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    Money and A Biblical Worldview

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    Money and A Biblical Worldview
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    Last Days Deception or Biblical Truth

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    Last Days Deception or Biblical Truth
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  • Erwin Lutzer: January 11, 2021

    We’re far from being the inherently good people our culture says we are. In fact, apart from certain restraints, we’re capable of unspeakable evil. In this message we take another step in our journey of self-discovery, a journey in which we’re finding out why we do what we do.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 11, 2021

    "Today Jimmy DeYoung concludes his five-part series-"2021-A Prophetic Prospective". This time Jimmy will look at what may be ahead in 2021, in the Christian community. Jimmy will bring Dave James to his Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, to help us look into this next year. Remember, neither Jimmy nor Dave are prophets or the sons of prophets. They both are students of the prophetic Word of God, the Bible. The Bible is the basis for their thoughts, in their conversation today."
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    What Has Happen To the World, Why and How Should Christians Respond Presentation

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    What Has Happen To the World, Why and How Should Christians Respond Presentation
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    What Has Happen To the World, Why and How Should Christians Respond Presentation
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    Contending Against the ISMS of the Day Powerpoint Presentation

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    Contending Against the ISMS of the Day Powerpoint Presentation
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    The Coming Religious Reich Audio Book

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    The Third Reich Was Bad. The Fourth Will Be Worse.

    Looking back at the horrors of World War II many people think, “We’re glad that’s over with.” They naively believe the days of people like Hitler are gone for good. Yet we live amid threats creating a worldwide nightmare Hitler only managed in a few countries.
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    The Coming Religious Reich Audio Book by Brannon Howse

    Behind the scenes, as Brannon Howse points out in this stunning book, Satan oversees a worldwide assembly of unthinkable forces trying to capture the hearts of any men and women unaware of his sinister tactics. Politics alone will not seduce the world to follow his leaders. Neither will economics by itself. This time, the enemy of God and man is bringing together what history shows to be the most powerful of all influences: the religions of everyone on the planet.

    Over the past century, postmodernism has beguiled the world and conditioned people across the globe to embrace pagan spirituality and reject reason, logic, and absolute truth. Manipulating populations through education, environmentalism, economics, and ecumenicalism will culminate in a global empire that brings oppression on a scale never before seen. The world religious Reich is the final chapter of sinful man’s history before God intervenes and crushes this Satan-inspired system. 

    Although we may not all live to see the end game, we’re already living in the transformation to what will be. That’s why Brannon wants you to know how to hold fast the true gospel, stand firm in the face of whatever persecution may come, and perhaps even stem the tide in your part of the world. From humanists and New Agers to Roman Catholics, Mormons, and opportunistic evangelicals, Brannon details the people, events, and trends that few recognize are eliminating personal freedom and eradicating Western culture. He shares a wealth of biblical and historical research, so you can discern the spread of a world Reich the Bible predicted ages ago. 

    With this book, you will “understand the times” and know how to share a truly Christian worldview with those being swept toward the next Reich.

    Religion is becoming the driving force behind political and economic structures of the most demonic world empire in history. As Brannon Howse demonstrates in The Coming Religious Reich, a one-world, ecumenical, religious system is in the works. It will foster a global consensus around a worldwide socialistic economy and tyrannical government. 

    In the two previous books in his trilogy of warnings about the developing one-world system, Brannon first explained the grave influence of radical change agents who infiltrated the global education system to corrupt the worldview of the past several generations. Then he revealed a religious “Trojan horse” that crept into modern-day evangelicalism to set the stage for the Antichrist. Now, Brannon shows where we are on the path to worldwide totalitarianism and who the key players are. 

    This is no conspiracy theory. Scripture details the facts, worldviews, key participants, nations, and the events that are at work. 

    Pretense has given way to overt activism, and many seemingly respectable leaders—both past and present—shamelessly promote their demonically-inspired goals through books, speeches, white-papers, and interviews. The people and groups at work to bring about a one-world system include Pope Francis and the Vatican, Tony Blair and his Faith Foundation, The European Union, Word of Faith false teachers, compromised pro-family organizations, The International Monetary Fund, The Bank for International Settlements, and—of course—the United Nations, to name a few. You’ll shake your head as you read of their brazen plans to dominate all of us.

