Falsified: The Danger of False Conversion

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The Danger of False Conversion
Written By Vincent and Lori Williams
Foreward by Justin Peters

Brand New Book Release from Westbow Press:

 Thomas Nelson Publishing

Have you ever seen people who claim the name of Christ, but when you speak to them, something just doesn't add up? Have you noticed something different and strange happening when you've walked into a modern-day church? The topic of false conversion is not widely spoken about in society today, nor do a lot of people know what that term even means. Pastors and some other people know what it means, but few seem to be too worried about it happening-even if it's happening to them.
 If it's happening to you, your eternity could be hanging in the balance; there are people who aren't telling you the real, biblical truth. This book offers insight into the true story of one couple's dramatic break from its dangerous and dark grip. It will equip you with truth and with a biblical understanding of what false conversion is, as well as how to identify it within the movements going on today. There is an eternal danger in not knowing how to discern truth from error in this post modern world we are now living in. Eternity is at stake.
"Pragmatic methods of church growth have definitely increased attendance numbers in some of today's largest and best-known churches. But is this approach filling the church with false converts? This is a tough subject with deeply personal-and eternally significant-implications. Vince and Lori Williams tackle it with courage, clarity, and solid, biblical answers."              Phil Johnson, Executive Director of Grace to You, and Editor for Dr. John MacArthur
 "Vince and Lori's testimony is a powerful lesson of the danger of false conversion and the desperate need for true conversion in the evangelical church worldwide."--Trisha Ramos, www.fishwithtrish.com, Living Waters CorrespondentWe were false converts for a long time and this is an issue that is personal and therefore provides a sense of urgency to get the information to you. We urge everyone to read our book and pass it along to anyone that you might think could be a false convert. We want to speak the truth in love, and warn many of what eternity could be ahead for them. May God's grace and truth in His word lead many to Him through this book.
Falsified: The Danger of False Conversion by Vincent and Lori Williams can be purchased online at www.barnesandnoble.com or www.westbowpress.com
Our website is vinceandloriministries.blogspot.com and we will be at the Worldview Weekend Reunion in Branson where you can purchase the book at the Justin Peters Booth.


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