Mike Huckabee: Prideful Politician or Servant with Integrity and Character?

Mike Huckabee: Prideful Politician or Servant with Integrity and Character?  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
            I have been a supporter of Mike Huckabee since the Fall of 2007. From day one he struck me as a man of deep faith and a humble heart. A man who loved his country and more than that loved his country's people. One who from the beginning was committed to hearing the heart of the men and women of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Main Street, not the millions dollars on Wall Street.
Since the completion of Super Tuesday and the exit of Mitt Romney from the GOP presidential race Mike Huckabee has been called upon to give up and quit. Now, accusations attacking the character of this great man are being made across the media outlets. Some saying Huckabee is selfish and self-centered, many declaring him now staying in the race simply to make money and to raise his personal profile. How foolish and cowardly an accusation!
The truth is more and more Mike Huckabee is being seen as a man of great integrity and profound character. Two years ago before anyone declared their candidacy from the 2008 race I asked a question. "Can a man run for the White House without having millions of dollars and corrupted cronies telling him his every move? Can a man run and truly be concerned for the people of this great nation? Can a man run and do so with honor and integrity ?" Little did I know just a short time later that Mike Huckabee would answer everyone of those questions! From day one Mike Huckabee has not run on the record of his opponents, seeking to tear them apart and dismember their character. Conversely, he ran on his own solid conservative record. Standing strong on what he believed. He spoke candidly with everyone he met. Whether speaking to the old man in the general store or the news anchor on television, Mike Huckabee treated everyone with great honor and respect caring deeply about the concerns that each had. It is no surprise that every time Huckabee opened his mouth people paid attention. I cannot tell you how many times I've spoke to people about voting for Mike and each one would tell me how touched they felt when they heard Mike speak in a debate or in an interview. His message pierced right to the heart and continues to do so.
It is no surprise that as Mike rose to the top of the polls that the rich and famous began a vicious attack on his character and his record. Lying and distorting years of faithful service and sound record, people and organizations with the help of the communist media launched their 'distortion war'. No one can forget the debate in South Carolina when Fred Thompson spewed a string of lies attacking Mike Huckabee as if to say "if I'm not winning South Carolina, then rest assure neither are you!" The punch landed and that blow along with the help mailboxes full of Romney's dishonest attacks ads tricked South Carolinian's into supporting the moderate John McCain.
Today, there is only two men left in the race. The spear of Fred Thompson lies somewhere in South Carolina, and the millions of dollars spent on attack ads by Mitt Romney leave a trail of distrust and distain for the political process across this nation.
Amazingly, the two men who were declared DEAD in the summer of 2007 are the last men standing in 2008. John McCain, because of his dedication to standing by his record has acquired a great lead in the delegate count and sits poised to possibly win the nomination. Unfortunately because of his record, true conservatives across this great nation refuse to support Senator McCain, not because he isn't a great man but because of fundamental differences in characteristics that they believe the President of the United States must have that he doesn't.
            The last man standing offering the same message he has from the beginning, not wavering in his support for life and marriage, secure borders and eliminating the tax system is Mike Huckabee. He offers the 10 ½ year record of a phenomenal governorship in state of Arkansas. He stands beside his commitment to be the candidate who hears the heart of the people and not the corruption that is Washington D.C. The man who isn't funded by tax payer dollars as he seeks the nomination and isn't ashamed to take a weekend and work hard to pay his bills (after all isn't that what every true American would do) .
Today, Mike Huckabee said "when he started this race he did it to win." He said, "the game is not over yet", and like a true and faithful runner who has begun a race he has vowed to continue his bid whether it ends in victory or defeat. In the end he will be able to say, 'I have fought hard and I have run the race. I did not give up because those who opposed me called for me to quit, after all they hated me from the beginning. I stayed true to what I said and I did my very best."
Mike Huckabee's supporters are as strong as ever and have urged him to keep up the fight. Why? Because there are people across this great land who know that Mike Huckabee stands for righteousness and truth. They know that he is a man of his word and will not waver in his commitment to his supporters to give every man and woman across this nation an opportunity to cast their ballot for the man they believe to be the best candidate.
The heart of the matter is this. Whether or not Mike Huckabee wins the White House in 2008 the legacy that he will leave will be this:
He was and is a man of great character and integrity who ran an honest and upright race. He believed that every man and woman in this country deserved the right to be heard, no matter who they were whether the janitor or the CEO they where human beings with feelings and passions and dreams. He lived out his belief in the Sanctity of life each day because not only did he stand up for the life of the unborn, the aged and sick, he gave each person his time and attention showing them he was more interested in their person than their money. I pray that God will forever allow the story of Mike Huckabee to blaze strong in the hearts and minds of many in the years to come. It is my hope that God will perform a miracle and bring the victory to Mike Huckabee in the upcoming convention,   but even if He doesn't Mike will forever be in my mind one of the greatest communicators and politicians to every run for the Presidency of the United States of America.


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