Dow Jones vs Gold Special Report

Dow Jones vs Gold Special ReportDow Jones Industrial AverageTen years ago the Dow opened at 9987. Today the Dow is at 12408.36.Since 2002 the Paper Markets (the DOW Jones Industrial Average) has managed to grow about30%.  GoldGold, in 2002 opened the year  at $278.30 per ounce. Today that figure is $ increase of  490%. Where do you want your money for the NEXT 10 years?Swiss America Special ReportGOLD: BOTH SIDES OF THE COIN - A FAIR COMPARISON OF THE EXPERTS BULLISH AND BEARISH CASES Free Report In an effort to equip our clients with a well-rounded BIG PICTURE perspective on potential risks and rewards of owning gold, this Swiss America Special Report will examine both the Bull Case and the Bear Case for owning gold today by the worlds top analysts.Call 877-864-1072 or Email [email protected] to receive your FREE Report today.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


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