
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 23, 2020

    In the body of Christ, the strong help the weak, and the healthy help the ailing. Today we learn about some practical ways we can support each other in times of need.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 23, 2020

    Dr. Don DeYoung will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table today here on PTIB, to discuss the growing number of asteroids that, almost on a daily basis, approach the Earth. However, before that conversation, Jimmy will talk with Don about the European Space Agency Mission to Mercury, and a stop by the Planet Venus to see if they can discover life on the "twin planet" of Earth. Then Jimmy and Don will continue their discussion of the increasing number of asteroids that are approaching Earth, even the "Election Day Asteroid" that will travel near Earth the day before the Presidential Elections.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 22, 2020

    As members of the body of Christ we have a mission to fulfill, and a disciplined use of our resources is key to getting God’s work done. Let’s look at how to determine our priorities, and then, how to live by them.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 22, 2020

    On PTIB today Jimmy DeYoung has two of his Broadcast Partners who will join Jimmy at the Broadcast Table to give us some very important reports on very important issues. John Rood will go first with his European Union Up-date, reporting on the political events, setting the stage for the prophetic to be fulfilled, in the EU. Then R.C. Morro comes to reveal in his report how close this world may be to a "one-world economic system" that will include "digital currency". Remember, the Antichrist will lead this "economy system" from the literal City of Babylon, located in modern-day Iraq.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 21, 2020

    In the body of Christ there is great diversity. Mature Christians enjoy the gifts of every member of the body, since each believer has a unique contribution to make to the growth of the kingdom of Christ on earth.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 21, 2020

    Today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing Jimmy DeYoung brings Dave Dolan to his Broadcast Table so that Dave can give us his Middle East News Up-date, a key report for those of us who are students of Bible Prophecy. Jimmy and Dave will discuss the "body-politic" of Saudi Arabia who want peace with Israel; Syrian President Assad says he will talk peace with Israel after Israel returns the Golan Heights back to Syria; and the Palestinian Authority Mufti says the Quran, the Islamic "holy book", requires that Muslims wage "holy war", Jihad, against the Jews.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 20, 2020

    Christians are blessed to be a part of an invisible assembly—the body of Christ that transcends denominational barriers. It is so vital that we understand the body of Christ and our part in it.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 20, 2020

    It is so important for each of us to understand how geo-political events in our world today are setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. In fact, that is the reason Jimmy DeYoung brings Ken Timmerman to Jimmy's Broadcast Table to discuss these current events. Today on PTIB Ken joins Jimmy to discuss the activities of China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and also North Korea the Far East nation who says they have a new guided missile that can attack both Israel and America, with the possibility of destroying either, and/or both of these nations.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 19, 2020

    If people aren’t serving where God wants them to serve in the local church, the whole ministry is shortchanged. What are spiritual gifts, and why is it so vital that we find out how God has gifted us?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 19, 2020

    Today at Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, Jimmy will have Dave James. Jimmy and Dave will have a discussion on the abortion issue because it is going to be a major issue in the upcoming Presidential election. In addition to that, the abortion issue is key to the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice to fill the vacant seat of the late Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg. This is one of those conversations that you must hear, please stay tuned.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 15, 2020

    The COVID-19 blame game has not helped. Pointing the political finger does not bring back the lives of those lost. But what if global death and destruction is only beginning? What if our present distress is only a foretaste? In this message we take a frank look at the biblical future for fallen humanity, and what we as believers must learn if we’re to be victorious in this dark time.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 15, 2020

    The Palestinian Media in Israel is filled with incitement for the Palestinian people to rise up and kill the Jews. A recent documentary by Palestinian Media Watch revealed that the Palestinian media is recruiting Palestinian male and female young people to become "suicide bombers" to kill the Jews. The recruitment campaign is using the reward of "sexual satisfaction" to have these young people become "weapons of war". Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will have Itamar Marcus come to the Broadcast Table to give us all the details on this story.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 14, 2020

    As COVID-19 has raged, people are desperate to return to normalcy. Some see dark forces manipulating the population. Others are resigned to face a disease for which there is currently no cure. What can we learn from natural disasters when, and if, COVID-19 finally passes over us?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 14, 2020

    On a weekly basis, Jimmy DeYoung brings Dave Dolan to his Broadcast Table so Dave can give us his Middle East News Update. Today Jimmy and Dave will discuss how Jordan has opened their "airspace" to allow Israeli aircraft to enter and leave that airspace; the PM and Russian President Putin had a telephone conversation to discuss whether Russia should sell their advanced S-400 Air Defense System to Iran; the Israeli Government ready to airlift 2,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel; the Turkish President Erdogan saying that Jerusalem is a Turkish City, and has been so for thousands of years.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 13, 2020

    It’s comforting to ask God for help in times of trouble. But what if God is the One who sent the trouble you’re going through? What do you ask of a God who brings destruction? It’s important to set the record straight on the “why” of plagues like COVID-19.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 13, 2020

    As we look at geopolitical events happening in our world today, Jimmy DeYoung finds it necessary to bring Ken Timmerman to the Broadcast Table to discuss what's happening that may well be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. Jimmy and Ken will discuss how Hamas and the Islamist radicals in Bahrain are meeting to strategize on how to break up the Arab-Israeli Peace Accords; Israeli PM Netanyahu and Russian President Putin having a phone call to discuss the Russian sale of their S-400, advance "air defense system" to Iran; and Turkish President Erdogan's statement that Jerusalem belongs to Turkey, and has been Turkish for thousands of years.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 12, 2020

    Lockdowns, economic chaos, sickness, and death—COVID-19 has changed us all forever. Agendas are flying as the press and politicians maneuver for advantage. The ultimate question: what is God saying to us through a deadly pandemic? In this message we open our hearts and minds to find out.
  • John Whitcomb: October 12, 2020

    Stephen, who we meet in Acts 6, was “a deacon—a servant of God—in a time of crisis in the early church”—and his story takes a dramatic turn in Acts 7.

    We are in Volume Two of a series called “Acts: Witness of the Early Church” here on “Encounter God’s Truth” from Whitcomb Ministries. With host Wayne Shepherd, we want to thank Middletown Bible Church in Middletown, Connecticut, for permission and help in allowing us to bring this teaching to you. These sermons were recorded there several years ago at the Independent Fundamental Bible Conference.

    This time, we will hear Dr. John Whitcomb emphasize much of the background behind this great seventh chapter of the book of Acts, and then introduce the tremendous sermon that Stephen preached before he suffered death as a martyr. God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end! Thanks for listening to it with us here on “Encounter God’s Truth.”

  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 12, 2020

    Today Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave James to his Broadcast Table to discuss not only the Trump pick to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court, vacant because of the death of Justice Ginsburg, but also the similarities between the United States Constitution and the Word of God, the Bible, as it relates to interpretation and the intent of the "writers" of both of these great documents. Both the Constitution and the Bible are absolute in their original writings. They both are truth for today, tomorrow, and forever. Banner