ADHD and the Drugging of America's Children

ADHD and the Drugging of America's Children<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Paul Tautges
Suppose for a moment that some prophet had come out of the wilderness in 1958 and predicted that within a generation one-fifth of the children enrolled in our schools would be doped into docility.  The prophet would, of course, have been laughed back to his cave.  Yet the spiritual nature of our disease is such that when these things do come to pass, precisely because they have come to pass, it is impossible to see them.  Before they happen we cannot see them because they have not yet happened.  After they happen, we cannot see them because we let them happen, and seeing would now require repentance. [1]
The rise of ADD and the dangers of Ritalin
How did this sad state come to be?  How did millions of children so quickly get labeled with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and drugged into compliance?  <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Christian educator, Douglas Wilson, explains some of the history which has brought us to this pathetic state. 
In the nineteenth century, our nation established a socialistic system of education, telling parents that they did not have to exercise the same degree of responsibility for their children that they used to.  Lo, and behold, over time parents began to relinquish more and more of their parental duties, assuming 'they' out there somewhere would pick up the slack.  Children became increasingly unloved, uncared for, and undisciplined.  As the resultant lack of self-control became more evident in schoolchildren, people began to look for alternative means of keeping order.  One of the means our modern technocratic society discovered was the ability to hit kids on the head with a chemical rock.  As a whole, the government school system has said yes to drugs, and students by the thousands found themselves on Ritalin, Prozac, Luvox, Paxil, or other related drugs.  In many government school systems, such drugs are actively promoted by the administration as a means of keeping order in the classroom…
Despite decades of official warnings and supporting research confirming the similarities of methylphenidate (Ritalin) and cocaine, tens of millions of children in the United States have been prescribed this psychotropic drug for a widely accepted yet scientifically unproved mental condition: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).  Now recently concluded study at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) not only confirms the similarities of cocaine and Ritalin, but finds that Ritalin is more potent than cocaine in its effect on the dopamine system, which many doctors believe is one of the areas of the brain most affected by drugs such as Ritalin and cocaine.[2]
In a civil action suit prompted by the suicide of Jennifer Reynolds, psycho pharmacologist, Peter R. Breggin, M.D., signed a sworn affidavit[3] in which he affirmed that though the manufacturer of Ritalin calls the drug a 'mild' stimulant, it "is among the very most powerful stimulants, comparable to amphetamine and methamphetamine, and even cocaine" (p.3);  "Ritalin is among the most dangerously addictive and abuse prone drugs used in medicine" (p.3); and "Among pre-teens, Ritalin abuse now equals cocaine as a cause of admissions to emergency rooms" (p.4).  However, the labeling of the drug leads the consumer to believe it will do him good.  Dr. Breggin testified further,
By using the concept of 'attention deficit' and 'distractibility' (as well as other similar concepts), the label implies that Ritalin will help children improve their academic and scholastic achievement.  In fact, the evidence is contrary to this; Ritalin often impairs higher cognitive abilities.  The label should contain a statement that there is no evidence for improvement in academic or scholastic performance, or learning, and that to the contrary, Ritalin may impair higher level learning.  Indeed, the label should also mention that there's no evidence for improvement in a child's psychological or social life, and may in fact impair it (p. 6).
Over a decade earlier, Dr. Breggin authored a book entitled, Toxic Psychiatry, in which he gave a brief history of the label, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Hyperactivity (HA) is the most frequent justification for drugging children.  The difficult-to-control male child is certainly not a new phenomenon, but attempts to give him a medical diagnosis are the product of modern psychology and psychiatry.  At first, psychiatrists called hyperactivity a brain disease.  When no brain disease could be found, they changed it to 'minimal brain disease' (MBD).  When no minimal brain disease could be found, the profession transformed the concept into 'minimal brain dysfunction.'  When no minimal brain dysfunction could be demonstrated, the label became attention deficit disorder.  Now it's just assumed to be a real disease, regardless of the failure to prove it.  Biochemical imbalance is the code word, but there's no more evidence for that than there is for brain disease.[4]
Does anyone really need Ritalin?
Most people are shocked to learn there is no scientific proof that such a thing as chemical imbalance exists.  However, the average person has swallowed it, hook, line, and sinker.  We have been duped into believing drug-dispensing psychoanalysts are treating a medical problem when in reality no such condition has yet been proven.  In his book, Blame It On the Brain?, Ed Welch, writes, "We know that Ritalin affects a number of areas in the brain, but its mode of action is uncertain.  One thing, however, is clear.  Ritalin does not treat any known chemical deficiency in a child's brain.  No one needs Ritalin." [5]  When one reads over the list of symptoms of this so-called attention disorder, he is forced to ask, Are any of these symptoms not the result of laziness or lack of self-discipline? 
