Gary Bauer: Burnt Toast?

Gary Bauer: Burnt Toast? 
To:  Pro-life Leaders / Who Are "Pro-life" Leaders
From:  Dick Bott, Sr.
Subject:  Learning Is Slow / But Sure
On Friday, both Texas Governor, Rick Perry, and Pro-life Leader, Gary Bauer, called for Mike Huckabee to 'exit the race' to make way for John McCain.  But were their calls in the interest of LIFE? -- no, in the interest of 'Party Unity'.  
Just imagine: Both of them called on the ONLY Pro-life / Pro-marriage Candidate of either party to drop-out.  Really! 
Before I go on, read these News clips for yourself:

Bauer urges conservative unity, calls for Huckabee to exit race . . . . . .
by: Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 2/8/2008 2:20:00 PM

Gary BauerFormer Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer is urging conservative skeptics of John McCain to form a coalition with the GOP frontrunner. He is also urging Mike Huckabee to drop out of the Republican race for the sake of party unity.

Evangelical leader Gary Bauer says McCain's speech to activists at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday was "outstanding" and demonstrated the Arizona senator clearly wants the conservative base to be part of his effort.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has asked Mike Huckabee to drop out of the GOP presidential race.  
But Huckabee, who says he's banking on "miracles" in his long-shot bid against John McCain - declined.
Perry, a McCain supporter, called Huckabee Friday asking him to pull out for the good of the party, according to a senior Huckabee campaign aide.
Huckabee confirmed he received the call, and said he didn't take it seriously.
"I told that him while I appreciated it, with all due respect, since he was already on someone else's team that I had to discount his advice since he had a vested interest in my not winning and McCain winning," he said. "Since he was endorsing my opponent, there commendation rang a little hollow to me. Again it was a cordial conversation but not one that I would take seriously."
Now, can [we] talk? 
To those of you who are reading this, can we examine what's happening here?  
I understand, but I do not respect, that Perry is simply a conservative Republican Politician.  He's no more than that, so don't expect more than that. But who is Garry Bauer?  That's the question.  Is he no more than that too?
In the interest of learning to understand the complex nature of pro-life leaders who have either: Remained silent -- Publicly supported other (non-pro-life) candidates -- Or purposely added to the confusion among the pro-life movement, by pretending to remain 'neutral', let us for a moment recall the FACTS that we do know -- and ask questions of the recent past about the things we don't know.
It should be quite simple:
By making the issues of LIFE & Marriage the 'two' issues on which pro-life people are proud to stand beyond any other consideration, regardless of how important other 'issues' may be, after researching the factual past record of each Candidate, and listening to each one speak in person, I feel we know who has stood for LIFE & Marriage totally before they got White House fever, as well as after.  It 'is' and it always 'was' Mike Huckabee!  And that's not my endorsement of him, which would probably be worth very little anyway.  It's a FACT.
So why have those pro-life leaders, whose leadership has been trusted in the past, and who pro-life people respect and by whom they are influenced, been so divided? 
Look! -- Mitt Romney is not now and never has been pro-life.   And I think everyone has known that. 
(Remember even the Wolf said he was pro-life when Little Red Riding Hood knocked on her grandmother's cabin door. The Wolf said he was a wonderful, trustworthy pro-life guy.)
But what about now?  Let's not forget those unbiased pro-life leaders in Mass. who know Romney best.  They said in an open letter to all who cared to read it, that Romney has always said and done anything on every social issue (including LIFE & Marriage) that served him best in whatever political race he was in, in order to win the prize he wanted.  That is his record.  It can't be denied.  And an in-depth one hour Internet "Google search" proves that conclusively.  It's not even debatable!
Now what about Fred Thompson?  His opposition to a Federal Human Life Amendment, and a Federal Marriage Amendment are a documented FACT.  That FACT can't be ignored or denied either.  And now he's been laid to rest, because the People understood he wasn't what they were told he was.   
Now comes John McCain knocking at "Little Red Riding Hood's door" with his conservative Republican job-seeking helpers saying he's the ONE that pro-life people (for the sake of Party Unity) should rally around.
But thank God, the "People" seem to know that, while Goliath may have tons of money and he surely has the big guns and the smart establishment people cheering him on -- it is still David, with only a few smooth stones and his home-made sling-shot, that was God's choice for His people to back -- letting God decide the outcome.  
The People seem to be starting to understand, what some of their own pro-life Leaders don't understand.  The genuine grass-roots Pro-life movement is made-up of people who stand on Principle -- not Politics.
Let the Politicians worry about the Politics.  Let the question of who may win or who may lose be discussed behind the closed doors of the power-brokers and job-seekers. 
Are the rest of us being lead -- or are we the genuine pro-LIFE Leaders that we tell others we are.  We may gather in meetings to sort things out, but at the end of each day, we are accountable to stand on our Principles (not our Politics) for what we do and who we support. 
There will be more written on this.  Too many leaders sat in those meetings, knowing which direction to face, but said little and did nothing.  This confusion and lack of leadership has exposed a cleavage that probably was always there, but not completely understood.  But the light of knowledge and better understanding is now turned ON, never to be turned-off again. 
Please examine this subject further by carefully reading the attached Time Magazine article.  This is not "tea-time" for the Pro-life movement.  It's important and it's a time in history, like no other, when they must get real and stop playing games:,8599,1711615,00.html?imw=Y


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