Chaos All Around Us & Joy in God's Word

Chaos All Around Us & Joy in God's Word<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
            Recently I was privileged to preach at the Sunday morning service at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Crosswalk Church in Daytona Beach Florida My text that day was Psalm 119:89-96. In this passage, David wrote about the faithfulness of God's word. Today we are facing fear and uncertainty from almost every angle. Our economy mirrors a rollercoaster ride. There is threat of terrorism abroad and at home, an increasing shift toward socialism in our government, the elections, and the growing hatred for Christ and His followers.  All provide the catalyst for many in America to lose heart. We would be hard pressed to go to work or visit the grocery store and not overhear conversations about the many unknowns facing our nation. As Christians, we are ambassadors for Christ to a lost and dying world. Our message is one of hope, both for our eternal state and peace to endure whatever comes our way in this life. This hope, of course, is found only in the person of Jesus Christ. My question is this; how are we to respond to this sea of anxiety sweeping our nation? I believe Ps. 119:89-96 give us a clear answer.
In this passage we find many reasons why our joy should be fixed in God. Verse 89 – 91 speaks of the power of God's word as it relates to creation. Both the heavens and the earth speak powerfully of the faithfulness of God's word. The sun rising and setting each day and the oceans refusing to overcome their predetermined boundaries speak volumes of the power that resides in God's word. The reality that God spoke into nothing and created all things and now sustains all things by the power of His Word should cause us to stand in awe of His majesty. All of creation obeys the commands of God because all things are His servants.
David continues in verses 92-95 by giving praise to God for the life giving power of God's word to save him, by His grace, to sustain him in times of affliction, and to comfort him in times of persecution. David showed that his joy was found not in the chaos that surrounded him but in the immutable Word of God that is the rock solid foundation upon which our lives must be built if we are to survive this life.
Finally, in verse 96 David opens his heart as he cries out to God about the hopelessness of his and all man's imperfections. Romans 3:10 agrees by saying, "there is none good, no not one." However, David doesn't leave us without hope. Again, as he did in the prior verses, he shouted with all his might that God is great! In the later half of verse 96 David wrote of the awesome perfection of God's Word. David rooted his joy in the unchanging perfection of God's Word and so must we.
Our lives must demonstrate to the world around us that we don't find our satisfaction or peace in the ever shifting world around us. The world is engulfed with great sin and with great sin comes chaos and hopelessness. Only Jesus provides that lifeline of hope and joy that will sustain us and bring us joy everlasting. God is sovereign in all things and if we will truly live what we say we believe, the people should stand in amazement at the steadfast faith you display each day. While the world is running around groping in the darkness, searching for answers, will they see the light of hope shining from you, calling them to come and find their peace in Christ?
This is an abbreviated transcript of Chris's message. If you would like to receive a CD copy for yourself or someone you know please email Chris at [email protected].


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