National Security

  • Brannon Howse: April 21, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Dr. Douglas Frank. Topic: Brannon describes WVW Broadcast Network Studio hosting Mike Lindell’s 48 Hour Frank-A-Thon on Monday and Tuesday and gives you a behind the scenes description of this historic event in defense of free speech. Topic: Dr. Frank joins Brannon live in the WVW radio studio to report that liberal organizations like the Clinton Foundation and others have been allowed to enter the voting rolls in numerous states and change the voting roles. Dr. Frank and Brannon describe how the FBI and CIA are aware of this voter crime and do nothing because the FBI has become America’s KGB and has worked to overthrow our Constitutional Republic. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us live in the WVW radio studio to discuss the epic launch of Frank, the voice of free speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Chris Pinto: November 3, 2020

    In a special one-hour program, Chris discusses the 2020 Presidential election, a showdown between President Donald Trump and the Democratic challenger, Joe Biden. Yet many argue that it’s really a choice between American freedom and the tyranny of Socialism. But not only are there the ongoing riots by Marxist left-wing radicals, but also the rising danger of radical Islam, with a new series of deadly attacks, including beheadings, in France. President Trump has warned that if Joe Biden wins, the “horrifying attacks like in France” will likely come to the United States. We also discuss the arguments of Pastor John Piper against supporting President Trump over a moral analysis of his personal character, as opposed to his political policies. Could Piper’s view hold sway over a significant portion of the Christian community?
  • Understanding The Threat: November 2, 2020

    "Tuesday's Presidential election is a clear choice between Freedom, unalienable rights and the continuation of our Constitutional Republic (Donald Trump) vs the continued attack on liberty, the promotion of slavery (communism & Islam), and the destruction of our Constitutional Republic (Democrats). This week the UTT team has put together a hard-hitting and powerful show that is a MUST LISTEN!!!"
  • Glenn Greenwald’s Half-Truths About the Intelligence Agencies

    Fri, 10/30/2020
    Glenn Greenwald is making headlines on Fox News about the CIA dominating the American media. The other more significant part of the story is that the CIA is doing Russia’s bidding. That’s why the CIA’s role in facilitating the Russia-supplied dossier on President Trump is being covered-up by CIA Director Gina Haspel. 
  • Chinese Communist Party Connection to Black Lives Matter

    BLM leaders are closely tied to the Chinese Communist Party – the main connection is through Asians 4 Black Lives, which is controlled by the San Francisco based Chinese Progressive Association or CPA. The CPA is the Communist Party of China’s main West Coast support group.
    The Chinese Communist Party cares about US race relations. Driving racial division here is an essential part of the CCP’s unrestricted warfare against our nation. That should concern all who care about America.
    Choose Freedom.
  • Brannon Howse: October 29, 2020

    Guest: Former federal and undercover agent David Gaubatz and research journalist Leo Hohmann. Topic: Leo has written an article about David Gaubatz entitled: Undercover Agent Warns of Post-Election Plans to ‘Ignite’ Violent Revolution That Will Shock the Nation. Topic: Dave Gaubatz and his team infiltrated an Antifa event in Tampa and he reports to us today what he and his team have learned about the violence Antifa and Black Lives Matter Marxists plan to start election night if Trump is leading in the electoral college or wins.
  • Brannon Howse: October 28, 2020

    Topic: Robert Spencer tells us how the FBI in 2015 encouraged the attempted assassination of himself and Pamela Geller by working with known Islamic Jihadis. How has the FBI facilitated, encouraged and grown the Marxists-Islamic axis in America that is now openly writing reports on how they will carry out a violent revolution in America? Topic: While the corruption of the FBI seemed unbelievable in 2015, now in 2020 we know that the FBI turned a blind eye to reported child sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and broke countless laws when the FBI leadership on the seventh floor worked to carry out a coup on a sitting President of the United States as well as ran cover for the Biden, Clinton and Obama Crime syndicate.
  • Brannon Howse: October 27, 2020