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    Religious Trojan Horse Documentary Audio Book

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    Well known evangelical and pro-family leaders have joined in events, alliances, and common causes with a shocking array of unbiblical partners. As a result, many contemporary “Christian” leaders embrace and encourage the false Jesus and false gospels of Mormonism, the New Age Movement, Roman Catholicism, Word of Faith teachers, the New Apostolic Reformation, Eastern Mysticism, and the spiritual left.
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    Religious Trojan Horse Documentary Audio Book by Brannon Howse

    ‘Certain Men Have Crept in Unnoticed’

    Brannon Howse echoes the warning of Jude 3—as urgent now as the day Jude first wrote the words almost 20 centuries ago. Godless worldviews have been eroding Europe’s and America’s Judeo-Christian heritage for years, but now the problem has taken a dire turn for the worse. While false teachers have been around since biblical times, infiltration of the church has increased alarmingly, just as Jesus predicted in Matthew 24.

    Well known evangelical and pro-family leaders have joined in events, alliances, and common causes with a shocking array of unbiblical partners. As a result, many contemporary “Christian” leaders embrace and encourage the false Jesus and false gospels of Mormonism, the New Age Movement, Roman Catholicism, Word of Faith teachers, the New Apostolic Reformation, Eastern Mysticism, and the spiritual left.

    Our bitterest philosophical enemies have made it past the gatekeepers of both mainstream and evangelical Christian thought, and anti-Christian worldviews have assembled within the walls of our churches. As a result, hostile forces wreak havoc in the minds and hearts of believers who are caught unaware.

    In Religious Trojan Horse, Brannon exposes the outrageous breach of integrity in the Church, compromised by popular and dangerous teachings that are anything but scriptural. With thorough and precise documentation of every claim and accusation, Brannon shows exactly who is to blame and how. In this book, you’ll discover:

    • How the philosophy and eschatology of false religions have infiltrated evangelicalism;
    • The saboteurs who have convinced 21st century evangelicals to embrace and promote heresies of the social gospel, dominion theology, ecumenicalism, mysticism, social justice, and communitarianism;
    • The real and present danger that a false church has brought “soft” persecution to biblically committed Christians—with worse to follow;
    • The potential for an apostate Church to become the catalyst for the coming New World Order;
    • How the Harlot Church of Revelation 17 will do the bidding of a one-world leader;
    • The threat that mainstreaming a blend of “signs and wonders” with mystical “Christianity” has already conditioned unaware sheeple to accept a one-world leader;
    • That the pro-family “industry” and its “culture war” have been an easy mark for infiltration by enemies of the Gospel;
    • How Rick Warren, Tony Blair, Joel Osteen, C. Peter Wagner, Glenn Beck, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Rockefellers, Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner, Peter Drucker, Jim Wallis, Tony Compolo, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, and others have assisted in building the religious Trojan horse.

    Brannon explains how the world’s religions are converging through a syncretism now supported by evangelicals. His revelations will shock you at first. Then you’ll likely be tempted to despair. And make no mistake, the situation is grim. Yet Brannon offers hope simply by opening your eyes to what is happening and what still can be done. He charts the path on which we can return to truly biblical teaching, preaching, and raising of our children.

    “Certain men” are indeed creeping in unnoticed, but God is still in charge—and working decisively through those who will not exchange any of the truth for a lie. Religious Trojan Horse will help you become one of the ones stand against the invaders.

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    Twisted Scripture, Twisted Theology Audio Book

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    In Twisted Scripture, Twisted Theology, Brannon walks you through 42 scriptures that are critical to correct Christian doctrine but are frequent targets for those intent on making the Word say what they want, not what God intended. Be prepared for many “a-ha” moments as you discover why so many teachings you’ve heard just didn’t sound quite right.
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    Twisted Scripture, Twisted Theology by Brannon Howse Audio Book

    All Scripture . . . Is Profitable for Teaching . . .
    Not Twisting

    The what-does-this-verse-mean-to-you approach to Scripture interpretation is bad enough in small groups and private devotions. But it’s catastrophic in pulpits, books, and “Christian” TV. Yet misused scripture and the bad theology that results is being fed to much of the American church today.

