Free Gold Report

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Despite a 20% price correction in precious metals in August, gold remains up 15% ytd, while silver is down 2.4% ytd. Both the Dow and silver prices ended the third quarter down 15%. With that said Gold and silver offer long-term investors and savers a great buying opportunity in the best performing asset class of the last decade.
In times of panic, investors sell everything, even assets that have medium to long-term growth opportunities. The recent selling of gold was related to panic from hedge funds needing to raise money for redemptions as well as a tightening of margin requirements. This was not selling pressure based on any fundamental change in conditions or outlook. Gold still makes sense in investors' portfolios as a hedge against the fear and stagnation that very likely will occur over the next several years in the global economy.
Emerging markets that have long held their currency reserves in U.S. dollars and euros will continue to lose faith in the wisdom of politicians in more established economies. Emerging economies will replace these currency reserves with tangible assets they gold.
To long-term thinkers and investors this is yet another smart buying opportunity.
Do not be distracted by media hype over gold's recent price correction or talk about a new gold "bubble". Instead, keep your eyes on the facts and your focus on the fundamentals.
This is only the third time in a decade that gold prices have dipped over 20% (In 2006; 22%, in 2008; 25%). The brilliant yellow metal is still up 15% in 2011. This recent correction is the 9th major gold price dip since 2003, with an average rebound of 36% following the dip. If this pattern repeats, the next stop for gold is $2,200/oz.
Gold prices have bolted up 22% since January 2011, the last major buying opportunity, when prices hit a low of $1,315/oz, cementing gold's status as a safe haven with excellent growth potential.
Following each of the last EIGHT major corrections, gold prices have risen an average of 36%.
I'm projecting that sometime in the not-too-distant future, gold will reach $2,000 an ounce. Now is an excellent time to buy! If the gold market continues in the same pattern witnessed over the last decade, the price dip this month may be one of the last opportunities to buy gold below $2,000/oz. Reports of gold's 'death' over the last decade have not only been greatly exaggerated, but will again be proven wrong. Central banks from Bangkok to Boston are printing money, therefore the worst is ahead for the dollar and the best is ahead for gold owners.
Request your FREE Buy the dips report today.
E-mail [email protected] or call 877-864-1072.
If you are interested in learning more about how to protect yourself from the crashing dollar and inflation, email or call my assistant Wes Peters and request your FREE information kit today. I am interested in answering all your questions and providing you with all the information you need so you can make an educated and confident decision that is best for you and your family.
Mike Weiner
Swiss America
Senior Account Executive
[email protected]


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