For years, it has seemed to me that a sensible and fair conclusion is the vast majority of children stuck with the labels ADD or ADHD really just lack self-control.  They are easily distracted not because of some so-called chemical imbalance, but because they have a discipline deficiency; they are prone to leave tasks undone not because of some imaginary brain dysfunction, but because they have not learned to be responsible individuals.  The need is not chemical control, but learning to discipline the mind and body God gave them. 
I could not agree more wholeheartedly with what Robert Smith, physician and biblical counselor, has written in The Christian Counselor's Medical Desk Reference,
The diagnosis of ADHD, as in most psychiatric problems, is not based on changes in the body but on behavior.  Even though it is vigorously defended as a disease, there is no proof of any physical abnormality in the body.  The medications do not correct any known deficiency or physical abnormality.  Medication is not a cure.  When there is improvement in behavior, which appears to be a direct result of medication, this gives the impression the problem is solved.  If the behavior does not improve or gets worse, the dosage is increased.  When this fails, a different medication is considered.  However, the medication does not deal with the cause of the problem.  It does not help the child learn self-control.  The underlying thinking and motives of the child are never addressed.  It is easier to put a child on a medication than to take the time to nurture and help build character in him.[6]
Tragically, our current epidemic is another example of psychological counseling's denial of the biblical premise that human behavior is the product of the heart; that the root of most mental problems is not physiological at all, but spiritual; that God's solution is regeneration by the Holy Spirit and renewal of the mind and heart by meditating on and obeying God's Word.  That is where "mental health" begins.  But these are core truths the psychiatric industry will never affirm.  Unfortunately, there are millions of reasons for them to quickly label people and dispense drugs that will merely feed sinful behavior-they're called dollars.
God's answer to ADD
God's answer for an easily distracted, wandering mind is not chemical discipline, but Holy Spirit-produced self-control.  By willing submission to the Word of God, bad habits are gradually replaced with godly ones, resulting in a transformed, disciplined life.  Ed Welch, hits the nail on the head, "With many children labeled ADD, the arena of the heart is ignored.  Yet isn't it possible that some of what we call ADD is sinful self-indulgence and laziness?  Is it possible that a prominent cause of the behaviors is a heart that demands its own way?" [7]  Here is a significant place where genuine biblical counseling parts company with humanistic psychology.  The former believes God specializes in transforming behavior by changing sinful hearts, while the latter swipes hope from people by neatly placing them into little psychological pigeon holes.  "The greatest tragedy of this approach is that it communicates that the Bible has no answers for this problem.  Apparently the Holy Spirit cannot do what Ritalin allegedly can.  Personal responsibility of both parent and child are negated.  Biblical doctrines of God, man, sin, and changing behavior are ignored."[8]  David Powlison skillfully articulates how this approach produces people who then view life merely through biological glasses (people are dysfunctional bodies), instead of spiritual glasses (people are God's image-bearers, both body and soul).
Psychologized people seek to explain and fix life through some interpretation of human life that excludes God, sin, Christ, sanctification, and the rest of truth.  But it is time to update our language a bit.  Currently, the biopsychologizing of human life is having a huge effect, both in the culture and the church.  We minister to an increasing number of biopsychologized people who think about themselves, their spouses, or their children as bodies run amok.[9]
As a biblical counselor who is clearly not a medical doctor, I am careful to never instruct anyone to simply stop taking their prescribed medications without the cooperation of a discerning physician. Ritalin and its cousins are seriously addictive and withdrawal is very real.  However, over the years, by God's grace, I have had the privilege of witnessing several individuals in our church gradually weaned and totally freed from their medicated states by using God's Word to help them see the root problems in their hearts and by encouraging them to apply that same Word to their lives.  This kind of hope, a psychiatrist can never give.
A call for biblical ADD - Active Discipline Development
How then can parents prevent their children from being carelessly labeled and medicated?  This is a very doable task for those who desire to follow God's Word rather than the prevailing winds of sin-cursed psychology, but it will require patience and persistence over the long haul.
            1)  Teach & enforce boundaries at a very early age.
The book of Proverbs stresses the importance of taking advantage of the early years to instill discipline into children.
