Conservative Gary Bauer: Endorses McCain . . . . Again?

Conservative Gary Bauer:
Endorses McCain . . . .  Again?

To: "Pro-Life" Conservative Friends
From:  Dick Bott, Sr.
Subject:  Absolute Principles /  Absolute Politics / Absolute Job Search ?
        "The Same Fire That Makes Steel Hard -- Also Melts Butter"      
Can We Talk?  Gary Bauer did the same thing in 2002!  Later however, he said doing that was a big mistake and said he'd never do it again. And his friends and followers forgave him and forgot his lapse.
But now, he's done it --Again!
So what's this all about?  It's hard to imagine it has anything to do with Pro-life or Pro-marriage Principles.  Clearly John McCain's established record on both, is questionable at best.  But if Bauer's endorsement of McCain at this stage of the election process is playing the game of plain old Politics, he should say so and stand aside with the Politicians, or stop that game. 
Every person is made-up of a complex mixture of issues that for them are very personal.  I've been told that "Survival is the First Law of Nature" and I have no reason to doubt it.  Maybe Bauer is just looking to his own future and sees a possible job for himself in the tea-leaves.  I don't know.  But something isn't adding up.
That's why I am most impressed by 'leaders' who put 'others' first and themselves second.  That's what really impressed me during the Civil Rights struggle of the 1960s.  Those who had nothing for themselves to gain, and sometimes everything to lose, who were not Black Americans themselves, yet marched and struggled for the rights of other human beings, were a genuine example to me of selfless "true grit & courage." 
They were the ones who paid a price for what they believed in, because it was just plain Right.  My own nephew dropped-out of Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, to join the Selma "March For Freedom."  (Need I say how strongly he feels about LIFE?)  At the time his father didn't agree with his decision nor did he understand why it was so important for him to sacrifice everything in his life, at that time, to stand for what my nephew said was the Right thing for him to do -- simply because it was the "Right Thing To Do." 
Much later during the "Summer of Mercy" in 1991 in Wichita, Kansas, my son, Rich, and I spent five weeks in Wichita, as News Reporters, covering that important news story for Bott Radio Network's audience -- as well as feeding those reports to Dr. James Kennedy, and many other national Christian radio programs.  At that time, both Rich & I considered ourselves to be solidly Pro-Life.  But then we saw the commitment of more than three thousand grass-roots genuine pro-life Catholic & Evangelical Christians, willing to face being arrested while they were praying and quietly singing and sitting on the sidewalk and street in front of a driveway, blocking the entrance to the Abortion Clinic of the infamous third trimester Abortionist, George Tiller.  That's when we, not only saw how strongly they felt about the killing of pre-born children, but by seeing that we also learned how little we understood anything about what it meant to sacrifice a great deal for what those pro-LIFE people truly believed about "killing kids in the Womb."
Those folks were not interested in Politics.  To them it was (is) a matter of standing by their Convictions.  They are the ones who a committed to a "Huckaboom" right now.  Mike Huckabee marched with the Right-to-Life folks of Arkansas when he was their Governor.  But was McCain ever at the Washington, D.C. March?  Or did he even offer them a kind word?
That's why I understand how badly pro-LIFE people feel today, when a pro-life leader, like Gary Bauer, who they have trusted and admired, abandons the only solidly pro-life Candidate, from either Party, to endorse the likes of John McCain, saying he has a record of fighting for human rights, clearly implying John McCain's record is Pro-LIFE on the issue of Abortion. 
Isn't that going a bridge too far?  Pro-life people know better than that.  And they must assume Gary Bauer knows better too.  To compare Mike Huckabee's solid unbroken total pro-life record with John McCain is asking too much of Bauer's followers.  
In the 2002 election when Bauer first endorsed McCain, many said then they would forgive him because "The first time we just say, 'shame on him' -- but if he does it again, and we still follow him, 'shame on us'."
So as Paul Harvey says: "That's the rest of the story."   Read the Associated Press story below and see what you think.


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