Devotion to God & Valentines Day

I have never understood the idea of purchasing flowers on Valentine's Day! Now I know and I have been told that I am simply kicking against the goads but let me state my position, and then you may judge me.
 Number one, I do not see the connection between the heart of a woman and the last dying days of a plant. Let's examine this for a moment.
First, I call my favorite florist (he who will give me the greatest deal for the cheapest price) and arrange to spend at minimum $50.00 for the "roses with the water droplets" to be delivered to the home of the woman of my dreams, and let us not forget the 2x2 love note that we must conjure up and dictate over the phone (Can you say awkward.)  Second, I nonchalantly place a phone call twenty minutes or so after the stated time of delivery to see how her day is going. After the general exchange of morning greetings comes the gleeful, "the flowers are beautiful" in that sweet girl's voice. The rhetorical, "do you like them?" is uttered in order to give another opportunity for elaboration on the behalf of the thankful recipient. At the conclusion of the conversation giddy "I love you's" are exchanged and upon ending the call my self-esteem levels are lifted in light of my unselfish act and the day continues as normal.
Upon arriving home that afternoon, I waltz in the door with the eager expectation of surveying the "spectacular" bouquet that I had purchased. After studying the dying plant and thinking, "that was $50.00?" in walks the bride with her smile and a light kiss. After exchanging the events of our respective days, we briefly discuss the plans for the evening meal. I gaze back towards the vase and flowers thinking wow in a few days (depending on whether the application of plant food was properly administered before delivery) those flowers along with thousands of others will litter the local landfill.
I know I cast a negative light upon this yearly ritual, and please don't misunderstand me I am a faithful participant in this event. But it seems that each year upon the conclusion of this flowery day I wonder, what have I done until now and what will I do until next year to properly and consistently communicate to my wife my love and devotion to her. Will my affection last only until those flowers find their way back to the ground from which they came, or will I cultivate and work hard in seeking to obey God's command to "love my wife as Christ loved the church?" Will I do it with a servant's heart or with selfish intentions?
I suppose this can parallel our relationship with Jesus Christ. How often we offer up fleeting moments of love and devotion often with personal desires and selfish motivations crouching in the background. Our loyalty to know and understand His Word begins with a strong desire to follow through and finish well but we often are tripped up along the way when the things of this world that so easily beset us come our way. For many this is the invariable circle of their Christian walk. They often wonder can things ever change and if so, how?
I believe they can change and I believe the secret is in how well we learn the lessons that God gives us in life. In our lives there are countless displays of God's devotion to his creation. How we respond directly to His devotion and we in turn follow His example in our daily lives and relationships is up to us.
God is forever faithful to his people. His unconditional love has been given to us by his choice and with his seal of trustworthiness. We never need to wonder if our God will be faithful for the Scriptures tells us that "he will never change and He cannot lie". Husbands, does the previous statement describe your relationship with your wife? Are you faithful to the covenant vows that you took with her as God is faithful to the one's that he did with you?  We should be! Also, just as we must cultivate a deep and lasting relationship with our wives if we expect to have a intimate and fulfilling life with her. So to we must cultivate a consecrated devotion to Jesus Christ and to His Word if we desire to live in the fullness and victory that is available to His people. The world offers many pseudo-pleasures and temptations all stemming from selfishness and pride. Yet, there is Jesus who came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Just as husbands are to be faithful and devoted to their wives likewise we must be faithful and devoted to our God.
"How beautiful you are my darling, how beautiful you are!…
How handsome you are, my beloved, and so pleasant!"
Song of Songs 1:15-16
How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts!
 My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord;
My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.
Psalms 84:1-2


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