How Does The Conscience Work?

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How Does The Conscience Work?
By Daniel Nuckols
Before discussing how a one's conscience works, I think it would be helpful to get a etymological definition of the word "conscience."  The word conscience means "with-knowledge."[1]  "con" means "with,"  and "science" means "knowledge."  So basically, every time one breaks God's law one does it "with-knowledge" that it is wrong.
Bears Witness
In the context of saying that the Gentiles[2] are under the law as well, Paul explains in Romans 2:15, that the law is "written on their hearts."  He goes on to say that their conscience also bears witness to the fact that the law is "written on their hearts."  The conscience and the heart of man work together as witnesses of the law that is an innate knowledge of each man.[3]  However, one should be careful to not equate this passage with the promise given in Jeremiah 31:33, which is given to future believers that the law will be in their minds and written on their hearts.[4]  This is referring to the "new man" which believers have when they become born again.  When one is born again one's delight is in God's law and is at war with sin.[5]
The conscience functions in two different ways according to Romans 2:15.  1) Accuses or 2) Excuses (defends) a person.  This is the apparent functions of the conscience derived from this text.  This paper's goal is to explore those two functions a little more in depth.
In what way do our consciences accuse us?  The context of this passage makes it clear that our consciences accuse us concerning our violation of God's law.  Our thoughts are conflicting[6] telling us whether what we did was wrong or right,[7] so that on that day when God judges the "secrets of men" by Christ, our actions will be without excuse.  This is because everything we did was "with-knowledge" that it was good or bad[8].
Since the conscience bears witness with the law written on people's hearts, it would be good idea to examine the exact function of God's Law.
The function of God's Law
Psalm 19:17 says, "The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul."  This is the primary function of God's Law – to convert the soul.[9]  The law was never meant to be kept as a means of salvation.  It just shows us that we are helpless, and in need of a Savior.
In Galatians 3:24, Paul said that the law was a "schoolmaster" to bring him to Christ.  However, according to Gaebelein, the Greek word used for schoolmaster, Paidagogos, literally means "child-custodian" or "child-attendant."  A Paidagogos was actually a household slave in wealthy Greek and Roman families.  This slave would have the responsibility in a family of watching over a child's behavior and always making sure the Child went to and from School.[10]  So the law is a Paidagogos it is always watching over us and judging our behavior.  Because we are all under the law, and fail, this drives us to the feet of the Savior.  Maybe the English Standard Version has a better translation. "So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith" (Galatians 3:24).  So the law was our guardian over us, until we got a new guardian, Jesus Christ.  Because of our new ownership, we have now we have become slaves to righteousness. "For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.  What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?"(Romans 6:14-16).
Paul also makes it clear that the law brings "knowledge of Sin (Romans 3:20)."  Also the law "stops the mouth" (Romans 3:19).  So from Romans 3 one can conclude that the law 1) defines what sin is.  i.e. sin is breaking the law, and the law 2) stops a sinful person from justifying oneself.  Paul again says in Romans 7:7 that he did not know what sin was but by the law.
In summary, the function of God's law is first to show us that we are sinners.  Sin, by definition is transgression of the law.  Secondly, it is to stop sinners from justifying themselves.  Lastly, the failure to live up to God's standard in His law drives us to the foot of the cross for forgiveness.  The law when used lawfully, should bring about godly sorrow, that works repentance, unto salvation "for godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation" (2 Cor 7:10). 
The conscience excuses us for good behavior.  Moo says, "The Gentiles innate knowledge of God's law leads them often to do what is right.  When this happens, their consciences along with their thoughts, "defend" them, convincing them that they are doing what God requires."[11]
Isaiah 64:6 says that, "all of our righteousnesses are like filthy rags"  How does one reconcile that with the idea that our consciences commend us, or in essence "defend" us for the good we do?
We all know what is right and what is wrong by our consciousness.  However when it comes to our standing with God, even the good we do is evil and stained with sin.  Because God is so pure and holy, our righteous acts are seen as something filthy and disgusting in God's sight.  Even if good deeds were pleasing in God's sight, they wouldn't affect our guilty standing with God.  Just as a person cannot do good deeds to affect their standing in a court of law, the same is true with God.  Our good deeds do not change our guilty standing with God.  The only hope of true justification is not found in good works (Romans 3:21) but by repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ's death and resurrection (Acts 20:21).  This results in peace, hope and joy through God's Spirit.  "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope"  (Romans 15:13). 
In summary, the conscience bears witness to the fact that the law is written on our hearts.  It either accuses us or excuses us through the moral law of God.  The law of God 1) shows us that we are sinners, 2) it stops self righteous justification of sinners, and 3) converts the soul by leaving one helpless and in need of The Savior.  Even our obedience to the moral law of God is seen as unrighteous in God's sight.
In either instance - whether our consciences are accusing us, or excusing us, it is all for the same purpose.  i.e. to bring us to the foot of a blood stained cross.  We see that our sins, and even our good deeds condemn us in the sight of a holy God.  Only the precious blood of God's Son, Jesus Christ, was the righteous requirement to pay the penalty for our sins and our righteous rags.
Gaebelein, Frank E.  The Expositor's Bible Commentary. Vol.10 ( Romans through Galatians), <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1976.
Moo, Douglas J.  The NIV Application Commentary: Romans.  Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan 2000.
Schreiner, Thomas R.  Romans.  Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic: 1998
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[2] Moo, Douglas J.  The NIV Application Commentary: Romans.  Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan 2000. Moo said that Paul here is addressing a Gentiles in general and not a specific group.

[3] Gaebelein, Frank E.  The Expositor's Bible Commentary. Vol.10 ( Romans through Galatians), Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1976.

[4] Schreiner, Thomas R.  Romans.  Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic: 1998.  p122

[5] Romans 7:22

[6] Romans 2:15

[7] Schreiner, Thomas R.  p123

[8] Romans 2:16


[10] Gaebelein, Frank E.  p 467.

[11] Moo, Douglas J. p.86


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