Financial Headlines for September 20, 2012

Financial Headlines for September 20, 2012<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Call Wes Peters at 877-864-1072 to schedule a free consultation and get your questions answered about gold and silver while there is still time. You can also click here to request your free packet of information.
America in free-fall - Washington TimesThe annual Economic Freedom of the World report has just been released and it should be a wake up call. The United States has fallen from the number 3 spot in 2000 to number 8 in 2005 and number 18 in 2010 and is almost certain to be lower in next year's rankings.
Draghi and Bernanke's Worst Nightmares Are About to Unfold Ben Bernanke and Mario Draghi have both initiated open-ended bond buying programs in the last two weeks. The purpose of the programs was to scare the markets into believing that no matter what happens, the Central Banks will be able to step in and support the financial system. However, according to the author, they have both failed.
Fed To Debase Dollar? - Merk FundsThe third round of quantitative easing may have been the Fed's worst kept secret, yet the dollar plunged anyways on the announcement. Monetary policy affects nominal price levels, not structural deficiencies. The US economy may have held back because of uncertainty over future taxes and regulation.
QE3: Will the Fed's New Plan Really Help Housing? The Fed made efforts to speed up the economic recovery and Wall Street welcomed the new stimulus by sending stocks to their highest levels in almost five years. The new bond-buying program is aimed at bringing down already low interest rates even further and keeping them low through 2015.

Call Wes Peters at 877-864-1072 to schedule a free consultation and get your questions answered while there is still time. You can also click here to request your free packet of information.


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