Discipline your son while there is hope... (19:18)
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old
(assuming the discipline took place when he was young) he will not depart from it (22:6).
The sooner a child learns there are behavioral boundaries in life, the sooner he will understand the principle of authority and how to be attentive and submissive to it.  Children are happiest when they know their boundaries because they can simply be children without having to worry about playing the role of the parent as well.  One thing we have done to aid in this is to use an existing visual boundary (such as a crack in the driveway or sidewalk) to mark the line which they cannot cross when playing outside.  Violation of this boundary results in discipline.  Having established these limits at a young age, we are able to be more at ease knowing our children are not playing in the street.  When teaching boundaries, be sure to:
·        Call the child by name (so that he cannot say, "I thought you were talking to Joey").  It also shows more respect than, "Hey, kid!"
·        Get and keep eye contact throughout your instructions.  This teaches attentiveness and respect for the authority figure who is speaking.
·        Speak in the form of commands, not questions.  Some parents say to their 3 year old, "Billy, do you think it is time to go to bed?", as if they expect him to reply, "in light of my age and tomorrow's agenda, I think it is wise for me to go to bed now."  Don't be a lazy parent by letting your children make up your mind.
·        Get a verbal response of understanding, such as, "yes, sir" or "yes, ma'am.  This helps the child to begin to understand the principle of accountability, which teaches responsibility.
            2)  Model obedience to boundaries in your own life.
God's Word stresses the importance of parental example.
A righteous man who walks in integrity--how blessed are his sons after him (Proverbs 20:7).
Give me your heart, my son, and let your eyes delight in my ways (Proverbs 23:26).
Example is the most powerful tool in child training.  Living a self-controlled, disciplined life yourself will go a long way toward producing responsible, self-controlled children.
            3)  Verbally correct & physically discipline.
The "rod" is used seven times in Proverbs in reference to physical discipline, otherwise known as corporal punishment.  This stresses the importance of using a neutral object for spanking.  A parent should refrain from using his hand to discipline his children.  Children must have the security of knowing that his parents' hands are for expressing affection.  I cringe inside when I see a child duck or back away when his father or mother reaches out to touch him.  In our home, we use a small, flat piece of wood that we call, "the wisdom paddle."  Written on one side is "Proverbs 13:24."  They find security in knowing that if daddy does not spank them, God will spank daddy. 
Prior to discipline, the child must understand the reason for the spanking, and enough pain (not damage) must be inflicted by the rod to discourage future disobedience.  This is God's method of developing obedience and self-control; necessary character qualities in the life that pleases Him.  When I first developed The 7 Laws of Spanking (available free at, my wife posted them inside a cabinet door in the bathroom as a reminder to not simply rush through this important process.
            4)  Reaffirm your love through affection.
Always be sure each discipline session concludes with plenty of affection and, "I love you's."  The purpose of all discipline is to restore the close relationship broken by the act(s) of sin.  This is why you should never spank a child and send him to his room.  Instead, send him to his room and then go and spank him.  At the end of every discipline session, your child must be sure of your love.  I often ask my children after a spanking, "Why does daddy spank you?   And they always answer, "because you love me."  This will provide your child with great security.
Though our children's hearts are held bound by the foolishness of sin, we have the privilege of being involved in the process of breaking those chains and imparting God's gifts of self-control and wisdom through the sometimes exhausting process of faithful discipline.  By doing so, we will train them to see all of life through biblical glasses and protect them from being held captive by the vain philosophies of men.  All the while, pointing them to Jesus, our Great Physician, our Redeemer, our Savior, our Healer, our Lord, and our Friend.
(THIS ARTICLE IS A CHAPTER EXCERPT from Delight in the WORD: Biblical Counsel for Everyday Issues, available through all major bookstores as well as and and other online sources.)

[1] Douglas Wilson, The Case for Classical Christian Education (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2003), p. 20.

[2] Wilson, pp. 17-18.

[3] Sworn affidavit, 22 January, 2003, State of New York.  A copy of the complete affidavit can be printed from the "Resources" page at

[4] Quoted by Robert D. Smith, M.D., The Christian Counselor's Medical Desk Reference (Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts, 2000), p. 145.

[5] Edward T. Welch, Blame It on the Brain? (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 1998), p. 142.

[6] Robert D. Smith, M.D., The Christian Counselor's Medical Desk Reference (Stanley, NC: Timeless Texts, 2000), p. 148.

[7] Welch, p. 137.

[8] Smith, p. 149.

[9] David Powlison, Seeing With New Eyes (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing, 2003), p. 243.


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