    From call-in questions on his radio program to Q&A sessions at the conferences he leads to his own exhaustive research into the teachings of many popular and powerful church leaders today, Brannon Howse has seen firsthand the destruction wrought by scriptures bent to “private interpretation” and pet theologies. Sundry leaders manipulate scripture to tickle ears and make people comfortable in often easy-to-swallow, but deviant, teachings from the Word.

    In Twisted Scripture, Twisted Theology, Brannon walks you through 42 scriptures that are critical to correct Christian doctrine but are frequent targets for those intent on making the Word say what they want, not what God intended. Be prepared for many “a-ha” moments as you discover why so many teachings you’ve heard just didn’t sound quite right. You’ll be able to put your finger on the problem and know how to warn others against being led astray by erroneous and sometimes malicious twisting of the Bible. Grab hold of Brannon’s eye-opening exegesis of these core scriptures, and you’ll keep your thinking straight.

    Brannon Howse is president and founder of the Worldview Weekend conference series as well as The author of 12 books, Brannon has been a guest on more than 1,500 radio and television programs, including Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor. He has also been featured in publications such as the Washington Times. Brannon hosts a national, daily radio program as well as The Worldview Weekend Hour, a weekly television program. His greatest passion is teaching God’s Word and explaining the importance of a biblical worldview, Christian apologetics, and Bible-based theology and doctrine.

  • Erwin Lutzer: January 8, 2021

    Many people are deluded, seeing themselves as they want to, not as they are. One cause of this can be refusing to listen to the honest critiques of others. In this message we find lessons from the book of James on self-perception and on what it means to hear correctly.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 8, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will continue his five-part series on a "Prophetic Prospective of 2021". Jimmy will bring to his Broadcast Table Itamar Marcus, team leader of the Palestinian Media Watch in Israel. Itamar and his team monitor the Palestinian Media daily and can relate to us what the Palestinian leadership is really saying to the Palestinian people. Jimmy and Itamar will discuss the Palestinian armed-struggle to destroy the State of Israel; how the Palestinian media is used as a "propaganda machine"; how this media is used to indoctrinate children; and how the Palestinian leaders, and the media, believe that Jesus was a Palestinian.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 7, 2021

    Many ask why seemingly good people turn bad. How can someone turn violent after a lifetime of apparent normalcy? The answer lies in understanding our fundamental human nature. It’s not easy, but it is possible, if you’re willing to face the truth.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 6, 2021

    People accept the fact that two plus two has one right answer. But only one way to God? Say that, and you’re ignored at best, hated at worst. The claim of Jesus to be the exclusive path to eternal life forces a decision: do I believe my culture, or do I believe Jesus?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 6, 2021

    On this second program, on PTIB, of Jimmy DeYoung's five-part series on a "Prophetic Prospective for 2021", Jimmy will bring to his Broadcast Table today, Dave Dolan to give us his Middle East News Up-date. Jimmy and Dave will look into 2021 and discuss a fourth national election in Israel, within two years; how the C-V has affected Israel and Israeli's; and the "peace process" in the Middle East between Israel and the Arab Nations, and also Israel and the Palestinians.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 5, 2021

    Political correctness is a formidable force, and when it comes to the Christian faith, it’s out in full strength. In this message we learn how to witness for Christ at a time when people tolerate everything but the truth, and even deny that truth exists.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 5, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy De Young will begin a five-part series on the prophetic scenario for the New Year, "2021-A Prophetic Prospective". Ken Timmerman will come to Jimmy's Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, to begin this series as Jimmy and Ken look at geopolitical events ahead in 2021. First, Jimmy and Ken will look at how a Biden Administration may handle Iran. Russia and China. Then they will discuss the agenda's of Iran, Russia, and China. This is the first part of a five-part series that you do not want to miss.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 4, 2021

    If you were near death in a hospital, you’d want the truth about your condition. Mere opinions wouldn’t cut it. Finding out the truth about our spiritual condition and its remedy has to be our number one priority. In this message we learn more about why Jesus is the only road that leads to God. Banner