A comparison of the DJIA vs Gold

A comparison of the DJIA vs Gold<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
It's rather amusing to listen to the media  and Wall street cheerleaders talk about gold getting crushed or taking a beating when there is a correction in the market. Why don't they use those same terms when the stock market drops 300 to 400 points? Look at the numbers. I think they speak for themselves.
January 3rd, 2011DJIA--11,670Gold--$1,414July 15th, 2011DJIA--12,479Gold--$1,593Aug 1st, 2011DJIA--12,132Gold--$1,620TodayDJIA--11,195Gold--$1,777....this is with a $140 pullback from the HIGH of $1,917ozNet result--since January 3, 2011DJIA--DOWN 465 points--DOWN 4%Gold--UP $363oz---UP 25.67%Net result--since Aug 1stDJIA--DOWN 937 points--8% dropGold--UP $184oz--11.5% gainNet result--(1yr) since Aug 23, 2010DJIA--10,040--UP 155 points--11%Gold--$1,232--UP $545oz--44%The "power of diversification" at its finest!
If you are interested in learning more about diversifying out of the dollar, please feel free to call or e-mail me. I am interested in answering all your questions and providing you with all the information you need so you can make an educated and confident decision that is best for you.
          Request your FREE information kit today.          My assistants e-mail address is [email protected]  my number is 877-864-1072. 
          Mike Weiner
          Swiss America


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