National Security

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: October 7, 2020

    Guests: Leo Hohmann and Kevin Freeman. Topic: What is stakeholder capitalism? Topic: Communist China's Influence Operation Includes Controlling American Media and Entertainment Outlets. Topic: 3 Biggest Lies About COVID-19 Have All Been Exposed: But Here’s Why Globalist Power-brokers Can’t Let it. Topic: Why are American companies turning against Americans? Have the large corporations come to believe that American values are so unpopular in America and around the globe that they are willing to insult patriotic and conservative Americans? Have large corporations seen that the globalist agenda will win the day and are now positioning their corporations accordingly as well as to please the growing social justice customer base? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Loss of ICBMs: Biden Will Almost Certainly Abolish This Indispensable Deterrent

    In the 2020 elections, perhaps the most important, and least appreciated, issue: a Biden administration will almost certainly abolish unilaterally America’s 400 land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

    ICBMs, according to U.S. Strategic Command, are “the bedrock of our strategic posture” but the  Minuteman III, a half-century old, needs to be replaced by a new ICBM. The anti-nuclear left has persuaded top Democrats ICBMs are unnecessary. 
  • Brannon Howse: October 5, 2020

    Guest: Jeffery Nyquist. Topic: Most Americans see the riots of 2020, the violence of Black Lives Matter, political propaganda, the attacks on the Second Amendment or calls for succession as individual issues. Today Brannon and Jeff explain how all these issues are connected as the globalist and Marxist enemies from within and without work to destroy America along with the Marxist agitators from above and below. Topic: What was a tipping point for the first civil war in America and what could be the tipping point that brings a fully active hot civil war in America? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: October 5, 2020

    The Enemy Within Our Nuclear Weapons Laboratories: Pry Report spotlights treasonous activity by Sandia National Laboratory forcing white male employees into “training” that amounts to brainwashing in Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory holds that white people are inherently racist, America is institutionally racist, and racism is used for economic exploitation and oppression of peoples of color. Critical Race Theory is the ideology of Black Lives Matters and Antifa, which organizations advocate and practice revolutionary violence against the United States Government and the existing social order. Unfortunately, all three so-called nuclear weapon labs—Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia—have become highly paid sinecures for Leftist administrators and are now staffed with a new generation who have been brainwashed by universities into an anti-nuclear and anti-American worldview.
  • Understanding The Threat: October 5, 2020

    On this week's UTT Radio Show we dissect former FBI Director James Comey's exchange with Senator Ted Cruz last week and the implications of Comey's overt lies and involvement in the coup against President Trump. As always, great spots from the Ameiss Files, Peggy's Corner and much more!
  • When We Had a CIA That Worked for America

    Sun, 10/04/2020
    The left-wing Soros-funded National Security Archive has released some documents about the CIA’s good old days, when the agency had anti-communists on its staff and they responded to the orders of a duly elected resident. The documents concern the overthrow of the communist president of Chile in 1973.
  • Exposed: The Connection Between Black Lives Matter and International Communist Groups & Palestinian Terrorism

    A shocking new video provides indisputable evidence that Black Lives Matter (BLM) is tied to foreign communist organizations. In this powerful exposé presented by Choose Freedom, BLM’s founders are tied to a Chinese Communist Party front group, a group founded by former East Germany Communist Party leaders, and even Palestinian terror organizations. 
  • Antifa as ‘Just an Idea’ a Bad Omen for Christians in Joe Biden’s America

    The first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump reflected the state of America in 2020.

    Chaotic, confusing and hopelessly divided.

    Past debates, while heated, contained at least a moment of congeniality and even humor. Who could forget when Ronald Reagan, fending off charges that he was too old to be president, grinned and stated that he would not hold his opponent Walter Mondale’s “youth and inexperience” against him. Mondale could be seen chuckling at Reagan’s deft handling of the pin-prick attack.
  • Brannon Howse: September 29, 2020

    Guest: Jeffrey R. Nyquist. Topic: Former Clinton Administation Lawyer Calls for Succession of Democrat States. Topic: Brannon and Jeff discuss the tweets by Clinton lawyer Lanny Davis calling for liberal states to leave the union. Topic: A succession California movement opens ‘embassy’ in Moscow. What does this tell you? China and Russia are working to create as much chaos in America as possible. Topic: The left is trying to start a civil war that their marxist allies in China and Russia can exploit. Brannon and Jeff discuss how the Marxist democrats are working to burn down America, literally and figuratively, as they do the bidding for Communist China. Topic: How will the globalists exploit the crisis being created by the Marxists?
  • Democrat Secession Talk

    What should we think about prominent Democrats, like Lanny Davis, who want to divide America into two separate countries — along party lines?

    In his Farewell Address, George Washington explained that union should be regarded as “the palladium” of our “political safety and prosperity….” Union is of such benefit, and disunion so harmful, he added, “there will always be reason to distrust the patriotism of those who in any quarter may endeavor to weaken its bands.”
  • The Mystery of China’s Military Doctrine

    Roger Cliff is the author of a recent study on the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), titled China’s Military Power: Assessing Current and Future Capabilities. Cliff says that modern wars are decided by strategy and doctrine. He also says China hides its military doctrine behind disinformation and secrecy.

