Gun Owners of America Endorses Ken Blackwell for RNC Chairman

Gun Owners of America Endorses Ken Blackwell for RNC Chairman-- A Gun Control Candidate would be "Fatal" to RNC(Springfield, VA) -- Gun Owners of America weighed in on the battlefor the Republican National Committee (RNC) by supporting KenBlackwell for Chairman.Blackwell, who served as Ohio's Secretary of State from 1999 to2007, is "A" rated by Gun Owners of America and a vocal advocatefor Second Amendment rights.In a letter to RNC members, GOA Vice-Chairman Tim Macy stated that"Blackwell's election would tell gun owners that the GOP isfinally finished pussy-footing around with the gun issue."Mr. Macy points out that a candidate who supports gun controlmeasures -- like the 1994 so-called assault weapons ban -- would beunacceptable to the Republican Party's pro-gun base. "When evenBill Clinton himself admitted that enactment of that ban cost hisparty the 1994 elections, it would be fatal for the GOP to go and dolikewise," said Macy.Gun Owners of America is a national gun lobby with over 300,000members. A GOA spokesman is available for comment.


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