Narcissism On Steroids

Narcissism On Steroids<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Bob Burney
"I'm Going To Hold My Breath Til I Turn Blue!"
Most parents have heard similar words from toddlers who don't' get their way.  They are some of the earlier expressions of our Fallen Nature.  At that point – a reasonable parent begins the long process of teaching the child that selfishness and temper tantrums are not appropriate.    That would be a reasonable parent.  Unfortunately, reason seems to be a diminishing quality in today's parents.  Narcissism has replaced reason – sometimes on steroids.
Many are shaking their collective heads over a bizarre situation playing out in football crazed <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Texas.  A 14yr. old Jr. Higher tries out for the JV Cheerleading squad.  That happens every year in big and small towns across America.  What happened in Yorktown, Texas however is a dramatic illustration of just how Narcissistic our culture is becoming.  The young lady in question didn't make the squad.  She was cut.  Again, a reasonable parent would use this as a golden opportunity to teach their daughter that this is an important "life lesson".  "Honey, life often is not fair.  This is going to make you stronger."   Not in Victoria, Texas!!  In a TV interview the fallen cheerleader said that she cried constantly for three weeks.  She stated that being a cheerleader was her entire life. 
At this point the parents needed to do something!  They did it the American Way – they sued!   Yep – they sued.  The family's attorney said, "We have no other option but to move forward with the lawsuit".  Ok, the details at this point are sketchy.  The school is saying one thing the girl and her parents another.  But a lawsuit because she was cut from a JV cheerleading squad!  What do these parents think they are teaching their child?  "Ok, Honey – whenever you don't get what you want just remember those three wonderful letters SUE!"  "Sweetie, just remember, today there is an attorney for everything!" 
Life is seldom fair.  Reasonable people understand that.  The Christian knows that God uses "all things for our good".  What are out children being taught by displaying Narcissism on Steroids?
Into every life a little rain must fall – but remember, you can always sue the Weather Man.


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