
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 4, 2021

    Today, the first day of the new year, 2021, by the way, "Happy New Year", Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, Dave James. As they rehearse the events of the past year, 2020, we pray that we all can learn from what happened in this very different year. Jimmy and Dave will discuss the events of 2020 and join with you to see how we can make preparation for the coming year, looking into the future with great anticipation for 2021, maybe even the Rapture. Please join us as we recall the year 2020.
  • Erwin Lutzer: December 30, 2020

    Jesus said, “Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.” That’s great news! Freedom is more than avoiding jail. Freedom is living without the shackles of sin.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 30, 2020

    As Jimmy DeYoung continues his "special editions" of PTIB, until the end of the year," 2020-a year in review", he will bring to his Broadcast Table Broadcast Partners to discuss their coverage of what has happened in the region they cover. This time it will be Dave Dolan with his Middle East News Up-date for the year 2020. Jimmy DeYoung and Dave will discuss the Israeli political arena; the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab Nations; problems with the Corona Virus in the Jewish State; and a look at the Temple Mount, and the controversy surrounding this very sacred piece of real estate.
  • Erwin Lutzer: December 29, 2020

    “Greater love hath no man, than a man lay down his life for his friends.” That’s what Jesus said, and that’s what He did. There is no greater love than the love of God through His Son, and that’s the greatest Christmas gift one could receive this year.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 29, 2020

    On this special edition of Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing, "2020-A Year in Review" Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Ken Timmerman to discuss the geopolitical events that happened in 2020. These are events that are setting the stage for the prophetic scenario found in the prophetic passages of God's Word. These are "stage setting" events that may well be fulfilled in 2021. Jimmy and Ken will discuss these events, with a special focus on Russia and its presence in the Middle East, in Syria. They will also talk about other events that happened in 2020, as well.
  • Erwin Lutzer: December 23, 2020

    With joyful carols filling the air, the Christmas season is upon us. Economy experts say the season is pivotal for retailers, and during this time of year many get caught up in the materialistic desires of our culture. It’s sad that so much darkness is around us, but that’s why we look to Jesus as our source of light.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 23, 2020

    Once each week Jimmy DeYoung brings to his Broadcast Table Ken Timmerman to give us the details behind the geopolitical events happening in our world today that may well be setting the stage for the prophetic scenario found in the Word of God. Today, on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing Ken will discuss with Jimmy the Turkish media vowing to attack Tel Aviv, Israel, and then liberate the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Jimmy and Ken will also discuss the relations between the President-elect Biden and his foreign policy team, and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • Looking to The Psalmist For Answers in the Midst of The Election Chaos and Coup

    As more and more reports of fake votes, illegal votes, and votes allegedly from dead people continue to mount, astonishment and amazement also increases and mounts. More and more people “fret”. To fret really means to worry and to fume and to  be vexed. In other words, this magnificent Psalm is telling us in its opening phrase NOT to fret because of evildoers. Of course, almost no one frets because of “good doers”. Vexed means to be annoyed, frustrated or worried, and it also means feeling or showing irritation, annoyance and /or distress.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 22, 2020

    Today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing Jimmy DeYoung has two of his Broadcast Partners who will come with very important reports, and stories about the Christmas season. First, John Rood will come to give us his European Union Up-date, looking at the political events in the EU that are setting the stage for the prophetic scenario of the Bible to be fulfilled. Then Dr. Don DeYoung will give us the truth about the "Star of Bethlehem". This was a very special star, used by God, to lead the "wise men" to the newborn Son of God, Jesus Christ.
  • John Whitcomb: December 21, 2020

    On this classic Christmas edition of "Encounter God's Truth," we hear Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb bring the conclusion of his message on "Christ Before His Birth."
    We open with a brief review from Philippians 2 and Colossians 1. We contemplate the majesty of Christ—and the supreme importance of recognizing that He is the eternal Son of God. It is only on this foundation that we can truly understand and appreciate the details of His coming to earth to take on human flesh at the first Christmas.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 21, 2020

