A Movement of God, Or Spiritual Incest?

A Movement of God, Or Spiritual Incest?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
In a recent LA Times article we are informed of a new movement within American Evangelicalism – the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />House Church.  It seems that there is new momentum to go back to the "First Century Church".   While many are excited about this "new" movement, there is far more danger than promise.  Sadly, it is based on poor history and worse theology.
A leading proponent of the Home Church movement has stated that the church functioned without buildings for the first 300 years.  One could wonder what history books he has been reading.  The fact is we know very little about where the first century church met.  Of course, homes were utilized in the early day of the church.  That was the only structure available.  It is also clear, however, that with 1,000's being added to the Church very quickly it would soon be impossible for the Church to "assemble together" (Heb. 10:25) in small homes.  As even a casual student of scripture knows, the center of Christian activity moved very quickly from Jerusalem to the city of Antioch.  There many Biblical scholars who are convinced that the Church at Antioch had a very large central building to house the Church.  The Antioch Church was large enough to send out the first Missionaries and support all of the missionary endeavors.   History does not treat the contemporary House Church movement well.
Theology takes an even dimmer view of the House Church Movement.  Now, understand, the House Church Movement is not made up of churches that just happen to begin in a home and then expand their ministry to a larger facility.  There are thousands of churches that began in someone's living room and then as God blessed, expanded to a dedicated building or buildings.  These are churches that have no intention ever of growing, expanding or reaching out to their community.  They believe that it is God's plan for them to meet together in a small group, study the Bible and pray.  Few, if any, grow, expand, multiply and reproduce.  In a very honest evaluation – they are the spiritual equivalent to incest.  The only interaction occurs within the "family". 
The House Church movement violates most of the clear principles given to the Local Church.  Even a simple study of the New Testament reveals that the Church is to multiply and reproduce.  In Acts chapter 2 we see the "birth" of the New Testament Age and by the end of the chapter the Church at Jerusalem has grown from a little more than a hundred to more than 3,000.  Taking the Great Commission in Matthew 28 seriously, the early church experienced explosive reproduction and multiplication.  Their desire to reach the world is illustrated explicitly in Acts 8 when the Church was scattered abroad because of severe persecution.  Acts 8:4 says, "Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word."  Evangelism was the heart beat of the early church.  In Acts 13, the Church at Antioch clearly has spiritual leadership and is of significant size.  After prayer and fasting – the church sends out the first modern missionaries in Barnabus and Paul and supported them financially.  Are we expected to believe that this was some tiny little House Church?
There is, obviously, nothing wrong with a church starting in a home.  The problem is with an attitude that says the church will stay in the home.  How is it possible to understand the purposes of the church and maintain its presence within the walls of a home?  If a church is obedient to the New Testament, in a very short time the walls of a home will not be able to contain the young congregation.  To desire to stay "small and intimate" is to disobey God's plan for the Church.
Now, allow me some personal observations of over 35 years in ministry.  The Home Church Movement is nothing new.  It is just experiencing a new enthusiasm because of the support of some heavy hitters in Evangelicalism.  Through the years I've experienced dozens of House Churches.  This is only my observation – but without exception – the people involved in these "churches" are people who have been hurt in some church, are struggling with bitterness and have a problem with authority.  They are angry at some pastor, deacon or elder and have decided that they will just start their own little church and they draw like minded people to them.  Also, in my experience, there is enormous spiritual pride.  There is an overwhelming attitude of "no one is as spiritual as we are".  They are a world unto themselves with little or no spiritual accountability outside of their little "congregation".  Thus my observation about spiritual incest.
The Church in America faces very real and serious challenges.  We risk becoming the Church at Laodicea, without a doubt.  The answer, however, is Revival, Repentance and Renewal – not self-righteous, self-sufficient groups of Christians who care little about a lost and dying world. 


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