Abortion, Gay Rights and Hate Crimes

Abortion, Gay Rights and Hate Crimes<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By: Mark A. Becker
The White, The Black and The Gray Series
How can anybody possibly believe that abortion is a viable and positive alternative to giving birth to a son or daughter?
I'll tell you how: They either believe the lie of evolution. Or, they adhere to a 'higher power' and claim to be 'progressive.'
You are obviously living in The White if you believe man was created in God's image and all of man's offspring, from womb to grave, are precious in His sight.
Keep up the faith and fight the good fight. Remember, God is in control.
If you believe the lie of evolution and prescribe to abortion then you are living in The  Black. You have a chance at redemption. For God can work on you and point out the error of your ways, if you are willing to hear His voice.
There are so many holes in Darwinism; that it takes more faith to believe in Evolution than it does to believe that a loving God created the heavens and the Earth. I'll point to three of the most obvious.
1)     You've heard it before and you'll hear it again. There are no missing links. No half man - half ape creatures. The transitional 'ape to man' scenario visible in educational texts and museum showcases are proven forgeries. Atheistic, humanist 'scientists' were caught in the act of fusing together bones from different species to propel their agenda. The reason these 'discoveries' are not challenged today, is because these Darwinists will not allow anyone with a differing world view to inspect them. (The few that may be legitimate would be due to the fact that they are entirely different species.)
2)     If in fact this earth is millions of years old, we could not dig anywhere without running into bones and fossils. And I mean anywhere. Millions of years of 'evolution' and our world would be one gigantic graveyard. The farther we dig, the more we should find, right? Loaded with innumerable amounts of transitional pieces, I might add! But we don't find that, do we.
3)     Natural Selection, by its very definition, requires a species to 'evolve' and in that process eliminate all genetic defects. Can somebody explain to me why humans and animals, after millions of years of 'evolution,' have offspring with physical and mental disabilities? Not to mention that these defects are on the rise in every part of our world.
For these people there is hope if they do the research and in the process find their Lord and Savior. To help them on their search, please refer them to: http://www.answersingenesis.org/
You are living in The Gray if you believe in a 'higher power' and claim to be 'progressive.' You are a person who refuses to judge the act of abortion on the theorem: 'To each his own.'
How can God help you? Like the aborted innocent child, you are dead.
For these people, and all people, we should all pray.
Gay Rights:
How does one equate homosexual unions with traditional marriage? Why do a class of people, more equally yoked with drug addicts, have the right to demand special rights in the name of tolerance? How is it that perversion is rewarded and in the process the God ordained family is destroyed?
I'll tell you how: They either believe the lie that homosexuality is genetically instilled in one's DNA. Or, they believe that it is disingenuous and heartless to keep others from being 'happy.'
If you believe the latter you are existing in The Gray. How can the Lord work on you when the whole basis of your belief is grounded in man's own definition of 'the right thing to do?' You have abandoned God's Truth and substituted it for man's limited 'wisdom.'
You may be the one Jesus had in mind when He said, "Many will come in my name and say Lord, Lord…….And I'll will say to them, "Depart from me you evildoers. I never knew you."
For these people, and all people, we should all pray.
If you believe the former you are existing in The Black, but you have a chance to hear God's Word on the subject. Starting with the fact that there is no 'Gay Gene.'
The issue is dead and mute. We haven't heard anything since the late 1990's. Those studies have been proven to be scientifically flawed and the data manipulated.
You know there are many frantically trying to find it in the hopes of legitimizing their sinful life styles, but they can't find it. Because it doesn't exist!
For these people there is hope if they do the research and in the process find their Lord and Savior.
Obviously, if you believe that Gay Rights are unjustified and inherently evil, you are existing in The White.
Keep up the faith and fight the good fight. Remember, God is in control.
Hate Crimes:
Crime n. 2. Any grave offense against morality or social order; wickedness; iniquity. (Funk & Wagnalls)
If, after the above definition, you still believe it is necessary for lawmakers to enact 'Hate Crime' legislation to 'protect' immoral behavior; you are surviving in The Black.
God can work on you only when you decide to understand that all crime is based upon hate and no 'class' is exempt.
For these people there is hope if they do the research and in the process find their Lord and Savior.
Of course those that understand the definition of crime and see this lie exposed for what it really is, are surviving in The White.
Keep up the faith and fight the good fight. Remember, God is in control.
For those who are indifferent and see nothing really wrong with protecting a 'class' of people based on sexual orientation. And, all the while, ignoring the fact that crime is hate: You are surviving in The Gray and are so very hard to reach.
For these people, and all people, we should all pray.
It's time to abide in The White!


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