Add To Your Position On The Dips

Add To Your Position On The Dips
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If you have been watching the gold market, you may be wondering why there's been a recent pullback.
 For one, the updated jobs data has temporarily caused some investors to prefer stocks and industrial commodities to the refuge of the precious metal. Employers added 297,000 private-sector jobs last month. I'm still not excited about that number considering many of the jobs created were seasonal holiday labor. The recent job numbers have also boosted the dollar, further pressuring dollar-denominated gold by making it more expensive for buyers using other currencies, crimping demand.
I have always encouraged my clients to buy on the dips and take advantage of market pullbacks. Remember the fundamentals that drive precious metals; a weak dollar, inflation, and supply & demand. This is a great buying opportunity under $1400.00 an ounce. If gold repeats its average five-year increase of 19%, it will climb to $1,785 per ounce in 2011. If gold repeats 2010's projected performance in 2011, it could reach $2,010 per ounce. I have people tell me all the time that they wish they would have invested in gold when it was $1000.00 an ounce. I assure you I will have people in the future tell me they wish they would've invested in gold when it was $1400.00 an ounce.
If you are interested in diversifying into gold and silver in the amount of $10,000 or more please feel free to call or e-mail me. I am interested in answering all your questions and providing you with all the information you need so you can make an educated and confident decision that is best for you.
My e-mail address is [email protected] and my number is 877-864-1072.
Mike Weiner
Swiss America
Senior Account Executive
[email protected]


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