Do You Know?

Do You Know?
By Jerry Newcombe, D.Min.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The education of virtually every founding father (approximately 250 men, from 1750-1800) was: a. Christian b. Secular c. Focused on Latin d. Focused on classical Greek
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The education of virtually every founding father (approximately 250 men, from 1750-1800) was: Christian. The following are excerpts from my book, The Book That Made America: How the Bible Formed Our Nation (Nordskog, 2009):
            The great scholar, Donald S. Lutz, the author of The Roots of American Constitutionalism, said:
Now, many of the founders knew Greek, because that was part of the education they learned at the colleges they attended [which] were usually seminaries. King's College, later to become <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Columbia, trained ministers. Yale trained ministers, Harvard trained ministers, and so, they spent their time, effectively, in a kind of a pre-minister curriculum. And certainly, they learned the Bible; they learned it down to their fingertips.
         When children were taught their ABC's in Puritan New England, they were also taught a great deal of theology. Beginning in 1692, thousands of New England children were taught basic reading skills through a small blue book, The New England Primer. This book was quite influential, and all the founding fathers from New England (and beyond) were weaned on Biblical principles, in part through this little book. This would include Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Sam Adams, John Hancock, and so on.          In The New England Primer, the children learned their ABC's learning these great theological truths:
A In ADAM'S Fall We sinned all.
B Heaven to find; The Bible Mind.
C Christ crucify'd For sinners dy'd.
And so on. In one way or another, for the first 200 years of the American experience, the Bible was the chief textbook.
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