Liberal-Progressive Mind Control

Liberal-Progressive Mind ControlBy Thomas E. BrewtonSocialism, of which liberal-progressivism is the American sect, is  more than control of the economy.  Most importantly it is mind- control through the public education system.The Washington Times reports the latest liberal-progressive-socialist  curtailment of personal freedom.  "California courts have held that under provisions in the Education  Code, parents do not have a constitutional right to educate their  children in their own home," said the Feb. 28 ruling by the  California Appellate Court for the second district.When they wish to overrule long-standing political liberties,  liberals look to precedents of so-called international law and other  nations' customs.  The European Union, and Germany specifically,  provide ammunition for abrogating educational liberties. ( http:// )Why the animus of liberal courts and teachers' unions against home  schooling?The obvious answer is that home schooling does a better job,  revealing the poor quality of public education.  Less obvious is the  desire of home-schooling parents to teach Judeo-Christian moral  principles, which directly conflicts with the public school aim of  teaching the secular religion of liberal-progressive-socialism.   Propagating that mind-set necessitates identifying as ignorance all  ideas of fixed and timeless moral principles.Such was the work primarily of John Dewey, the leading liberal- progressive theoretician of the early 1900s.  He taught Columbia  University students that Darwinian evolution had proved that  everything, including morality, was continually evolving.  In such a  world there can be no timeless principles of morality.  Rules for  social behavior are simply whatever intellectuals think they ought to  be in matters of sexual orientation, sexual promiscuity, and every  sort of sensual gratification.Under the impact of such schooling, the traditional family unit is no  longer the bedrock of society.  The norm tends toward single-parent  units.  Home-schooling by parents in traditional families is, to that  style of moral relativism, a direct affront.There is now abundant evidence, in all parts of the nation, that  public-education students are inculcated with anti-Americanism and a  moral relativism that will not even condemn the Nazi Holocaust.   Liberal-progressivism teaches students that there are no real  differences among nations, races, and cultures, even sexes.  We are  all homogeneous and ready for a single world government that will end  wars and guarantee harmony and economic plenty, equally for all.  In  such a world, callow students must be conditioned to see every  atrocity from the other guy's view point and to avoid all judgments  of right or wrong.Liberal-progressives, it will be remembered,  sympathized with Al  Queda and blamed 9/11 on the capitalist greed of the United States.The recent death of William F. Buckley, Jr. reminds us that, by the  late 1940s, this disintegration of historical education was well  established.  Ivy League universities such as Yale had long since  abandoned their founding mission of educating Puritan ministers.   They had, as Buckley documented in "God and Man at Yale," become  overwhelmingly slanted toward liberal-progressivism.Liberal-progressive-socialism is a world paradigm in which greedy  capitalists become rich by grinding workers down to bare-subsistence  levels of income, while forcing the workers to buy whatever products  they produce, at whatever prices they elect to charge.  Hence the  endless harping in the New York Times about income inequality.In that paradigm, social justice demands that the undeservedly rich  capitalists be expropriated, either by seizing their property and  placing it under collective ownership, or by imposing a multitude of  regulations that convey the rights of ownership to the political  state.  This is known as socialization.The most important element of liberal-progressive-socialism, however,  is control of the educational system.  Henri de Saint-Simon, who  systematically conceptualized socialism in the first decades of the  19th century, wrote that the educational system must be controlled by  the highest level of the political state's intellectual councils, so  that nothing other than the doctrine of socialism may be taught.Thomas E. Brewton is a staff writer for the New Media Alliance, Inc.  The New Media Alliance is a non-profit (501c3) national coalition of  writers, journalists and grass-roots media outlets.His weblog is THE VIEW FROM 1776


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