McCain/Huckabee ticket not an option for Christian Conservatives!

McCain/Huckabee ticket not an option for <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Christian Conservatives!
The TV screens and radio airwaves are a buzz with the prospect of a McCain/Huckabee ticket. I must say the thought of that sickens me. McCain is no conservative and it has been quite apparent that the true conservatives in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America want no part of a McCain/anybody ticket. As much as Rush Limbaugh and Mitt Romney want to say that Huckabee and McCain are in cahoots with one another simply because of West Virginia, Huckabee has made it abundantly clear that he doesn't agree with the policies of John McCain, but admires him for running a clean campaign. How this adds up to Huckabee vying for the VP spot is simply mere media spin.
I have been an avid Huckabee supporter since September 2007 campaigning for him here in the state of Florida, and writing every chance I get on my blog As I stated in a previous article John McCain is a loose cannon who I believe can and will compromise values for the sake of "working with those on the other side of the aisle." His claim to fame is his history as a veteran. Although I thank him for his great service it is not enough to be the president. Also, his time and Washington has proven that he is simply on par with the status quo that must change. I agree whole heartedly with James Dobson's reasoning for not supporting McCain although I wish He had come out in support of Mike Huckabee as I believe all true Christian Conservative leaders should have back in the Fall.
My prayer for Huckabee is that He continues to speak the truth to the American people as he has all along. Every time he opens his mouth the common person likes him more because he speaks with a full measure of honestly and genuine care for the people of America. I am reminded of the story he tells of the events following Hurricane Katrina how he urged the citizens of Arkansas not to look at the people flooding in from Louisiana and Mississippi as strangers but to treat them like family. Demonstrating the love of Christ in every opportunity, that's Mike Huckabee.
In regards to leadership he has successfully ran a state government for 10 ½ years and is the only candidate to do so. There is no preparation for the presidency like governing a state and Mike Huckabee stands head and shoulders above all the candidates in both effectiveness and quality.
In closing, I reject the idea of a McCain/Huckabee ticket and urge all Christian conservatives to join the Huckabee army, call the Huckabee headquarters and beseech him not to join up with McCain instead encouraging him to continue fighting for the presidency until the convention. As, Tony Perkins said today on the review of Super Tuesday, the primary season is far from over and much is to be decided in the coming weeks and months. May the Christians rise up and be heard in 2008 by standing behind the man who comes from us and not to us. Go Huckabee!


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