Enforcing Heterophobic Hate

Enforcing Heterophobic Hate<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Judith Reisman
            I wonder will we be allowed to read and write what we please when locked away for thought crimes in our land of the free and the brave?
            When my PhD thesis committee ruled that pornography was too tawdry a subject for a respectable doctorate, Aristotle got the green light. So under lock and key one might have an opportunity to return to the "good the true and the beautiful."
            Well, it's surely Al Kinsey's day in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />USA as pedophiles, pederasts, sadists, pornophiles, zoophiles, exhibitionists, masochists, and sundry other hostile heterophobes get special protections enforced by the strong arm of the law, like an endangered species.
            WND columnist Janet Porter properly dubbed the euphemistically entitled, "hate crimes" bill, (H.R. 1913) the "Pedophile Protection Act." As most know by now, 249 of our honorable legislators voted to make felons of any citizens who dares document sexual deviance as real and even as folks who commonly share a legacy of early sexual trauma.
            Physical assault against others has always been a crime. Under the proposed Orwellian law now before the Senate, Americans must praise all "sexual orientations" or risk prison. The bill makes thinking "wrong" a crime.
            Some ask how many Tom Foley's and Barney Frank's are dictating our laws? The House Judiciary Committee even rejected Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa's specific exclusion of pedophile protections from H.R. 1913; "The term sexual orientation as used in this act or any amendments to this act does not include pedophilia."
            Here, Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert's committee response deserves a full quote:
There are only 242 crimes where there is actually some – truly – an assault, and we just rejected an amendment to including pedophilia from being a part of this protected class.
Do you realize what that means?
If a mother hears that their child has been raped and she slaps the assailant with her purse, she is now gone after as a hate criminal because this is a protected class. There are other protected classes in here. I mean simple exhibitionism. I have female friends who have told me over the years that some guy flashed them, and their immediate reaction was to hit them with their purse. Well now, he's committed a misdemeanor, [and] she has committed a federal hate crime because the exhibitionism is protected under sexual orientation.
I know my friend said that we have a definition in the law, but there is nothing in this bill that references the definitions in the Hate Crimes Statistical Act … it's not there. We asked that it be added so we could get a specific definition. It is not there.
And having reviewed cases as an appellate judge, I know that when the legislature has the chance to include a definition and refuses, then what we look at is the plain meaning of those words. The plain meaning of sexual orientation is anything to which someone is orientated. That could include exhibitionism, it could include necrophilia (sexual arousal/activity with a corpse). … It could include urophilia (sexual arousal associated with urine), voyeurism. You see someone spying on you changing clothes and you hit them – they've committed a misdemeanor; you've committed a federal felony under this bill. It is so wrong.
            Is this hyperbole? Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., wants all sexual acts legalized as normal and good, lest anyone "live in fear" due to their sexual orientation. See the YouTube for Rep King speacking on the House floor. Those battling pederasts and pedophiles could get an extra ten years in jail for thoughts about the causes of child sexual abuse, much less what we have written.
            On May 4 in WorldNetDaily, Bob Unruh urged that people contact their U.S. senators to stop this special privileges bill for heterophobia. Apparently, President Obama has pledged to sign it so a filibuster in the Senate is all that remains to stop its trajectory.
            Or best hide your Bible when gathering some good books for a stay in the local poky.
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