    It should come as no surprise that Beijing keeps its military doctrine hidden. The reason is simple. The Chinese rulers have two faces: (1) a communist face; (2) a capitalist face. Shall we guess which is their true face?
  • Restoring American Greatness Means Abolishing the CIA and FBI

    Mon, 09/28/2020
    Ignoring the nearly 200,000 deaths from the China virus, Conrad Black wrote, “Trump Has Had a Historically Great First Term,” for a website called “American Greatness.” This treatment of President Trump’s first term comes from someone pardoned by Trump for financial fraud. (The case for a pardon was supported by individuals as diverse as Henry Kissinger and Rush Limbaugh). Black wrote a pro-Trump book, Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other.
  • Understanding The Threat: September 28, 2020

    This week's Understanding the Threat Radio Show answers the question 'What are the Jihadis Doing?' By discussing what has happened in the last 10 days, listeners will see that a LOT is going on. Also, Peggy Mast explains why the Electoral College is critical for our Republic, and Stephanie Ameiss discusses the details of Iran's spy plot against the U.S. All this and more. Join us as UTT puts FREEDOM on the offensive where it belongs.
  • Brannon Howse: September 23, 2020

    Guest: Shahram Hadian and The Honorable Sam Rohrer. Topic: Sam joins us to discuss with Brannon the convergence of issues happening on a global scale in addition to the lawlessness. There is no way to understand what is happening outside of it setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Brannon and Sam going through the list of events unfolding from the call for a digital dollar, global reset, the peace details Israel is making with Arab nations, to mandatory vaccines and biometrics tied to the internet and possibly a digital currency. Topic: Shahram joins us for a few minutes to discuss how well-known conservatives are not moving to Tennessee. In the spring of 2020 Brannon started Sanctuary States for Liberty and then when Shahram moved to Tennessee Brannon turned the daily operation of this over to Shahram. Brannon and Shahram discuss why they are encouraging American to get out of liberals states and come to Tennessee. Topic: We take your calls.
  • U.S. Nuclear Weapons Not Tested in Nearly Three Decades

    September 23, 1992 — date of the last U.S. nuclear test — 28 years ago.

    Nuclear weapon scientists and strategists are increasingly concerned about the safety and reliability of U.S. nuclear weapons, none tested in nearly three decades, obeying the unratified Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

    CTBT was the bright idea of President Bill Clinton and anti-nuclear ideologues, increasingly dominant in a radicalized Democratic Party that would have the U.S. lead the way toward President Obama’s "world without nuclear weapons" even though Russia, China, North Korea and Iran are not following.
  • Peter Pry: September 21, 2020

    The Pry Report reads at their request a letter signed by over 250 retired U.S. generals, admirals, and senior military officers from all armed services praising President Trump’s exemplary service as Commander-in-Chief, endorsing re-election of President Trump, and warning that election of a Biden Administration will be catastrophic for freedom and national security. The Pry Report warns that domestic terrorism by Antifa and Black Lives Matter is inspiring foreign adversaries and international terrorists to prosecute a “Gray-Zone War” against the U.S. homeland, using special forces super-weapons to attack U.S. military forces in their bases clandestinely, masquerading as domestic terrorists, to win World War III within U.S. borders, before making their “big play” overseas to conquer U.S. allies like NATO Europe, Taiwan, South Korea, or Israel.
  • Brannon Howse: September 18, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung and Alex Newman. Topic: Alex Newman joins us to talk about the 2020 color revolution in America. Brannon and Alex discuss why they both believe the globalists want President Trump to win a second term but are using the chaos to transform America. Topic: Alex and Brannon discuss how all of the chaos is setting the stage for the globalists to offer up solutions. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: As Jews observe the three Fall Jewish Feasts, Israelis are under a lockdown which may make all Jews like the High Priest. Topic: The Middle East Peace Treaty signing at the White House may revive previous treaties and bring more Arab states onto the peace train. Topic: On the 27th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, Palestinian leaders call for a third intifada, an all-out war against Israel. Topic: There are phrases in the Abraham Accords that could allow for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount.
  • Brannon Howse: September 16, 2020

    Guest: G. Edward Griffin: American Historian and Expert on Communism and Globalism. Topic: In 1969 Mr. Griffin produced a documentary warning about the stages of subversion the communists would use to try to collapse America from within. Mr. Griffin wrote the classic book expoing the Federal Reserve entitled: The Creature From Jekyll Island. Today, Mr. Griffin joins Brannon to discuss the transformation he has seen in America over these many decades and what he sees coming. Topic: A caller calls into the program to accuse Brannon of promoting a president that lies and that Brannon props up the lies of President Donald Trump and undermines serious racism issues. Brannon asked the caller to list one lie that Brannon has propagated or propped up and he could not come up with one after given several chances to name one. Brannon tells the caller he is the liar as he even lied to the call screener to get on the air. Brannon used this opportunity to explain the reasons many Christians and conservatives are losing today is because we do not have the courage to call the opposition that is tearing down America and stealing our freedoms what they really are and what they really represent. Topic: Mr. Griffin takes questions from the callers. Banner