Breaking News: Victory for Decency: Homosexual 'Pig Sex' Organizers Cancel Orgy at Doubletree Hotel

Breaking News: Victory for Decency: Homosexual 'Pig Sex' Organizers Cancel Orgy at Doubletree Hotel" href="" rel=bookmark>Breaking News: Victory for Decency: Homosexual 'Pig Sex' Organizers Cancel Orgy at Doubletree Hotel

Finally, "Obama Inauguration Pig Sex Orgy" is called off after thousands of calls poured in
sodomy_slings.jpg'Sodomy Slings' of the sort that perverts were hoping to use at an orgy scheduled for tonight in the second floor conference rooms of the Doubletree Hotel Washington just blocks from the White House; thank the Doubletree (202-232-7000) and parent company Hilton Hotels for forcing the cancellation of this vile event that was a public health threat to workers and other hotel guests.
TAKE ACTION:  There will be no "Obama Inauguration Pig Sex Orgy" at the Doubletree Hotel Washington in D.C. tonight. Thank the Doubletree Hotel Washington and its Corporate Office - and parent company Hilton Hotels - for forcing the cancellation of the wicked "MAL Maneuvers" "pig sex" orgy at the Doubletree Hotel just blocks from the White House in Washington, D.C.  Here is the contact information:

By Peter LaBarbera
Folks, we are ecstatic to report that the vile homosexual 'pig sex' orgy that Doubletree Hotel Washington staffers were denying was even scheduled to occur at their hotel - and which AFTAH exposed to the world - has now been cancelled by its perverted organizers. This is a great victory for truth, decency and public health! Yes, the good guys win one for a change, and Americans For Truth is vindicated (lies coming from the hotel had many people confused). A big "Thanks" to each of you who called the Doubletree and its parent company, Hilton Hotels, urging them to not allow this unbelievably depraved and unhealthy homosexual event to occur in public conference rooms at the Doubletree, a luxurious hotel just blocks from the White House.
We learned that thousands of concerned Americans called to complain in response to our reporting and follow-ups by, Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber (an AFTAH Board Member), and other conservative websites.   Lesbian blogger (and AFTAH nemesis) Pam Spaulding has published the "MAL [Mid-Atlantic Leather] Maneuvers announcement:

As many of you know, extreme Christian groups have been pressuring Doubletree to cancel the "Obama Inauguration Pig Sex Orgy." For two days, the hotel stood firm while the accusations and falsehoods kept coming in. Just this morning, I told the management of Doubletree how impressed I was that they resisted the calls to shut us down. Unfortunately, the matter escalated to Doubletree Corporate, and the word has come down that they will not allow our event to go on as planned. To say that I am pissed would be an understatement. We have a right to privacy and sexual freedom. I appreciate the efforts of the Centaurs [a D.C. homosexual sadistic sex group] in helping us set this up and fight the cancellation. I want to apologize to each of you who, some who have been with me for 9 years, for having to disappoint you at the 11th hour.

Read the comments after Spaulding's post, including this one from "paulko":

I have mixed feelings over this… I know what these pig sex orgies are and they need to be held on someone's farm or ranch deep in the woods.  I am a gay man and find them pretty disgusting!  It seems this event was planned to shock the fundies [Christian fundamentalists] and add legitimacy to their hedonist cause.  I don't care what anyone does sexually but a little discretion would be called for.
Most people only get their news about gays from this type of reporting. Unfortunately, the reporting is true.  It is time for all members of the gay community to take a look at themselves and how they portray paulko @ Sat Jan 17, 2009 at 07:39:48 AM CST

When orgy organizers are furious at the triumph of decency and public health over their perversion plans, we at Americans For Truth are very happy. More coming on this pro-family victory….


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