Mike Huckabee should get out of the race so we can COMPROMISE and vote for McCain?

Mike Huckabee should get out of the race so we can COMPROMISE and vote for McCain?
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                   The media and now some Christian conservatives refuse to see the value of Mike Huckabee, and the positions he defends. Even worse many are calling on him to drop his presidential candidacy so the conservative movement can compromise (I mean "coalesce") around John McCain.
          According to the Webster's dictionary Principle means, "rule or code of conduct, devotion to such a code." Dr. James Dobson is a man of deep principle. Dr. Dobson didn't side with political expediency and simply support John McCain for the sake of beating a democrat. Instead, He stood up and endorsed Mike Huckabee for president. Disregarding the "odds" of Huckabee's chances to win, He stood on principle!  For that I thank Dr. Dobson.
Even though the media and pundits have declared Mike Huckabee virtually useless and nothing more than a mere distraction, that is no reason for "Christians" to call on the ONE candidate who has stood steadfast for the Sanctity of Life and Marriage to step aside. It is utterly preposterous and I thank God and Mike Huckabee for resisting this push and standing strong in his continued quest for the White House. 
God's greatest creation was life! It was His idea and His masterpiece. Jesus didn't exit the portals of heaven and die for the trees or the animals. He died so that He might reconcile men and women with their Creator. God loves life and is a staunch defender of it throughout the Scriptures.
Many would and have argued that standing for the principle of life and marriage, first and foremost is a foolish idea and must be cast aside for the "greater" issues of our economy and national security, etc. Please understand I do not take anything away from those issues. They are of utmost importance and will need special attention in the coming years. However, if we continue to destroy life and find it OK not to elect a president who is and has always been pro life then how can we expect God to honor and protect this nation at all?
In sports, the keys are the fundamentals and the basics. Without them there will be no success. Life is a fundamental. We must have it and we must support it. Marriage, as between one man and one woman is fundamental, we must have it and we must support it.
Mike Huckabee should in no way be asked nor forced to give up his courageous fight for the presidency. Count on this! If Huckabee gets out the race, the Christians in this country who have stood strong for life and marriage will undergo a barrage of harassment and guilt trips to support a candidate who has spurned them countless times on many issues. Why? To "beat Hillary." 
Jesus died for life. As his followers shouldn't we stand strong and fight for life as well. Resist the media and compromising "leaders" and support the man who does not support not the positions of men but stands firm for the positions of God. I stand with Dr. Dobson in supporting candidates for any political office that have and will support the pro-life position.


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