21st Century Silver Rush!

21st Century Silver Rush!December 201<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /> <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><?xml:namespace prefix = w ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" />1
With very little fanfare a new bull market in silver began in mid-2003, driving the price of silver from $4.50 an ounce in 2003 to nearly $30 an ounce today -- that's over sixfold growth!
"Silver went parabolic when it broke above $29/oz. back in March 2011," James Carrillo, senior portfolio adviser for Swiss America told MarketWatch.com. "It fulfilled its parabolic blow off at $50/oz. shortly thereafter and is now testing the break point."
Hooray for investors, big & small!
Silver may still be one of the best investment opportunities today because gold and silver are both in a confirmed long-term (secular) bull market, which may last another decade.
Historically, both metals are recognized as monetary stores of value, inflation hedges and safe havens during uncertain economic times, here's why ...
"People who are afraid they missed the move in gold are coming to silver," said George Gero, VP of RBC Capital Markets Global Futures," reported Kitco.
•       "China is now actively encouraging its citizens to buy silver and gold. The Chinese have a centuries-old affinity with silver. It began in the 1500s with the explosion of trade with Mexico via the Spanish galleons. Today, the Chinese word for "bank" means "silver movement," reported Bullionvault.
"Some analysts feel silver is a good complement to gold exposure, as well. Gold is rapidly becoming more expensive again; a signal to investors that silver could be poised for an even bigger price bump," reported CNBC.
Face it, politicians will probably never stop debasing the dollar by printing money, amassing trillions in debt or robbing from the future. Therefore, Baby Boomers are now in a dangerous position as they approach retirement. But there's a silver lining in the dark economic clouds hanging over our nation.
Silver is not just "the poor man's gold", it's potentially the Baby Boomers retirement solution! The most compelling argument for silver investing is based on economic fundamentals, which today are even more bullish than the conditions of the 1970s when silver rose to $50 per ounce.
Growth potential par excellent!
Silver prices must rise above $125/oz. today just to reach the previous inflation-adjusted high of $50/oz. So, at $30 an ounce, silver is still a mere fraction of the $100-$150 an ounce price projected by silver industry experts. Here's why;
•       Worldwide market demand for silver is growing, while supplies are disappearing.
•       New high-tech uses for silver are straining already-tight supplies.
•       World demand for silver now exceeds annual production, depleting stockpiles of silver.
•       The U.S. government has dumped billions of ounces of silver, depressing silver prices.
•       Today the U.S. government's silver hoard is gone, so they must buy at the market price.
For all these reasons and many more, the silver market certainly appears to represent a brilliant investment opportunity.
However, there are a few drawbacks to investing in silver bullion such as market volatility and storage. For example, $100,000 in silver would take a Brink's truck to transport and a large vault to store.
One notable exception is the placement of U.S. gold, silver or platinum coins into an IRA. The government allows U.S. gold and silver Eagle one ounce coins to be included in most retirement plans, with your coins on deposit in an insured fiduciary bank. (IRA details)
What type of silver should investors own today?
Given that silver prices may rise dramatically in the years ahead, which type of silver is best for the average investor to own? Should you buy 1-oz. Silver Eagle coins or 100-ounce silver bullion bricks? How about Wall Street's latest invention, silver ETFs? How about historic U.S. Morgan Silver Dollars?
Why collectible U.S. silver coins may be the best value in the market today...
Morgan Dollar prices are substantially below their all time high, which indicates indicates tremendous upside potential over the next few years, with minimal downside risk.
•       Morgan Dollars are second only to Lincoln Cents in collector popularity. The large size, design and inexpensive nature of most dates of the Morgan Dollar makes them highly popular.
•       Morgan Dollars are highly sought after by coin collectors, traders and investors alike because of their beauty, history and easy storage. * Recommended further reading: "U.S. Morgan Silver Dollar" Special Report, published April 2004.


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