Mixing Evolution with Creationism

Compromising Faith - Part 1: <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Mixing Evolution with Creationism
By: Mark A. Becker 05/29/08
I'm deeply saddened by Christians compromising their faith. These individuals have been deceived by the lies of the Accuser and the failed wisdom of man. I would like to cover several areas of compromised faith in this series.
Mixing Evolution with Creationism
The last generations have been inundated with the indoctrination of Darwinism and as a result, our children are reeling in a cesspool of confusion and fear.
The public school system has the attention and minds of our youth for approximately 35 hours a week and conversely the Lord gets them, on average, 1-2 hours a week. How is one to compete?
Unfortunately one can't without the help and love of the Creator of heaven and earth.
Questions: 'Do you take God at His word?' 'Do you put God in a box and limit His power?' 'Do you add to or take away from God's promises and history and in the process, compromise His testimony?'
All Christians believe the first line of the Bible: 'In the beginning God created…' It is the following verses that cause confusion paired with the debate of when the beginning was.
If the believer begins with the premise of Darwinism, all bets are off. It is impossible to reconcile one with the other, though many have and are still trying.
In full disclosure, when I was a babe in Christ, I too tried unsuccessfully to mix the two. I found it impossible; like mixing oil with water.
The most common verse quoted in the Bible by those who are compromised is 2 Peter 3:8 - 'But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.'
This verse has nothing to do with creation. Let us keep it in context. Peter is addressing the attitude of the unsaved regarding the second coming of Christ and the perceived delay in His coming. It has absolutely nothing to do with the creation story. This point is mute.
For those who believe it is impossible for God to create the universe in 6 solar days, again, you are putting God in a box and calling Him a liar.
The days were calculated by the properties and acts of the first day of creation noted in Genesis 1:3-5.
Christians who adhere to the mixing of Darwinism and Creation are toeing a line they cannot stand on. The Bible is very clear. When you trace the human lineage outlined in scripture you find that the human race and creation itself, is around 6,000 years old; not the hundreds of millions (or billions) of years Darwinists insist upon.
I will admit that Genesis does not give us a timeline between the creation of Adam and the creation of Eve. Nor does it give a timetable between their time together until the time of their fall.
Could this have been a prolonged period of time? Of course it could. But remember, before the fall, creation was 'very, very good' (perfect). There was no disease, death, decay or 'evolution.' In essence time was inter-harmoniously attached to eternity. It was the fall that created a chasm between God's eternity and man's self made, limited perception of time and life. From that point on, the universe began the decaying process required for a rebellious people. 
The one key event in human history that proved to be the stumbling block for mankind was the flood.
Because of the flood, the earth took on a new form. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that water is one of the most powerful and devastating elements known to mankind. It's power is incredible. Water covering the entire earth, past the highest mountain peaks, had immense repercussions on the formation of soil, sediment, rocks and the fossils of animals and humans buried beneath the churning tides. This is where God rejecting people get the basis for their Godless beliefs.
They conclude that the age of the earth and universe are incredibly old due to the above formations created by the flood. They just can't or won't grasp what that event in time did to this planet. They refuse to understand, because that would mean there is a Creator they refuse to acknowledge. They want no part in a relationship with a Holy God that requires of them humility, obedience and faith in the Savior of the world.
So, why do Christians attempt to mix Evolution with Creationism? The answer is obvious. They do not stand upon the Word of God and are blinded by the ruler of this world.
Without the foundation of God's word, they have nothing to stand upon.
The belief in the history God gives us; the faith in the virgin birth; the life and ministry of Jesus; the death and resurrection of the Savior of the world; the promises of God; all these things are compromised and in the process their testimony is of no use the Father.
Please Christian, pray about your faith. Understand that if the first chapters of the Bible are not your foundation of truth, you are living a life of Compromising Faith.
Please see: http://www.answersingenesis.org/ for a comprehensive, scientific explanation for a young earth, with God's Word as the foundation. 


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