    The Leftist Plan For 2020 Election Riots and The Parallels Between The Arab Spring and What is Happening in America Today. (Part 1) Guests: Arabic speaking Egyptian Usama Dakdok & Former Iranian Muslim Shahram Hadian. Topic: Hold The Line is the name of a group that is organizing to defeat President Trump by organizing a resistance movement and what they call civil resistance. Two of the players of this organization include Marium Navid and Kifan Shah that both wear an Islamic Hijab which is a flag of Sharia. Shah has worked with Muslim Brotherhood proponent and Islamic Jihadist Linda Sarsour. Navid is reported to have worked with the Los Angels chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) that is another name for Muslim Brotherhood. The Marxists have been taking the lead on the riots and attempt at revolution for many decades but now the Jihadis are taking a more public roll instead of staying in the shadows. Topic: Brannon, Usama and Shahram explain how the Islamists are working to carry out the same tactics as they did in Egypt during the Arab spring. Topic: The Disruption Project is another group working to bring chaos to the 2020 election and beyond. Topic: Shut Down DC is another group working bring revolution and chaos. Topic: Another group has a manual entitled: Stop The Coup. Brannon, Shahram and Usama discuss all these manuals and what is about to unfold in America. Topic: The Disruption Project includes the promotion of a handbook that discusses spiritual at the riots and protests. Brannon explains how the left is committed to spirituality that they mix with their Marxism just as Brannon wrote about in his book Grave Influence in 2009, Religious Trojan Horse in 2011, The Coming Religious Reich in 2015 and Marxianity in 2018.
  • ‘Right-Wing Extremist’ Who Wanted to Kill Biden Turns Out to Be a Leftist Inspired by Jihadis

    “This is what Donald J. Trump’s rhetoric has caused,” fumed one Twitter Leftist. “Alexander Hillel Treisman who had already been arrested by the FBI on child pornography charges. Now it’s come to light that the MAGA fanatic may have also been plotting to assasinate [sic] @JoeBiden.” Another quipped: “Very fine people for trump!” There was just one problem with the Left’s latest confirmation that it isn’t Antifa, but Trump supporters who are the violent thugs menacing innocent people: Treisman is a Bernie Bro.
  • Soros Open Society and Southern Baptist/NAMB Underground Railroad For Muslim Resettlement?

    This past week marked the annual Immigration Coalition’s National Conference. An interesting and revealing line up of partners and sponsors participated in the Oct 22-23 2020 event. But prior to the event these partnerships had LONG AGO formed between Open Societies organizations , government funding and non profits operating as what Capitol dubbed a ” A Billion-Dollar Taxpayer Funded Advocacy Industry” for immigrants and refugees FLOODING INTO AMERICA.
  • Iran in 2021

    In a little noticed comment made in September 2020, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei praised the 21 July 1988 decision of his predecessor, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, to accept a cease-fire in the eight-year war with Iraq. Khomeini had vowed jihad to total victory, but after a devastating toll in lives, Khomeini referred to his halt in the fighting as “taking poison.” In his speech, Khamenei evoked Khomenei’s “drinking the chalice of poison” in a way that had observers wondering whether he was hinting at some decision of his own to save the Iranian regime from collapse.
  • Understanding The Threat: October 26, 2020

    "Another teacher is threatened by muslim students in France and another jihadi-supporting leftist is caught potentially planning an attack in the U.S. Also, did you know blacks in America in the mid and late 1800's were REPUBLICAN? Did you know democrats published "Lynching Cards" with photos and names of and white? Learn more real history and analysis of current events on this week's UTT Radio Show."
  • Bracing for a ‘DARK WINTER’

    The federal government carried out Operation Dark Winter in June 2001, a simulation exercise focused on how to respond to a covert biological attack using a super-strain of smallpox from an unknown source. It involved draconian lockdowns, rioting in the streets, and military intervention to quell the chaos. You can read about it in an article that appeared earlier this year in the elitist magazine Foreign Policy titled America’s Pandemic War Games Don’t End Well. The magazine admits the current coronavirus pandemic “bears an eerie resemblance to the simulation.” Banner