Insurance Against The Dollar

Insurance Against The DollarMike Weiner<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
As responsible adults we purchase various types of insurance to protect our families in case of an emergency. Whether medical, homeowners, car insurance, you name it; it's no secret - no one enjoys paying insurance premiums for something we hope we never have to use. However, we are very thankful we have the coverage in place when an unexpected event occurs and we need it.
Unfortunately, my friends, we are in a period of time where as responsible adults, we need insurance against the dollar. Our Federal Government is in the process of destroying the value of the dollar. You don't need to  take my word for it, there is plenty of evidence and information available to those who are paying attention. The Government is already destroying your wealth, to stand by without taking action will be a big mistake.
I have been in this industry for over 30 years and I have found what prevents many people from taking the appropriate action to protect themselves by putting a portion of their portfolio into precious metals is fear. Fear of making a mistake because they don't have enough information. It's amazing to me how many people invest in stocks and mutual funds without knowing anything about them. Nearly half of the people who invest in mutual funds have no idea how a mutual fund is structured. All they know is their family members, friends and co-workers invest in stocks and mutual funds so they must be okay. Wall Street, financial advisors, and stock brokers love this mentality. Let me explain: Financial advisors and stock brokers make money when they sell stocks, mutual funds, bonds, etc. Guess what they don't get paid to sell?  You guessed it - physical gold and silver.
Therefore, when someone approaches their broker or advisor and asks them about investing in physical metal, what do you think their response is going to be? Even though gold has out performed the stock market the last 10 years 8 out of 10 stock brokers will tell their client not to invest in physical metal. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me their broker told them not to invest in physical gold or silver. These are the same brokers and advisors that recommend diversification, yet they don't want their client to invest in a proven market if they can't sell the product to them. It all comes down to greed rather than doing what is right for their client.
Allow me to get you the information, answer your questions, and address your concerns. I'm confident I can make sense of the precious metals market for you. As I mentioned before, to stand on the sidelines and watch the Government destroy your wealth is a losing plan. You have worked hard for your money doesn't it make sense to protect some of it?
I am interested in answering all your questions and providing you with all the information you need so you can make an educated and confident decision that is best for you.
My e-mail address is [email protected] and my number is 877-864-1072. 
Mike Weiner
Swiss America
Senior Account Executive


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