Evil at the Altar of God

Evil at the Altar of God<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
by Walter Martin
Some time ago, I was invited to appear on a national Christian television program.  I go on this program about twice a year because it takes six months for them to recover from my previous appearance.  I arrived in the studio and they put out the red carpet, shook hands with me, and sent me to make-up.  As I was sitting there enjoying my coffee and donuts, a smiling assistant producer showed up and chirped, "Now, we want you to feel perfectly free and at liberty, you know.  Just get out there and do your thing."
"Thank you!"  I said, "I'm planning on doing that."  Then they handed me a sheet of paper that said, "Try to be positive in everything you say."  Saint Norman was there also-Vincent Peale.  The obvious attitude was whatever you do, don't get anybody upset!
I went on reading and it said, "Do not make any remarks about Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, or Christian Scientists."  Well, that did it. I was so insulted I almost left.  Can you imagine inviting a world authority on a subject-someone who's spent thirty-four years building a reputation in the field-to come there and talk about Mary had a little lamb?  The only reason they invited me to the program was that I was who I was.  That's the only reason I was there.  And when I got there, they wouldn't let me talk!
So, I prayed and said, "Lord, give me some tact (that's not my long suit.)  Give me some tact so I can get this message across."  And I went down onto the set.  We sat down and the moderator said, "How are you, Dr. Martin?  So good to see you (a show business type).  He shook my hand and asked, "What's going on in the Kingdom of the Cults?"
I stared at him for a split second before I let him have it!  "I'm not so much interested in what's going on in the Kingdom of the Cults as I am in what's going on in the Church of Jesus Christ.  There's evil right at the altar of God and we're not doing anything about it!"
"There is?"
"Yes!  If I had a few minutes, I'd tell you."
"Go right ahead," he urged.  And that was his first mistake-his second was deciding not to shoot me and commit suicide two minutes later!
I said, "I'll tell you what it is.  Do you know there are people today on Christian television and radio programs screeching for freedom of religion on our airways in the United States?  They want freedom.  They're out there with petitions against Madalyn Murray O'Hair.  They want to stop all these things from encroaching upon our religious freedom, but they will deny you your rights under the Constitution of the United States to speak on the airways owned by the American people.  Do you know that?"
"No!"  He said.
"Yes!  They hand you pieces of paper that say, 'Don't mention Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christian Scientists!'"  I thought I was very tactful.  He almost died.  He nearly had a coronary right on the middle of the set.
"That's awful," he finally managed.
"Yes," I said, "Give me 30 seconds and I'll tell you why."
"Go right ahead."
"It's the day of Pentecost and they're in the upper room.  The Holy Spirit has come upon the Church.  Power such as the world has never seen flows to fishermen, tax collectors and from there to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth; shaking kingdoms, creating civilizations.  God is honoring his promise to Abraham "...in thee will I bless all the kingdoms of the earth." (Genesis 12:2)  Power!  Peter gets up and he preaches a sermon, and three thousand people get saved.  One fisherman filled with the Holy Spirit steps out on the street without even a megaphone, and three thousand people trample each other to get to Calvary.  That's power such as the world has never seen before.
"And then Peter got them all into the upper room and he said, 'We're going to carry this message to the ends of the earth:  <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Jerusalem!  Judea!  Samaria!  The world is going to know about Jesus Christ!  However, when you run into the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Scribes and the Herodeans, don't say anything negative!'"
The audience roared, and the host laughed and said, "I think you made your point."
Controversy is part and parcel of the Christian heritage.  You cannot escape it if you want to serve Jesus Christ.


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