Government Is Now Borrowing from Pensions? Are You Serious?

Government Is Now Borrowing from Pensions? Are You Serious?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Treasury Department officials have begun to borrow against federal pension funds to meet the government's financial obligations because the country reached the limit of its borrowing authority from other sources under the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling on Monday.
In a letter to congressional leaders Monday, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said he is suspending new investments in both the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (CSRDF) and the Thrift Savings Plan G Fund, which is invested in federal securities. In addition, the department will redeem some of the investments held by the CSRDF, Geithner wrote.
Of course Timothy Geithner is promising to pay any borrowed funds back to the pensions. Isn't the social security system severely under funded today because the Federal Government couldn't keep it's hands off of the funds. How long can we continue to rob Peter to pay Paul in this Country? What's next, the Government taking control of retirement accounts?
I'm not a doom and gloom kind of guy folks but let's face it, the damage is done and it's not over yet. The debt ceiling will be raised and Washington will have a fresh checkbook  of tax payers money to squander.
We currently have 14.3 trillion dollars in debt and Washington still needs more money. For what? Last year our government paid 414 billion dollars in interest on our debt for 2010. How on earth will Washington ever pay down a penny of debt if they have to continue buying our own debt? China no longer wants to buy our debt. They want to use their money to buy gold. China intends to increase their gold holdings by 80% over the next 5 years. If you ask me gold is a much better investment than investing in the dollar. The dollar has lost 40% of it's purchasing power since 2001. Gold is up over 450% since 2001.
I encourage you, if you have not looked into diversifying from the dollar with gold and silver please do you and your family a favor and request a FREE Information kit. Just reading the headlines should give you cause to be concerned about the dollar and inflation. Do some research and learn more about what you can do to protect yourself rather than sit on the sidelines reading the headlines and watching the Federal Government destroy what you have worked for.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns about the precious metals market. I have been helping people protect their wealth for over 35 years now. I am interested in answering all your questions and providing you with all the information you need so you can make an educated and confident decision that is best for you and your family.

My e-mail address is [email protected] and my number is 877-864-1072. 
Mike Weiner
Swiss America
Senior Account Executive


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