    Today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his BroadcastTable Dave James to discuss the newly released Corona Virus Vaccine. There are many issues to discuss, which is what Jimmy and Dave will do in their conversation. They will discuss the possibility that in these recently released vaccines, did they use fetal material from previous abortions; will the Government force all to take the vaccine; and is there any connection between the vaccine and the "mark of the Beast", foretold in Revelation 13: 16-17.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 18, 2020

    The "body-politic" of America may be very disappointed in the results of the recent Presidential Election. However, if we go to the scriptures, the Lord, who by the way is still in-charge, the Lord will give us encouragement for the days ahead, even the last days in which we are living at this time. Having said that Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Sam Rohrer, President of the American Pastors Network and host of the Stand in the Gap radio and television programs, for a very interesting discussion focused on the road ahead in the political arena here in America.
  • More on The Religious Far Left's Plan To Target Conservative Christians Using A Biden Administration

    The clear and undeniable reality we are facing is an unprecedented IN THE 2020 Presidential Election. Confusion and uncertainty abound. It is backed up by a massive, coordinated, and no doubt well funded propaganda effort which has all but taken over and eclipsed both the investigation of facts and free speech among media outlets and everyday Americans on their own social media. The arrogance of these organizations to censor free speech even extend to President Donald Trump and to his legal team and witnesses testifying before our courts.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 17, 2020

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung will bring Winkie Medad to his Broadcast Table to discuss several issues. Jimmy and Winkie will talk about the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab Nation of Morocco; then a discussion on the subject of an election in the Jewish State of Israel, the fourth national election in Israel in two years; and finally, Winkie will reflect on the eight-day Jewish Holiday of Hanukkah.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 16, 2020

    Each week Jimmy DeYoung brings to his Broadcast Table Dave Dolan so that he can give us his Middle East News Up-date. This is an essential report on the key region of the world for the prophetic scenario from the Bible, to be played out in the near future. Jimmy and Dave will discuss the new peace accord between Morocco and the Jewish State of Israel; the Israeli Prime Minister will make a visit to the President of Egypt, the first such visit of this kind in over a decade; and Prime Minister Netanyahu thanking President Trump on the third
    anniversary of Trump's proclamation of Jerusalem being the political capitol of the Jewish State.
  • John Whitcomb: December 14, 2020

    Consider how the Gospel of John opens by describing the marvel of Christ’s incarnation—this time on "Encounter God’s Truth," with more classic Christmas teaching from Bible scholar Dr. John Whitcomb.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 14, 2020

    We are in the season of Christmas and Hanukkah. Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Lights. Therefore, Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Dave James, here on PTIB, to discuss "light", in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Dave and Jimmy will reveal how "light" often in the Old Testament and the New Testament, is a reference to Jesus Christ, who said, "He is the Light of the World". This will be a very interesting and informative conversation that you
    do not want to miss.
  • Erwin Lutzer: December 11, 2020

    Over two thousand years ago Jesus was born in a small country in the Middle East. That birth became the turning point between BC and AD. But another child was born first, a forerunner of Jesus, whose name was John.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: December 11, 2020

    Tonight begins the Jewish Holiday of Hanukkah. Jews around the world will light a candle to celebrate Hanukkah, the day that the Jews defeated Antiochus Epiphanies and were able to re-consecrate the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Steve Herzig to rehearse the story of Hanukkah. Steve will also reveal to us how to use this Jewish Holiday to introduce Jesus Christ to your Jewish friends.
  • Sam Rohrer: December 09, 2020

    Battle for the State of Pennsylvania. We are joined by Cris Dush (PA State Representative) and Dawn Keefer (PA State Representative). Topics discussed include: Two Different Legislative Tracks Pursued in PA Concerning Election 2020. TX Files Lawsuit Against Four Battleground States Challenging Election Procedures. Is This an Extremely Critical Time in American History? Banner