete radical plan to wipe the America we know and love from the face of the earth. The radicals hope to suspend the Constitution as needed, eliminate the First and Second Amendments, confiscate property, and take total and near permanent control of all aspects of our society. The radical left already controls most of the media, big tech, the Deep State bureaucracy, public education, and chunks of Wall Street. They intend to leverage that power in a color revolution combined with what they hope will be one last election victory to take total control.
  • Brannon Howse: October 13, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry. Topic: Can Russia and China defeat our nuclear triad of bombers, submarines, and land-based missiles? Topic: The new way of warfare versus the old way of warfare? Topic: The threat of nuclear suitcases or backpacks as part of gray terror. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Nine Likely Tactics of Insurgents as they Push for their Marxist Revolution

    The pandemic and riots of 2020 have overwhelmed most local, state and federal agencies and likely damaged their readiness for 2020 election violence and unrest.

    The insurgents desire to create a situation in which the government, controlled by the so-called “fascists,” “imperialists,” and “racist capitalists,” is filmed responding in such a manner as to give credibility to the long-standing narrative of the insurgents about the government. 

    With this above as our backdrop, let me now share with you nine likely tactics of the insurgents working to divide America, bring chaos, fear, anxiety, surrender and a Marxist revolution. 
  • The Enemy Within Our Nuclear Weapon Labs

    President Trump needs to “drain the swamp” at national laboratories responsible for maintaining the safety and reliability of U.S. nuclear weapons -- starting with Sandia National Laboratory.

    Christopher Rufo and Tyler Durden (see “Sandia Labs Goes Nuclear On Employee Who Sparked Internal Revolt Over Critical Race Theory”) are among the few journalists who are spotlighting Sandia’s treasonous program to brainwash white male employees that  America is inherently racist and evil.
  • Iran's Other Threat to Civilization

    The Congressional EMP Commission estimates that, given U.S. current unpreparedness, within one year of an EMP attack that causes a nationwide blackout... up to 90 percent of the U.S. population could perish from starvation, disease and societal collapse. An EMP attack, therefore, would confer upon Iran an "assured destruction" capability against the United States.
  • Playing for Keeps: The Plot to Destroy Our Constitutional Republic (Part One)

    For anyone with "eyes to see" and "ears to hear," the Deep State plans for a Biden win are more than obvious. They have been telegraphed for weeks, including the Nancy Pelosi-led effort to create a 25th Amendment Commission. All of this is well planned and orchestrated. It is an extraordinary effort to literally supplant this once-free nation. We will walk through some of the telltale signals in this blog (and also in Part Two to come).
  • Brannon Howse: October 12, 2020

    Nine likely tactics of insurgents as they push for their Marxist revolution. Topic: The media and democrat party have carried out a political warfare agenda that has set up the free market system, Christians and conservatives as enemies of the people deserving of retribution and elimination. Topic: Anarchist and marxist groups have for years circulated how-to-manuals for guerrilla warfare online and in print. Topic: The pandemic and riots of 2020 has overwhelmed most local, state and federal agencies and likely damaged their readiness for 2020 election violence and unrest. Topic: The insurgents desire to create a situation in which the government, controlled by the so-called fascists, imperialists and racist capitalists, is filmed responding in such a manner as to give credibility to the long-standing narrative of the insurgents about the government. Topic: The pandemic put many criminals and back on the street. Topic: Nine tactics to watch for when it comes to insurgents. 

    1. Insurgents are ultimately about revolution not elections 

    2. Insurgents could use pre and post election protests to hide within 

    3. Insurgents could use the media's explanation of protests and violence as their cover 

    4. Insurgents could use the distraction of protests and violence as the cover to their violence 

    5. Insurgents could use the protests and violence as an opportunity to stage attacks while police and governments are distracted 

    6. Insurgents could stage terrorist attacks to look like Islamic terrorism or Islamic terrorist could stage attacks to like Marxist or Anarchist terrorism

    7. Insurgents could dress as Trump supporters and carry out violence in order to incite the left to attack the right 

    8. Insurgents could carry out staged attacks on police, politicians, judges, conservatives or conservative personalities.

    9. Insurgents could attack critical infrastructure to create more chaos, riots, looting and to overwhelm police departments, sheriff departments and state and federal DHS fusion centers. 
  • Putin’s Dialectic

    President Vladimir Putin of Russia gave an interview this past week in which he denied interfering in American elections. He was asked which candidate appealed to him more? — Trump or Biden? “We are onlookers,” responded Putin; “we do not interfere in the process.” Regarding allegations that Russia had interfered with American elections in the past, he said, “It is proof of the standard of the political culture [in America] — or the lack thereof.” Banner